General Discussion

General DiscussionUpdate Which Slows Smurfs to some extinct.

Update Which Slows Smurfs to some extinct. in General Discussion

    Today update is released, which is It requires Badge lvl 20 to unlock Ranked Mode. Previous Exp Trophy Lvl 13 is removed.

    Хватай Мой Хуй

      ребят у меня дотабафф сломался
      показывает порожние где выиграно


        what is Badge? is it dota lvl or exp trophy lvl?


          dota lvl

          muted all, it's just a ga...

            I prefer valve to cap calibration mmr into 3200, so that there are no smurf on high skill and very high skill bracket. This way, 4k mmr will not be as toxic as now

            ✪ BATSSS

              What is the calibration cap anyway?

              muted all, it's just a ga...

                4999. And thats the way too high
                ^because of this, vhs bracket plays like shit

                Livin' Real Good

                  Yeah, if they lowered the max calibration to 3.5-3.7, that would absolutely shoot up the quality of 4K exponentially. Majority of the fan base is 2K, but there's a good chunk of them that are low 3K thinking they belong in 4K, most will know that you can only calibrate to 3.5, so they would be more inclined to just climb on their main account. Not only that, many account sellers might get put off from that business, cause not only would they have to try to calibrate to 3.5 (which shouldn't be hard for them considering they're probably like 6K+) they'd have to spend time solo queing climbing that accounts MMR just to get it to 5K and sell it, aka more time required on one account before selling and moving on to another fresh account.

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  ✪ BATSSS

                    Update it like that then... No smurfs here and there??