General Discussion

General Discussiongg international ranked

gg international ranked in General Discussion

    I calibrated at 2722 and a 100 matches played I'm still at 2.7. lmao


      just the same as normal rmm with the occasion of stupidity bc of a quest(e.g drow with echoblade, lc with aether lens)


        what were you expecting


          better quality of games

          Lets do Science

            why would you expect better quality games when international ranked is made for people who think they're better than their mmr and want a way to prove it. Only to calibrate at the same exact mmr and make a whine thread about how its clearly the broken matchmakings fault instead of actually taking some self goddamned reflection.


              git gud


                I won 8 out of 10, calibrated flat 4k(3970), which is about~300 lower than my regular solo atm.

                To be fair, I underperformed, , tried to get quests done and feeded like hell in some games, but still, it seems that they nerfed calibration for this seasonal MMR.

                Probably to keep 2ks and 3ks in their bracket. I guess it would be unfair to calibrate ~800-1000mmr above your real mmr.

                Because otherwise, some people would just hire boosters/friends and give them easily ticket to enter 4k or close to it.

                You still got a chance to grind it, and if you sucseed keep it later on..

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                  I only went into int. ranked since my mmr dropped (2320) from my original which was 2.6-ish


                    I've never seen Drow with echosaber or Aether lens LC, I've been all the way frmo 700 to now 3380

                    you lose for a reason. sometimes games are un winnable but just play non space heros, don't play mid and always win offlane

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                    Lets do Science

                      wait, if you got WORSE since your initial calibration, why would you even consider that international would save you here?


                        its not that I got worse. sometimes I misplay(and my teammates) which would lead us to defeat. I'm at 2.9 now so


                          whats even worse is that it's capped to like 4.5k max calibration.

                          it's super fun playing vs. 7ks every game when my team could be as low as 3-4k

                          It's actually more cancerous than normal ranked.


                            doesnt it use the same system as the normal ranked calibration? ie. 4999 cap?


                              When it first came out, the #1 global ranks were never higher than 4.5k. And these are 7-8k players who calibrated to 4.5k

                              So I'm thinking it is max 4.5k calibration.


                                volvo just baiting ppl thinking the battle pass now offers much more than it was

                                anyway international ranked reflects ur performance currently
                                unless som 6k mmr boosted ur acc through international ranked, u dont have a chance to get past ur current acc if u had already below 4k mmr

                                Dick Trouser, MD

                                  its just some dota. this is what people wanted, really. Re-calibration for everyone. A clever thing that valve did.


                                    i feel like max cant be 4.5 i lost like 7/10 of my games and got 4400. I had good stats i guess if that matters more.