General Discussion

General Discussionso I got the doomsday ripper set...

so I got the doomsday ripper set... in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    And you can't fucking trade it? wtf valve! The cache text says "guaranteed sets are not marketable/tradable but are still giftable." This would seem to fucking imply that the non-guaranteed aka my fucking pudge set can be sold or traded. So wtf? Do I need to wait or is it truly not marketable?


      They are truely not marketable, was the same last year. No "wtf valve" needed, it was clearly noted on the Caches item discription.

      Dire Wolf

        no it wasn't it says guaranteed sets are not marketable which implies the random ones are. so what do i do now post some shit on reddit and gift to someone? i never play pudge and i never will


          No, it said only the ultra rare is marketable. Just be happy you actually got a rare I guess.