General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll is back

Troll is back in General Discussion

    I said this in another thread and it bares repeating now that the patch has been out for more than a day and the winrate trends are starting to reflect changes in power levels.

    I just tried out troll in the hero demo version thing and realised how strong this hero could be again. He fell very significantly out of favour, but with this +3 extra armour buff and the +60hp from the strength gain it more than offsets the 100hp loss. The extra fervour stacks also mean that when he gets up to 7 stacks he gets +210 attack speed - he used to get +140. Plus his Base Attack Time in melee form is now 1.5 which means he attacks even faster. We can all remember the times playing against this hero when you would just jump on him and nearly burst him down to zero only for him to survive because of how tanky his item build would be, then turn around and pop ulti and stun bash and regen up to full health again. He also benefits from some of the item changes - eg SnY giving a high slow chance for melee units, butterfly just got extra agility, diffusal blade does more damage on the main hero (so he gets +75 damage per hit from diffusal 2), satanic active last longer, echo sabre can help build up his fervour stacks faster etc etc.

    At this point his average winrate is up a full 2.4% - behind only the biggest winner of the patch Enigma (on 2.7%).


      -40 hp for all those buffs seemsgood

      Swap Commends



          not AGAIN


            @arin what do you mean by not again?


              @Cristina Rosales 6.83, remember?

              Hatsune Miku

                just need a pro team to play troll to make everyone jump the wagon. Id say hes good situationally, just need heavy lockdown, vision and slow ( beastmaster kappa) and he can snowball with the team.


                  Throwback from 6.83 now we only need storm spirit buffs and sniper to be back in the meta than were done + disgusting lesh mid


                    Good...we´re gonna try anything to improve our winrates, ranks and sh*t. Will practise on another smurf..them comes ranked here. :D


                      Just played against a sniper which was actually a problem for the first time in forever. Shrapnel constantly cancelling my blink making it impossible to get off a decent black hole. Fuck that hero. This patch is looking like 6.83 all over again.

                      sin blyadi

                        Sniper\troll rape everything ? lulz

                        ✪ BATSSS

                          Balanced luckily


                            You say troll is back,

                            Please spam him and see how your win rate comes along.

                            Invoker disarms, kites him,

                            TA is not the worse because of refraction, invis, and armor reduction

                            Troll cant manfight Axe cause of pure damage

                            Clinx rapes him from far away

                            He needs bkb before he even thinks of fighting luna
                            And by the time he gets it luna will have Manta....

                            Sven has 20 armor and tons of burst damage

                            Slark can hit him under his ult

                            Wraith King is way better at 1v1 than troll and has two lives AND a stun and troll will be kited and die with slow from WK ult.

                            Omni and abadon both wreck troll

                            Morphling with skadi and manta can man fight troll and use Q if troll is too in his face.

                            Disrutor completely shits on troll until he gets bkb.


                            Storm spirit can avoid being caught in his chain stuns.

                            Troll is almost completely useless against brstle back unless someone makes silvers edge and hits bb with it every fight.

                            Troll not very good vs Faceless void cause he can time walk dmg, bash in return, and use chrono to sop you from gettif bashes.

                            This hero is defintly not top tier in this patch.

                            Please think about things before you try n convince others.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              you can theorycraft all you want but it can be miles away from truth until someone starts spamming it


                                trolls really underrated, he rapes phoenix (1st pick material in competitive), hes one of if not the only hero that can manfight naix, builds super tanky, good tower pusher, can farm ancients/jungle, do rosh, and most importantly when you have mids like DK they become significantly stronger, and DK is a first phase pick now. troll slardars insanely good too.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Troll bad vs bristle? Trolls a natural silver edge carrier. I've said troll was good since 6.87 and went something like 8-4 on him. I can't play for a while cus of my schedule but I was liking echo sabre on him. Good stats, mana regen and you get two fervor stacks fast. People say it's dumb on a hero with fast attacks but I disagree cus u have better chance for a quick bash and you max fervor a lot quicker. You max out on items pretty fast going this build but game also ends super quick before you get past 6 items usually anyway, try phase, Aquila, echo, s&y, silver edge, bkb. You'll kill everything mid game and if game goes longer sell something for butterfly, mkb, or daedulus

                                  Johnny Rico

                                    i see a lot of troll prioritizing range axes, on almost all tf, just chnage to melle to fight 1v1 or finish someone



                                      Gee it's great that Troll Warlord is on a team of 5 so there are 4 other heroes who can cover for the weaknesses which troll has regarding lack of lockdown etc.

                                      Invoker disarms, kites him, - does the same to every other carry.
                                      TA is not the worse because of refraction, invis, and armor reduction - does the same to every other carry. Unlike every other carry troll has an inbuilt 70% miss chance and can run away at 522 movespeed which means even with a trap disable he still runs at 300+ movespeed.
                                      Troll cant manfight Axe cause of pure damage - nobody can manfight Axe until they have enough hp.
                                      Clinx rapes him from far away - clinkz can attack any hero from far away, he can't manfight a troll who 3500 hp and 35 armour.
                                      He needs bkb before he even thinks of fighting luna - wouldn't anyone need BKB by the time they fight Luna?
                                      And by the time he gets it luna will have Manta....
                                      Sven has 20 armor and tons of burst damage - Troll has a 70% blind for 7 seconds and runs at 522 movespeed so can just kite Sven until warcry wears off then turn around and ulti and manfight him.
                                      Slark can hit him under his ult - Slark can hit almost anyone under his ulti.
                                      Wraith King is way better at 1v1 than troll and has two lives AND a stun and troll will be kited and die with slow from WK ult. - Troll attacks much faster than WK and is tankier and has a blind and has a slow and has 522 movespeed so even if he does start losing he can just run away from the wraith king if he does start losing.
                                      Omni and abadon both wreck troll - omni and abaddon wreck everyone. However as an agi hero with a high attack speed a diffusal blade is less awkward on troll than on some other heroes.
                                      Morphling with skadi and manta can man fight troll and use Q if troll is too in his face. - Gee I wonder what troll was doing while Morphling farmed up that 10k+gold. It's almost like he might have a Skadi and SnY of his own.
                                      Disrutor completely shits on troll until he gets bkb. - Disruptor shits on almost everyone until they get BKB
                                      Weaver - what about weaver?
                                      Storm spirit can avoid being caught in his chain stuns. - Storm Spirit can avoid being caught in any stun/bash.
                                      Troll is almost completely useless against brstle back unless someone makes silvers edge and hits bb with it every fight. - Silver edge is a very common pick up on troll.
                                      Troll not very good vs Faceless void cause he can time walk dmg, bash in return, and use chrono to sop you from gettif bashes. - Wow faceless must be the best hero in the game since his skill set is apparently unbeatable?
                                      This hero is defintly not top tier in this patch.
                                      Please think about things before you try n convince others - please think before just listing heroes and pretending that they don't have the same skill set against other heroes or that troll is fighting a 1 v 5 against the enemy team.

                                      Eg troll playing against storm spirit - okay then Lion blinks in and hexes storm, riki blinks in and chucks down smoke screen, troll follows up and attacks storm while he is silenced, riki diffusals storm so he stays stuck in silence, Lion finishes up with a finger and stun to ensure storm dies.

                                      Wow storm is such a shit hero since he can't win 1v3 against heroes who have abilities which stop him from just ball lightninging away huh <- your logic.


                                        No offense man you sound retarded, the hero got a buff and his Win Rate slightly went up. ( to nothing super impressive too )

                                        This does not mean he is back, he is SOMEWHAT back, in a patch where MANY HEROES Are viable in CERTAIN situations

                                        but he is not the kind of hero ur making him out to be, everything he does sven can do with an abyssal/ mkb and some attack speed, and troll cannot cleave entire enemy teams or giev his team 20 armor :lllll

                                        im not responding to this no more lol

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          No offence man you sound like you have no reading comprehension. I said the hero is back - ie he used to be super strong, then became uncompetitive, now is viable again. I didn't say he was OP or could 1 v 5 or anything like that just that with the most recent change in addition to the buffs he has received over the past few patches means he can now be picked without being a liability.


                                            " I didn't say he was OP or could 1 v 5 or anything like that "

                                            bro u made him sound like he has absolutely no way to be stopped when you said he could overcomer like every hero whoiwould be good against him in team fights.

                                            there r so many ways to stop him is what i was saying then u replied like no he can beat all these heroes, not rly, not ri ghjt now, not unless his team makes tons of space for him in fights or in the match in general.

                                            even fucking winter wyvern alone shits on this hero in a lot of ways. makes u kill 1 person on ur team and stops u from killing someone on his own team. Lol

                                            like i never said anything bad i just told u alot of heroes who should win against him then u replied and got all personal and shit

                                            anyway man enjoy ur dota adventures

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              *eating popcorn*


                                                'Im not responding to this no more'

                                                'Follows up reply with long post'


                                                  more ways to deal wi th troll:


                                                  Beast Master



                                                  CM early game


                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                    *steal popcorn from B-Chan


                                                      I still hate troll , that is all.


                                                        Yolo Swag in a nutshell:

                                                        "There are heroes who have long stuns/lockdown and troll and only troll in particular is susceptible to them while every other carry does not care".


                                                          We will see if these buffs overcome the ranged axes vision nerf. That was the only thing that made him OP back in the days, now he might be a viable carry again but I doubt he will ever be OP again unless they give him that vision again.

                                                          lm ao

                                                            op we need tangible evidence, go spam first-pick troll for yourself


                                                              Abyssal underlord is op. *ridicule*


                                                                more ways to deal wi th troll:


                                                                Beast Master



                                                                CM early game


                                                                i could've say the exact same shit about 6.83 troll (except beastmaster) but he was fotm
                                                                this theorycrafting means nothing


                                                                  How about situational Bloodthorn?

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    Normal skill arguements LUL


                                                                      trolls damn good


                                                                        Troll was good pre patch imo

                                                                        Johnny Rico

                                                                          i remmember one time that i soloed a troll with a cm lvl 6, he disconected and never came back lul

                                                                          Professor Dog

                                                                            Troll won't be a thing until cosmetics.


                                                                              This hero is quite good now I have played with some experienced troll user and it was a good fight, always winning in teamfights
                                                                              Also I prefer to see troll back than boring game with filthy LS/Sven spammer on every match


                                                                                This is my old acc, however, I just played a troll game, 550 gpm but lost it because of an ursa beast master. Troll can be good but too many heroes counter the shit out of him for him to be a good pick.