General Discussion

General DiscussionMeta Sucks

Meta Sucks in General Discussion

    Is it just me or does the team with the tankier heroes win 99% of the time when the net worth is even? I have been losing a lot of game this patch lately, it's probably just me not trying as hard as I used to do last patch. But then it still doesn't change the fact that the tankier teams always win when the net worth is even, or maybe it's just my skill bracket hating on less tanky heroes.

    Hatsune Miku

      Bring the old blade mail back


        Just because you can't do your LC build anymore Miku ^

        Also you can easily counter strength heros all game, over the 5 seconds of living against a crappy magical meta

        Dire Wolf

          Will you stop fucking complaining? First a nerf Sven thread then bitch about meta, this meta is nice and wide open not just about farmers or op mids finally


            Good meta for Enigma/Phoenix - percentage based damage which ignores armour wihle providing strong team fight spells.

            doc joferlyn simp

              every match has at least one bm cant instagib ppl with pa anymore or ill die and feed FeelsBadMan