General Discussion

General DiscussionBest way to practice micro?

Best way to practice micro? in General Discussion

    I am just starting to practice microing and I am wondering what is the best way to practice?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Hackjack- I am nice

      Pick meepo for 20 games in a row that's how i did it
      Good luck in low priorty :*

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        How you set control group buttons for meepo?
        Or you just press F1 to focus back on main meepo and then press Tab to control the others?

        'Cause I tried to set them into 3 groups :
        1st - Main Meepo, 2nd - All the clone Meepos, 3rd - One clone Meepo(For Poofing to safety)
        At least that is how I thought I should play Meepo.

        But then I realized I can't issue one order to all Meepos at once. It has to go like Tab-W-Tab-W-Tab-W... ->Help!

        I think setting a suitable control group for myself to get used to is the best start to learn micro.

        But for now, my micro level is so weak that I can only control Morphling Replicate to run around. Am trying to learn Hybrid but game mostly ends before I got Agh's

        stupid fuck 2000

          play with bots


            Unless you Plan to be pro meepo or Visage Micro is not important in dota.

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              ^ your display picture, my proudest fap!


                Its me on that pic.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  hhhhiiii sexy lady wanna support a very big & hard carry??? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


                    ^ sry im carry Player by myself, maybe another time.


                      Hey Anna Faith Carlson.


                        Wow im famous


                          I heard Starcraft is good for this


                            that image can be found on google, lovely to impersonate some grill isn't it hartzfear?

                            all your games are EU server, profile is germany. you can google search that image, leads to anna faith which lives in the us

                            anyways on the subject of how to learn micro: go to a lobby and practice it.

                            it's literally just muscle memory, so just practice it.

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              ^ur gig's up HartzFear. 10 years for impersonating a sexy chick


                                Lol did any 1 just trusted my trashtalk for a Single second?


                                  5 more years for raping the english language while impersonating a chick


                                    Fuck english language. Why Do i have to learn this shit language anyways this fuckers are not even Part of EU.


                                      Yeah good point. can we get a Brexit server please?


                                        haha. without english how will u me and the other guy communicate on this forum? I'm from Pakistan


                                          brexout for harambe


                                            You could learn german or you go communicate with other pakistanis


                                              What i do is that i use my numeric keys and f keys
                                              1-main meeepo
                                              2-all other meepos
                                              3-all meepos
                                              4- 2nd and 3rd meepo
                                              5- 4th and 5th meepo (efficenct farming through groups of 2)
                                              F1-F4 ( All remaining meepos respectively)
                                              Reason i have main meepo on numeric key is so i can do the blink poof combo with greater ease.
                                              1 tip is during a chaotic team fight keep looking at all of your meepos health on the top left and one one meepo is low you can manually select it through the respective F key ( for example f3 for third meepo) and take it to safety or use travels to tp etc.
                                              It takes a little practice but sooner or later you will be able to do it.


                                                Shit is like the hardest thing to learn in the whole game for me

                                                rice cake

                                                  Play against bot using chen, practice to move every single of your controlled creep individually in quick succesion, so they look like controlled simultaneously. And try to make the connection in your brain about which creep is which control number, so u can use the right creep skill accordingly (ensnare, stun, mud golem throw, etc, etc). keep your hero in a safe position during creep micro-intensive moment (like stunning with centaur) or toggle auto attack on and keep your hero hitting the target during the centaur action (whilst controlling the centaur ofc). Or just play a bit of starcraft.

                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                    Putangina = wh*ore mother

                                                    Putangina mo = you son of a wh*ore

                                                    fucking biased media

                                                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                      Alright, thanks!


                                                        go play starcraft 2