General Discussion

General Discussionok i am done

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    i want to learn supporting i know some basic things like x53 stack pull connect pull rotations rune controll i can double stack the jungle but i cant find any farm for me on the map the only farm i get from pulling and not paying off solo support is hard wards sents smoke dust.... if som1 die you get flamed even the thing they did is stupid. i want to play omni dazzle oracle any tip would be nice


      you can farm lane if your carry not there aswell , you can get extra money from assist or ganking.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Supports don't (need/have to) farm.
        You pull and stack for your carry so they get faster and easier farm.
        If there is space for you to farm and you are a farming support(Lina, ShadowShaman) hero then go ahead and take it but your main source of gold should be from the timer and assist.
        In your skill bracket you can skip smokes 'cause people there doesn't really know how to fully use it.
        Rotation in pub is rather hard... You will need to analyse if your team drafted heroes that are good enough to get a kill in early/mid game and if they don't that pretty much means they all picked hard carries like Sniper and AM which is GG but you can still try to prolong the game for they to farm enough and you will EVENTUALLY win. Oh and always ward defensively if your team is Team Farm Hard.

        peruvian tilt machine

          there are 3 reasons why you should never find yourself SUPER behind as a support:
          1) bounty runes
          2) kill assists
          3) pulling
          bounty runes spawn every 2 minutes. at 8 minutes 1 bounty rune will give you enough for one obs ward. if you find a bounty rune and it is 6:45, wait until 7:00 to use it, the gold will increase slightly, and the bonus gold (25) that you gain from waiting that 15 seconds will make you feel rich.
          Killing is the easiest way to get gold as any support. as omni, you and any carry with a stun (sven, ck, tiny, etc) can get a kill starting level 2 provided your lane opponent is playing aggressively. of the heroes you said you want to learn is oracle. this is the only of those that can gank mid effectively level 1. if your midlaner gets a good block and he is laning against a zeus for example, a 3 second root will be more than enough to get the kill.
          Learn how to double and triple pull. I can't emphasize this enough. Playing dazzle or omni is good because if your entire wave is low hp and the camp is about half health, one nuke will score you all the last hits and get your creep(s) to full to continue pulling.

          Late game you are your hero's aegis. You are the captain of the ship. If a sven runs in with god's strength late game, it doesn't matter if he's doing 300000000000000000 damage per hit if he can't live long enough to deal that damage. oracle and dazzle give so much healing and give your carry 5-8 seconds to stay alive on 1 hp and deal more damage. IF YOU ARE PLAYING RANKED ALL PICK AND YOU ARE PLANNING ON PICKING DAZZLE OR ORACLE, USE YOUR BAN TO BAN AXE. he will nullify grave and false promise with one keystroke. if the enemy team has high magic burst, play omni or oracle. if your team has high physical damage over a long period of time, play dazzle. if your carry buys a satanic, play oracle or dazzle. if they have a nature's prophet who rats a lot, play omni and rush ags refresher (only half kidding).
          the final piece of advice i can give you is, if you can convince the offlaner or semi-carry to help buy wards for the first ten minutes, do. while they are doing that for you, get the pulls going and buy a midas. if you can get it by 11 minutes in a 50 minute game, that's 26 usages of the item, plus if you need the slot you can sell it for 1025 gold. in total this gives almost 6000 gold. the item increases your gpm by 120 in this case. it is so absurdly strong for greedy supports. plus if you need wards, go midas. that's 3 obs wards or 1 set of sentries. it's also worth one dust, allowing you to score a kill on a riki or clinkz, resulting in more gold.

          tl;dr: buy midas, stick with your carry, ward anytime you can, stack, etc.


            The truth is that your main income comes from buildings. If your team don't push, you will be poor.


              ok so my main gold outcome from kills pulls and towers and lucky runes if i am solo supporting should i get cour 2 wards (wind lance situtional) and sents if they got invis and some regen then rush tp and stick with boots is that it ? also sould i tell my carry to push the wave to pull x53

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                  there is very little mechanical difference between some mid 4ks supp player, me/the guy above me who sit in 5ks, and a 7-8k player.
                  it all comes down to being efficient. i cant explain how to be efficient, you just need to feel the flow of the game and know what should be done and where u are going ti be needed.

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                    u know, ive been doing the run up to enemy mid lane at 0min and pretend to ward and walk away twice, worked both times, super satisfying to watch the replay and see the support pinging it frantically and putting sentry on quickbuy etc


                      That's a great tip. Shame no one Edwards down here ;-)


                        Don't listen to those who don't play supports. They know nothing.


                          Anyone else sometimes secretly pleased when their idiot carry dies and they can farm a couple of lanes of creeps?


                            Supports also can have big impacts on teamfights, especially saving supports like Oracle and Dazzle. Knowing who the most important core on your team is at any point in the game makes a big difference. For example, in earlier teamfights it might be better to save your mid with grave over your carry because your mid will have more levels at that point and have a larger impact in that fight. Say you have a mid Tinker and a safelane AM. If there is a 5 on 5 teamfight relatively early, the Tinker is going to contribute a lot more damage in the 5 seconds that shallow grave gives him than an AM will. Letting the AM die and saving the Tinker is more likely to win you the fight and put your team in an overall better position. Of course losing your carry early on sucks but the space created by a snowballing Tinker will let your AM catch up. If you save the AM then you have an AM with half a battlefury for 5 seconds which is unlikely to win you the fight. More likely your AM will go farm while your team dies and you lose a tower which doesn't really improve your teams position.
                            Knowing who's the most important person on your team to keep alive will change from game to game and will even change within a single game. In some rare cases it might even be more important to save your offlaner or your other support over your carry/mid.

                            Another important thing is to be efficient with your money. Buying an Urn if your team is making pickoffs is more likely to help your team snowball than getting a piece of a Mek. If you get a bunch of gold somehow then by all means get a Mek of Euls, but generally getting smaller items that are better value for money early on (Like Urn or Arcane boots or a ghost scepter) is a better choice. Items to help your teammates like Force staff or Glimmer cape are usually good choices. Don't be that Support who rushes Aghs and Dagon and has a few useless stat items in their inventory for most of the game (Exceptions do apply)

                            bot hard mute

                              ez support, ez ezalor

                              M U R D E R

                                Any tips on nuker/offensive support ?

                                bot hard mute

                                  ezalor is offensive support


                                    here's a tip for offensive nuker supports, use your offensive nukes.

                                    nothing to add here


                                      well tried
                                      early game going well early rotation with early kills but every time i suggest pushing to go to jungle


                                        oracle: dd sama, me, stan_king


                                        also add hajadlo to the list

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                                          Pretty sure if there was an antimage and tinker on my team I wouldn't be supporting and would rather be hoping I had a report left for whoever picked second...