General Discussion

General Discussiondoes anyone know how skill scaling works?

does anyone know how skill scaling works? in General Discussion

    i'm interested in that for kill purposes so i can calculate damage more efficiently without having to memorise every single spell damage.

    anyone know how average scaling works?

    for damages slows stuns etc.

    doc joferlyn simp

      idk man you should ask cookie



        i don wanna do the calculations

        so much math so little time

        Favoritis Corumptus

          lol cookie coach me pls


            c'mon guys, anyone know?

            i don wanna do these calculations

            it's gonna take me 5 hours to make all the documents


              Why would some1 memorize every single spell dmg? , that's fcking insane.
              Percentage type spell tend to scale better during late game compared to the normal spell (I think)

              Favoritis Corumptus

                lol u forgot me


                  im trying to look at it from an early game point, i just wanna knoiw the average spell damage so i know exactly how i can kill someone.

                  that'd help me not die in lane and get lots of kills in early stage

                  which can transition into a snowball

                  @♕ ᵯї[ѓ]їĴã ♕ just msg me on my facebook and we can talk about coaching

                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                  Favoritis Corumptus



                      i answereeed

                      Favoritis Corumptus

                        okay can u give me your name pls

                        Favoritis Corumptus

                          i dont see your name!!! or your is cookie too on facebook lol


                            wtf are you even talking about is this english?

                            Favoritis Corumptus

                              if its me sorry!!!! i dont speak fluently english man...poor country


                                it's literally there on my dotabuff

                                @marlan, idk if you're talking about me or him but i think my english is at least understandable

                                Favoritis Corumptus

                                  I DONT SEE U @Cookie but i give u my name on facebook and chek me there.... My name is : Mirija Ratovohery . ty

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    do u mean the avg spell smg/stun duration on lvls 1-4
                                    avg damage is smth like 70/140/210/280 and avg stun varies too much


                                      yea that, what about slows and silences?

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        idk silenced usually last 6 seconds on last level(dp's does for sure, probably drows too) and about 3 on first so i guess it's like 3/4/5/6
                                        and slows are too different, u have shit like gale or 6.86 flux and then there is frostmourne or degen aura which slow for some shitty amount early on

                                        i fail to see how knowing the numbers will help u, u should know which hero deals roughly how much dmg on each level just from experience


                                          i'd rather not leave stuff like this to chance
                                          stuff that you learn from experience can be wrong


                                            u see 2k shits u know more those litle things than 5 k u just need to play dota i know guy plays with 5ks and dont know word on english u fucking retards kill urself or let me kill and fuc'k yr dead mothers necrophilia stuff .....
                                            cookie do you mean for example exact damage early for tinker rockets at lvl 4 is says 325 but deal 265


                                              Most nukes start between 50 and 100. They usually increase by 70-75 per level but some can be as low as 50 per level. Generally the average nuke caps at 300, some at 325. Very rarely you get 400 dmg nukes but they usually have some sort of drawback (ie centaur's double edge). Pure damage nukes usually do slightly less damage (Although they do more damage to the enemy when you consider magic resist) and if a hero has more then 1 nuke then usually their spells max out at 200-250 damage.

                                              Slows are a bit less predictable. I think they usually start at 10-15% at level 1 but there are a few exceptions that are higher. They usually increase about 10-16% per level if they're pure slows (like drow's frost arrows) that don't really do damage or they increase by 5-10% if they're more of a secondary effect (like bounty's Jinada)

                                              Silences mostly start at 2-3s and increase 1 per level to reach 5 or 6 seconds. A few like Puck's are much shorter duration (0.75-3s) but that's because they're more of a secondary effect after the damage.

                                              Stuns are unpredictable. Lots stay at the same number at all 4 levels. When they do scale they usually start at about 0,75s and go up to 2 or 2.5 seconds. This obviously doesn't apply to super long stuns like Strength morph adaptive strike. Generally just assume you're going to be stunned 1 - 2 seconds

                                              Roots are similar to stuns but usually max out at 3 seconds.

                                              Obviously there are exceptions to all of these and Ultimates generally follow different rules to normal spells when scaling is concerned. Also the int based spell amp will make the nuke scaling different to what you might expect.


                                                thanks maverick, that's all i wanted to know


                                                  i dont know but just play your hero pool dude .

                                                  even the pro player(7k - 9k ) who spent 12-20hrs per day cant play 100 ++ heroes( they have their heroes pool), maybe they do know how the skill scaling works . But wahts the point? they will just play their heroes pool. They cant pick carelessly since the average mmr is high

                                                  If u are comfortable with ur hero pool ( lets say SK and AW since u play that hero a lot)

                                                  u will know the exact dmg after the reduction (normal heroes have 25% mgc res , while meep 35% and visage 10%)

                                                  i bet u already made the calculations for both heroes which is good , it helps so much

                                                  as for AW if he hits lvl 6 he can deal up to 682 ++
                                                  and as for SK he will deal up to 492 with his ulti lvl1 , etc

                                                  keep up the good work i wish u get ur 6k back on this acc @cookie


                                                    actually @7 7

                                                    for the heroes i chose to master i actually memorize the dps (sk arc am etc.).


                                                      yep i knw u would do that senpai
                                                      since u are a math master no wonder u get 5k LUL


                                                        It took me an hour to do math/calculation for the heroes i choose to master


                                                          by the way i never made a calculation for dps heroes like am , ta , tb ,etc .

                                                          maybe i should make it for dps heroes

                                                          i only do for magical dmg heroes only


                                                            Few players know that Shrapnel deals 825 magic damage (maxed). They just ignore it until a big chunk of their HP is gone... Basically this enables support role for Sniper.


                                                              if you were to ignore the rest of sniper's abilities which are made for rightclicking^


                                                                last question for me @cookie

                                                                a few days ago u asked how to offlane

                                                                what role are you playing for sk ?

                                                                is it offlane which is pos 3? or pos 4 / jungle ?


                                                                  Both, off and jungle

                                                                  Primarily jungle


                                                                    Sniper is much like Venomancer: no stuns only slows and huge magic damage. Also Veno has attack modifier that deals 300 magical damage on rightclick... But who cares about his autoattacks?

                                                                    Or you can take Kunkka for comparison. Tidebringer is neglected in support skillbuild.

                                                                    Also there is Abaddon, his rightclicking build exists, but it's kind of... marginal?

                                                                    I think, you can find few more examples yourself.

                                                                    P.S. I refreshed my personal damage per minute record with support Sniper 4 days ago:

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                                      Blu Star priviledged boi asks how spells scale LUL

                                                                      Me as a normal skill trash knew this already since everyone can see patterns of things. Simple logic and a blu star cant figure this out holy shit how embarrassing must this be


                                                                        Yea, i clearly dont know everything. If i did i would be 10k which im clearly not.

                                                                        Nothing wrong with just asking.

                                                                        not arin

                                                                          not exactly sure what are you asking about
                                                                          but most of the aoe nukes barely kill the ranged creep from full hp and deal a little over half hp to melee creeps
                                                                          only exception to this is lina's Q i think which 1 shots the ranged on lvl 4

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            The question was already answered

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              wtf do you mean scaling? It says in the wiki what dmg they do before reductions, every spell is different. So I don't get what you are asking, it's hero specific.


                                                                                The game is made for heroes to be similar and the damage scales on average the same

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  There's so many exceptions to this though I fail to see how it really helps determine anything. For example luna's beam scales exactly a 100% increase from level one each time, it goes 75/150/225/300. But tiny's avalanche? Starts at 100, adds 80 until the last point only adds 40 dmg for 100/180/260/300. It's weird, and there's tons of cases like this. Dragon knights fire breath actually scales backwards in a way, it goes 90/170/240/300 for increases of +80, +70, +60.


                                                                                    That +-50 dmg can be replaced by a right click, but at least i know how to for sure kill someone within the range of 2 right clicks.


                                                                                      press alt, read your spell while alt is still pressed. make a simple addition, and take only 3/4 of that value.

                                                                                      That's not exactly hard.

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        u have posted few weeks ago in another post some challanges to do to improve your last hitting.can you post them again pretty please?

                                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                                          "press alt, read your spell while alt is still pressed. make a simple addition, and take only 3/4 of that value.
                                                                                          That's not exactly hard."

                                                                                          yeah that's what I was leaning towards. You're taking a really simple problem and making it really difficult.


                                                                                            Except the question was about the avg dps dor any hero

                                                                                            Anyways whats the point of this, i already got the answer


                                                                                              I think what cookie's trying to do is know how much damage a random enemy hero that he's barely played is likely to do to him. For example, if you don't play Earthshaker regularly you probably don't know exactly how much damage Fissure does or how long it stuns for. And you cant click on him to see because he's hiding in the trees waiting to kill you. But knowing that most nukes start at 50-100 damage and go up by roughly 70-80 damage you know that a lvl 3 Shaker is probably going to hit you for 120-180 damage. If you actually look at his skills, fissure does 160 damage at level 2. (it also does 110 damage at lvl 1 making it one of the rare cases of very high lvl 1 damage)
                                                                                              Once you have a rough idea of what the average nuke will do to you, you just have to learn which nukes are much larger than usual and you'll be able to predict whether enemies can kill you or not.
                                                                                              For example I know Luna's Nuke is an average nuke so if I'm a tanky hero I can survive a gank. I also know Bane's Nuke has average damage numbers but does pure damage so it hurts a lot and it can easily get me killed during a gank. And then Visage's Nuke can potentially do massive magic damage therefore its also likely to kill me in a gank. Spectre's dagger however does less-than average damage and probably wont lead to me dying.
                                                                                              Knowing which skills are average, which are less dangerous and which are more dangerous is pretty important.