General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Build on NP ?

Best Build on NP ? in General Discussion

    Just wanted to know . I usually go Threads ( early game ) , midas , orchid , maelstorm/deso ( or maybe both ) , Silver Edge/ Dagger , BKB .
    This is just mostly what i get , if i feel like i really need to , I'll get Guinsoo and/or Aghs .
    What's your fav NP build ?

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      Np is the most flexible hero in the game in terms of itembuilds, if you go for one cookie-cutter u waste a lot of hero's potential.


        There is no best build. NP is one of those heroes which needs different itemisation each game. However, i find that Phase Drums is a strong opener in almost every game, you can then adjust according to the flow of the game.


          Battlefury and Echo sabre

          Darwincito ...

            I like 2 nulls,1 baci, phase and midas to be active early then sb,orchid bkb bloodthorn,mkb or dedalus,silver edge,satanic,guinso and gg


              ya battlefury and echo sabre both work well for me

              b o u r g e o i s i e

                I always go for the pushing build if im on radi i go cliff farming and rush midas>necro3/aghs ( depending on how the game will be)> then get the other one. focus more on pushing than on killing. use ss when it is up and only join fights when your prescence is very needed. if not, exploit the space your teammates have made. but hey what do i know im just a normal skill player

                b o u r g e o i s i e

                  then drums>travels>deso>ac


                    default one is phase boots, drums, mjollnir (or mek).
                    offlane, ofc.

                    but u can do w/e u want actually, this hero can be efficient with any items if played properly.
                    fast aghs is very good as long as the other team has no wave clear.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      seven slotted np for me is treads, deso, mjollnir, aghs, ac, refresher (in stash), and silver edge. full pushing potential.

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        yes, go and jungle, ruin games, who cares when you use your ult and steal all farm from other 3 cores

                        sin blyadi

                          Aghs, octa, refresh, arcane rune

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            @Triple: Are you really sure about that early aghs? It will give your carry a hard time farming safely because the lanes are always pushed while also providing bonus farm for the enemy given they got nice wave clearing heros.


                              Whatever bulldog says


                                it shouldnt hurt ur team that much, i believe, unless u have tinker/am or smthng like that as pos1-2. also furion is a nice core if enemy team has literally nothing to kill huge waves with.


                                  Bloodstone/octarine core/ divine rapier/boots of aquila