General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr boosted or not.

Mmr boosted or not. in General Discussion

    Can you guys determine if this account's last 8 games were played by a mmr booster or by himself?


    sin blyadi

      He has differences in the itembuilds on slark and life (in the newer games he grades silver edge, unlike before and buys blink on naix)
      No skadi on slark has been spotted in the newer games

      Tento komentář byl upraven
      sin blyadi

        Blink dagger in the different slot. He used to spam it to 3. it is located in 2 in the recent games

          Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

            yep very good analysis. was gonna point out the changes blinkdagger position too. that is not a hotkey u just put wherever.
            I think you are onto something. acc sellers and boosters are the worst.

            Not only does the guy who buys the account / has it pushed ruin the games of his future teammates, NO
            the pusher / accseller also gets paired with people that are much weaker players than he is, ruining THEIR game expirience too, probably while having fun completly taking some 4,200 MMR game apart as 6 k player. these people are the disturbance in the otherwise working elo system.


              Also if you guys check the 3rd page in his matches.. the same booster might have played another 10 games for him.


                Die Schikane hat System.
                Yes there is alot of reason to think that, you are probably right.

                I can’t believe its not h...

                  Booster ?


                    its a little bit confusing, cz other slots do coincide.
                    also even if hes being boosted, the booster himself is not that much better than him.


                      the only thing worse than boosters in dota 2 is a trashtalking one
                      then you'll have the worst kind of person possible in the already toxic community

                      sin blyadi

                        I believe it couldve been his friend 800 or 1 k pts higher that the original person