General Discussion

General DiscussionRank vs Normal games

Rank vs Normal games in General Discussion

    Previously i had 2 rank games and they were dogshit, the players were soo focken nub, and yet when I play normal, players play better and less flame. Why is that?


      because there's nothing at stake in unranked games

      so players will naturally underperform, and not care

      the reason people flame is because they care about their mmr.


        normal is dogshit


          Its your unlucky day dude! Just try to move on


            yo kelly stop losing calibration matches.


              Play calibration matches on US SRVERS,EU.4k mmr ez. Bunch of account buyers on those SERVER.



                Take a look at this game. Calibration match. 4k in US SERVER. Ez feed.Ez throws :-) ez high calibration. That arc warden items so ez to kite when you're playing in SEA.


                  For me in SEA server, the only way Ranked is better than normal is the fact that they restrict 4-man party stacks.

                  No one likes to have fun in Ranked, and they're usually much more toxic.


                    normal>ranked in sub-4k for sure

                    at least if u cant carry game alone, ranked becomes 100% luck on which team gets teh feeder

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      @nothing i cant fucking win, sea is soo cancer I forgot how bad it was


                        Spam pitlord and offlane m8. Youre a imba support as long there is no nukers and disablers like lion in enemy