General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen is the best time to play solo calibration games?

When is the best time to play solo calibration games? in General Discussion
This is fucking terrible

    I'm on the border of normal skill and high skill (3.1k avg MMR of my regular games according to yasp) I was wondering when must I start playing my calibration games. Should I wait till I cross over or go ahead and play? I'm happy where I am at cause it's fun to play but I know I can do way better. Not trying to get MMR more than I deserve and feed :3


      I can calibrate an acc for u. U seem nervous about ur calibration


        just calibrate whenever and grind your way up

        This is fucking terrible

          Yes I'm kinda scared if I'll be struck in normal skill. After a brief period in HS, I've come down to NS and y'all know the usuals here XD @plyo I'm very close to lvl20, I'll let you know when I'm 20. How may I contact you if I opt for your offer? I'm also scared if I get above what I deserve and end up feeding a lot

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