I did it yesterday. I had idiots with ridiculous drafting for 3 matches, so I gave them the medicine of their own made it 6 vs 4. But then again I had accumulated 20 reports and gotten me 3 LP matches. Not that bad.
play medusa as a support. (buy wards, courier, rush gg/pipe and other support items)
I want to intentionally lose ranked matches, without having to get reported from anyone. Funny builds and bad choice of hero still gets me reported. It has be realistically acceptable. Penny for anyone's thoughts. XD
Humm... MMR Donor... Your best bet is to pick a support, and then last hit.. So your carry is not farmed... Also aggro the enemy creeps and turn it to your carry...
If u play mid then dont deny... Pretend to LH...
Send me a gift XD
@Science... In Action!! I've been doing that my whole life since forever. Stuff like that always gets you reported into LP. Lately I played Invo and literally ruined the life of a Drow Ranger that wanted to contest mid position against an experience dependent Invo. Made force staff and got him in the middle of most of the battlefields of his entire life. Offered the enemy 2 good pair of gems to add more injuries to that Drow. It was fun I swear to God. He can't type anything getting verbally assaulted by me almost the whole match.
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Solely for MMR charity purposes.