General Discussion

General Discussionidk but how do you win with this retarded mongols? For real

idk but how do you win with this retarded mongols? For real in General Discussion

    Like, low 4k is literally hell. How do you stay calm with those idiots? I lose my mind so quickly, i just want to smash my head into screen

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Smoke a bowl, play a different game if you lose two in a row.

      I used to be an extremely toxic player. And now Idgaf.
      If I start tilting (lose 2 solo ranked in a row) I just play DOOM or Black Ops 3 either the rest of the day, or if a friend I like to play party ranked with is on.

      Happy laning, fam :headshot:


        come to 2k and experience the real hell :D

        mocha bloke may be right, go outside and feel the summer before going tilt too much :D


          To be fair, I'm not toxic, I just get upset so fucking much. I don't know how to stay calm and not rage inside myself. I often just mute everyone, but sometimes start to yell at them and them mute them back.

          I treid that, but every time I lose the game I get desire to play more, hoping for better outcome next time.

          Can't belive how upset I get cuz of Game actually. And tbh, I thought I finally overcame this problems, because I had them in the past, but it seems that I was calm just because everything was gooing smootly till now.


            ??? check me to learn how to win all games

            Swap Commends

              As long as smurfs & party stacks exist in dota,its near impossible to climb.
              So be it


                @Shred - You got to realize it's a video-game and they are mongols anyway and don't a give a fuck. And not waste ur time being upset.
                Also I guess the axe was the reason which ended up in ur whole team feeding later on in both ur games, if an axe gets killed a couple of times early he usually falls off so hard. Pretty easy to counter that hero nowadays if he s picked early.


                  @Startz I know you're right and that's what I've been telling everyone with same problem. However it's harder than it looks like. At least now, that I'm tilted as fuck.

                  Obviously I'm toxic now, because I abandoned 2 games from my last 10, and I'm in LP after like 4 months. Btw, I'm 3975, so I'm officaly 3k scrub again.

                  I literally went from 4300 that I earned by hard work to 3975 in 1 day. I had urge to keep playing, and here I am, 3k scrub again

                  Giff me Wingman

                    You think shit will change when you get higher mmr?

           (avg mmr 4.7k or something, lion 5.4k acc buyer, rest dogshit 4k, enemy had 2 5kers who are as autistic, rest typical 4k dogshit)

                    To be honest, ragezeus and Havoc can tell you stories about the autism in 5k bracket as well (especially when 4ks get mixed in the bunch).

                    Tento komentář byl upraven


                      Idk what to think. It's not that game quality is worse, people are playing better, but they are just way too toxic and I can't help it but to strike back.

                      Giff me Wingman

                        Just wait until you get to 4.5k - 5.5k bracket, it's the most toxic shit you could possibly imagine.

                        King of Low Prio


                          I just sit back and get carried.


                            rape harder xD


                              ^thats the exact attitude reqd for forever mmr increase. Lul


                                i have no problems in 4.5-5.5k, i just rape all games y'know