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General DiscussionNeed help sidelane dota 2

Need help sidelane dota 2 in General Discussion

    So this is my 2nd noob topic. Sorry if this is a noob question

    I love playing mid and i pretty sure i have high winrate when im mid at that game. I'm not trying to boast myself here.

    Yes i am a noob and normal skill. When i go to ranked match i rly want mid cause i pretty sure of my ability to play mid quite well than others. In ranked match the pick is different from b4 (players pick 1by1 i know u guys know what i mean) so i not gonna pick mid first bcz of afraid of being countered(however maybe in lower bracket probably ppl dont know how to counterpick). I rly hate when i already click midlane and ppl just pick his heroes first and pick mid lane. I say wth and he said i pick first so i go mid(bastard right? XD)

    So i think this mean i need to play sidelanes. Idk why i really suck at other lane. Even with hero im playing good with when i mid. Example i play mid wr invoker ta quite well on mid but sucks at sidelane even if im playing carry like am i still sucks. I saw on other post that mid is the easiest lane on dota (correct me if im wrong) so i think it would be easier to play sidelanes but the reality is not. And btw this is lower bracket so u cant hope for trilane offlane but 2 1 2. So i think of choices.

    1. I have to fast pick mid heroes and just bluntly go mid without hearing what others said

    2. Practice play sidelanes (i think this is the best choice so help me in this please :D )

    Personally i like the first choice cause i can play mid everytime (not guaranteed though) but ppl with stupid brain will just spinning spinning the heroes pool and fucking pick riki in the end and ending with no support.

    So guys, i want to play mid every time if i can (tell me how to do it if u know) but there will be some reason that not allow me to go mid so my question is

    How i play sidelane as good as when i mid? (So just in case i still playing good enough even in other lanes than mid)

    And 2nd is

    Should i fast pick mid or not? (I just enjoy playing mid and im playing way better than sidelanes and feel better at mid than ppl in my bracket)

    Johnny Rico

      Talk to your team, say i am the miracle at mid.
      Never say like gif me mid, pick a hero them pick a lane click on the minimap, them try to talk stay calm, if you tink that you are the best say, i am a booster normal mmr 4k, they they will prob give you the lane.
      But practice more roles as well.
      You have more games than me and still 25% of the heros never played, practice with them try to understand the strenghs and weakness of each hero.

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        Mid is the hardest lane i guess.
        Tbh its boring to do same role over and over again. Try playing other roles like support and tank and carry as well. They are really easy.

        If you want mid so hard. Scroll to your hero. Then ping mid on mini map and say mid xD
        Note: if some1 already called mid dont go for it.
        First scroll to hero then ping mid.


          Play non gold heavy sidelanes then. Like gyro, wr, or puck. The key with wr in lane is to go for dmg through chance procs like maelstrom or daedalous post ahgs. Also it is fine to buy starting items null talisman two branches and tangos (30 sec mark) then build into aquila and wand to sustain pretty well in lane and have amazing stats for last hits. Other than that laning wr should be easy for you, normally she is harder in mid.

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            49% wr. Ur not that gud


              @hook oh so i can use that way. LOL. i will say im a booster later thx for the advice !

              @zaywop so u mean i have to call and pick mid ASAP to get mid lane in the game?

              @can only play slark i play wr like last month so the first 10 game is feeding and sucks and wr is the only my mid hero i try on sidelane . And as i say i suck at sidelane and i never use my mid heroes like ta puck invoker on sidelanes thats why still 49% winrate. Btw yea i am a noob though

              @[wlc] can u try explain to me what that mean pls bca honestly i cant get what u mean and how to play sidelane. Yea ppl say mid is the hardest but idk why i feel like more comfortable at mid and can outplay most of my enemy at mid with ta invoker wr puck.

              So i still dont get any advice or guide how to play sidelane as good as midlane so please if u guys know please let me know as well :)

              Any comment is appreciated


                Just be good.


                  Yea but how ?


                    You need to have a larger hero pool, at least have one support you're good at, a couple of mids, 2 carries, a jungler and offlaner. Btw your english is fucking Indonesian.


                      Anyway, sidelane, as you call it isn't a bland as the middle lane. Personally, i hate mid lane since it's so boring. Last hit, get rune, harrass, wait for gamks, get ganking rune, gank, get back to lane. On other lanes you can do a lot more and you have to play to know what to do. People like you who only spam mid heroes are game ruiners


                        I think that you need to understand that good mid hero doesn't have to be good sidelane hero, all heroes have different lanes that suits them. Also you know differences between ez and hard lane, don't you?


                          Lol it worked bro i said im booster and always get mid. 3 ez win (i mid ofc)

                          @deux ROFL LMAO. Does my english really that bad ?
                          How can ppl go mid can be said as game ruiner? (Im not mad bro chill :), not even triggered)

                          @blank as my understanding to dota ez lane is u outplayed and outlane enemy at ur lane (usually mid for me) and hard lane is when u cant even get lasthit. Please" correct me if im wrong

                          Lol bro how come u can see my language? XDDD

                          Yea i forget to say that my english is bad guys sry XD


                            okay, i should have expressed myself more clearly. I meant safe lane and offlane


                              If Your any good Position 4 is easiest to carry a NS game. So forget about mid / sidelanes


                                @blank yea i get it safelane and offlane. I see lot of pros like miracle- etc. When he is on safelane example anti mage. He get freefarm for about 10 min. Is it bcz the trilane support ? Or just on high skill bracket offlaner never harras enemy carry? Why pro ppl always trilane 1 offlaner why they dont do 212 as ppl on low skill bracket? And how to trilane and persuade team to play trilane and offlane?

                                Sorry i think i've got too many question :( sorry if it is bothering you

                                @hartzfear i cant really get what u mean. Do u mean i should just play carry? I tried but i sucks at safelane. Idk why. Its like i cant get my playstyle on safelane or offlane like im mid.


                                  No never_end, you see him free farm for 10 min, cause the highlighted game of everyone are like that.
                                  That usually never happen

                                  and sup to @HartzFear
                                  Ns wood is freaking good. (don't forget to share half your tango with the mid to put slightly less burden on the support when you do so)

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