General Discussion

General DiscussionValve's Outdated Suggested Items...

Valve's Outdated Suggested Items... in General Discussion

    It might just seem confusing for NS players knowing that most lf them are using the suggested items build...
    After playing in NS for a while... I noticed that people play support/utility heroes based on the default build... And Supp's such as BH and Tusk ended up buying carry items...
    BH players still tend to go for the core deso, mkb, and other shit items in the suggested items list...
    Why hasnt valve updated the suggested item list to prevent NS players playing certain heroes incorrectly?
    Such as Deso Bh, Deso Tusk, Phase Lina, Shadow Blade Drow, Shadow Blade Kunkka, Force Staff Invo and OD... I might seem judgey regarding some items but in general i know i'm right...
    some topics

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    deep name + dark anime pfp

      ur Ns as well so dont complain


        Because anything wins in Normal Skill.

        ✪ BATSSS

          Yeah peace bro... I am NS but take a look at my item build... I complain out of confusion...

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Normal skill smurf, or you just suck (no offense, you can replace "suck" with get good).
            Like Rick Sanchez said, you are NS, so don't complain. I could care less if I see builds that are old, so long as they are being used effectively, the player fills the role he said he would, and he outplays. My best Kunkka game is a testament to this, and my HS Smurf account with a 75% winrate bounty hunter (orchid dagon build) is also.
            Get good.

            Tento komentář byl upraven
            ✪ BATSSS

              Thank you... For me critics are a way to find mistakes and get even better

              Tento komentář byl upraven
              Need to talk,remove your ...

                ^ Ur so cool


                  I do agree with the overall idea of your post. It would be nice for Valve to update their guides. I've found myself asking my team, "What the hell do I build next?"
                  I've gotten better at building items appropriate for situations, but its still confusing of when to get certain items on heroes that aren't in your regular hero pool.
                  And yes, it is cool to see someone take advice well. Usually people go on a tangent about how everyone else sucks. Commended for your behavior.

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                    I have to agree,I still see shit tons of bounty hunters ends up losing the game because they build a fucking DAGON (rofl 1k pubs) while we needed a utility support, same with nyx players, agh refresher ODs,also don't forget the MoM voids that never hits a single decent chrono and can't farm any shit


                      So what does a BH utility support do?
                      Also, what's up with your biased against Nyx? And Refresher Orb OD will always be insane, especially when he has an Aegis, or if he isn't the pos 1/2 carry.

                      ✪ BATSSS

                        TBH a BH could build a dagon...
                        To accel ganks, and if there is a lotus orb/vlads carrier if needed.. y not?
                        also Refresher OD always hurts...


                          The BH question is targeted at bws. I am aware of what they do, but I am wondering if he does.

                          ✪ BATSSS

                            Also the default BH build has no dagon.. So they are creative (if we really are talking about default builds)


                              Yes sure valve should tell anyone what items are Best, and pls let US have a roshan / enemy glyphe timer
                              And why not remove things like pulling and denying? And get some kiddo graphics and Call this shit league of legends???

                              No Dont. Buying the right items is Part of beeing better than others that dont know what to build.
                              I even thought about uninstall dota when they Made the spwanboxes visable.


                                is the suggested item build based on valve's guide, or just on the most popular guide for the hero in stram community, which is created by some of its users? i dont quite know how it works.
                                ive seen a lot of ppl, including good players, using in-game guides different to the default ones, too.

                                ✪ BATSSS

                                  Thanks for the opinion, its nice to see someone thinking on a different page...
                                  And if i may restate... So some new players can play heroes correctly

                                    Tento komentář byl smazán
                                    ✪ BATSSS

                                      My main statement regarding the update of suggested items is still not answered... As some heroes has an agh up but its not in the suggested items yet right? (Point is they are outdated)
                                      Also thanks for everyone that answered... I appreciate and like your opinions

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                      ✪ BATSSS

                                        @Triple Steal
                                        Its Valve's Builds

                                        lm ao

                                          The metagame shifts just so really fast - BH's inventory used to be built around its Jinada. People used to suck, buying gem used to be more risky, nobody liked to buy detection, he used to fit in a farming meta where he could disrupt hard carry's economy by applying pressure to the map, w/o sacrificing his gpm rate cz of track. Also, burst damage wasnt so menacing compared to now, so dps offlane BH could work.

                                          Later on, meta shifted into the pos1 midlaners era, and people discovered how good BH is at disrupting midlanes and setting up early kills. People used to be hesitant on utility BH because of shit manapool, but later on, deathball strats + increased AOE gpm finally decided his popularity as a utility core.

                                          I guess Valve should update suggested builds as often as Icefraud releases patches. It would greatly improve the quality of potato bracket games xD

                                          Professor Dog

                                            Torte de lini. Nuff said

                                            Player 215168758

                                              I'm sure valve dont have enough time for that, there are 100+ heroes and it takes a lot of time.
                                              There is an option to edit suggested items and everyone should try to use it.
                                              Better advice could be shuffling item suggestions which created by steam community?

                                              ✪ BATSSS

                                                Torte De Lini has lots of great builds.. Why wont valve just use torte de lini's build as default?
                                                Also i dont think that all heroes need a new build per patch....
                                                Maybe just reworked ones (such as riki in 6.86 or heroes with new scepter upgrades)

                                                Best Treant EU

                                                  "Such as Deso Bh, Deso Tusk, Phase Lina, Shadow Blade Drow, Shadow Blade Kunkka, Force Staff Invo and OD... I might seem judgey regarding some items but in general i know i'm right..."

                                                  haha shit thats exactly the items i would buy on the mentioned heroes apart from the bh deso. bh deso is a very situational item now, thats right. but its better than bf on bh :)


                                                    Actually all of them are correct you're a dogshit player.
                                                    With those items you can rape most line ups in ns


                                                      Deso is utility item. It places -7 armor debuff on enemies, that lasts for 15 seconds.

                                                      Swap Commends

                                                        Valve is a bullshit weak & simple hat seller company,currently working on new cosmetics for those kids who stole their mom's wallet and buy stuff so their heroes look more cool.
                                                        Any suggestion & ideas that doesn't make money for him,is ignored.
                                                        btw,Ignore these semi-VHS haters,most of them are bought accounts & smurfs who can't climb their main & the only job they do good is making stupid comments,most likely memes & LULZ.

                                                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                          I always edit them in-game since most of them are useless, dont listen to haters

                                                          for everything else, listen to hodor
                                                          btw the they are called volvo not valve

                                                          valve are Swedish and they make cars and trucks

                                                          The Valve Group (Swedish: Valvekoncernen; legally Aktiebolaget Valve, shortened to AB Valve) is a Swedish multinational manufacturing company headquartered in Gothenburg.


                                                            TBH i just ask kitrak how 2 build on a certain hero

                                                            ✪ BATSSS

                                                              Sorry... But restate...
                                                              Builds based on pro players to follow the meta... Correctly

                                                              ✪ BATSSS

                                                                Thanks anyway all of u guys...


                                                                  The builds arent even from valve, those are popular builds from the community


                                                                    The "suggested items" is from valve. They're what you'd see when playing a hero for the first time.