General Discussion

General Discussionhow to counter tanky drafts??

how to counter tanky drafts?? in General Discussion
dont be thrilled by this ...

    consider that at least 2 of your teammates will pick like idiots(give no shit about enemy picks). how do you counter a tanky enemy draft? as they are hard to kill and most of em have big stuns and can continuously harass you.


      Necrophos, Zues

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        generally if there is no brood/huskar/drow/meepo, u can pretty much ignore enemy draft as a whole and only consider ur lane opponent(s). the most important thing is how well the 5 heroes in your team synergize with each other.

        regarding ur question, get smthng that is good against fat heroes xD. split pushers, heavy nukers wihout mana problems and hp share based dmg (necro, timber, zeus), mobile heroes. avoi mangihting ur opponents.

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          lfestealer, slardar, zeus

          Pale Mannie

            percentage based damage

            Dire Wolf

              Lifestealer. Though you'd need to be more specific about what heroes are getting picked. Tanky like axe or tide or timber? Or dk and sven? They all have very different counters.


                arc warden for ez solo kill.
                he can kill anyone at level 5 or 6.

                dont be thrilled by this ...

                  ty all for sharing your opinion. i see from your comments that necro can rly be a good pick regarding his 2nd skill.
                  so can be naix only as a lane hero not a jungler (i should try this one next time)
                  ive tried slardar before which it didnt work out well cuz slard is weak early game and only can counter tankies if he farm well.

                  heres some matches to be more specific:


                  another question came to my mind right now. is naix best counter to pudge? i played 3 pudges yesterday and lost all xD. i had enemy naix in all those games i think.(wasnt core role pudge btw)


                    ^ you had ally naix in 2 out of 3 games lul

                    dont be thrilled by this ...

                      ^ haha , youre right.i checked again. actually i played 4 lost pudges. 2 times raped by trax and 2 times raped by naix!


                        Timber also does magic

                        Corona FRIES

                          Enigma, phoenix, AA