General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibrated at 4896

Calibrated at 4896 in General Discussion

    10 fun games (9/10 Screened average during pick phase) - 4476 [Lost] Average MMR - 4357 [Lost] - 4297 [Won] - I forgot to screenshot - 4915 [Won] (Huge leap i've no idea why; (1) 5.1k player on both side) - 4724 [Won] - 4755 [Won] - 4883 [Won] (Ended in 17minutes) - 4794 [Won] - 4713 [My team] vs 4750 [Won]
    (Last game DP spammer checked everyones profile and banned TB so i picked AM)

    Calibrated at 4896

    < blank >

      are you playing on international mmr?


        whts ur main's mmr


          I've told you all , this carry is a beast

          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

            Normal mmr, I'm currently 4.2k (calibrated at 3k years ago :x)


              how do you have that bakcground

              I DON'T SPEAK ANIMAL (REAL)

                Log in I'm pretty sure its for everyone? D: I didn't buy compendium on this account I played it for fun during Christmas break last year

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                  I already closed my incognito window so I'll reply with my main account; no flamerino.

                  I usually play offlane I just really wanted to spam TB and see where it would take me.

                  Best Treant EU

                    wp wp wp


                      I don't have it...

                      SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                        Erm I have no idea then D:


                          What's your starting item for TB? And what to you usually item and skill build for him?


                            I sitll like radiance on tb dunno why

                            lm ao

                              hey nice one there


                                atleast this one is deserving of that mmr other than that scrub winranger guy in the other thread

                                SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                  DJ it kind of depends;

                                  Normally its Stout>Q Blade> Tangoes

                                  Winning your lane [usual items]: 30~35min; if you get to EoS @ 20~25min means youre winning by a mile
                                  PMS - Boots - Aquilla - Yasha - BoT - SnY - EoS - (Disassemble SnY) > Manta - B.Fly - B.Fly/Bkb

                                  Losing your lane / Forced to Jungle
                                  PMS - Boots - Aquilla - Treads - Drums - Manta

                                  If you're gonna jungle get PMS then choose which path you want

                                  As for skills I dont really recommend this but

                                  1-4-1-1 at lv7 If you're winning the lane you can push during 10~12min that's when you have drums or yasha
                                  You can 1-1-4-1 if you think meta is better


                                  1-4-1-1 at lv7 if you lost the lane so you can still jungle and send your illus to lane farm

                                  I just pump stats before maxing Q til I hit 16 or I'd get Q if you went the lost lane items

                                  Sorry for the horrible guide I just blurted this out from what I usually do


                                  I wanted to try Radiance/ Manta/ O Core on TB but I'm afraid I might get flamed hahahaha I'l try it on my other garbage accounts when Im in the mood.

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    terrorblade skillbuild is
                                    3-1-3-1 in lvl 7
                                    and then just buy 5 rapiers

                                    I DON'T SPEAK ANIMAL (REAL)

                                      ^ Seems good, might work for high skill but idk for very high skill bracket

                                      SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                        Thoughts on what should I roll now that I already broke my TB spam? Any non-mid hero will do


                                          slark for 613 games in a row so ull be 9k


                                            Tb is love tb is life