General Discussion

General DiscussionIs this guy using a "script" or is it all regular?

Is this guy using a "script" or is it all regular? in General Discussion

    Good day, guys. As always, thank you for dedicating your precious time in reading this.Today, in one of the games I played, I met this guy on the other team and I noticed that he was able to cast the Skywrath Mage's abilities with (apparently) no reaction time.
    I have recorded a video to show you one example of what happened.

    My question is: is it normal? Is there actually a feature in the menu that allows you to do that or is that guy using some sort of illegal things?

    Thank you in advice and have a good day.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      im not sure whether he had vision on brew b4 he jumped in or not.
      if he saw him, its pretty easy.
      if not, u can still kinda predict it and be rdy to insta cast it, given that as a sky player u use quickcast, most likely.

      the chance of this guy being a scripter is pretty low.


        Right. Thank you. I am gonna analyze the replay better.


          Check his view in the Replay (sry if u did, didn't watch the video)


            ye, checking his player's perspective should clarify the case


              Okay, guys. TripleSteal was right, he's probably not using any script because he saw him. So it it the quickcast?


              sin blyadi



                  Thank you everyone. :-)

                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                    idk, his mouse wasnt even near brew in the second video when he hit him with the silence&first, the guy realized whats happening and started moving his mouse and hero 1 sec later, I'll say script, check some youtube videos there a few similar example even tho most of them arent in english

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      I think it is legit. You predict that Panda will jump, so you press silence on him from far.


                        黒人 : from what some players told me (but I don't know), the quickcast allows you to auto cast the ability without requiring the us of your mouse. The ability is gonna hit the nearest enemy within the hero range.


                          ^ good point

                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                            no dude, I'm telling you I know what quickcast is I was using it for years, I still use it for some heroes, if ur mouse is not on him ur hero wont cast silence besides he didnt cast silence from afar, he also casted 1st after brew jumped and his mouse wasnt even moving

                            just check


                            this is almost the same situation even tho I have no idea what language is this

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              That's only possible for A-move and not spells.

                              That's a script 99% percent because his cursor was away from brew, he didn't have vision over him and he didn't use pre-cast either.


                                If you didn't show the video I'd say it would be possible he also shift queued the spell.

                                But after looking at it, I'd agree with others in saying that it's a script.


                                  Okay, thank you, guys. So, what should I do? Should I post it on the official Dota 2 forum with the Steam ID of that guy?

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                    Hmm... I think I am supposed to report this to the Dota 2 dev forum.

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      i didnt even watch the link,and i can say it was script.why ,becourse there are many scripters on game,and if it was obvious scripter for you,just insta report,maybe he get acc banned.


                                        Okay, guys. I reported this player's Steam profile adding as description the link to this discussions. In this way, the Steam group will be able to see the proofs and act properly.

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          not sure player perspective replays always work perfectly fyi.