General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's with the 4k-3k supps that always feel they need to accomplish ...

what's with the 4k-3k supps that always feel they need to accomplish something in General Discussion

    they feel this need to roam around and find kills even if that means leaving their spectre solo vs a timbersaw. I believe that protecting your carry is more important that finding a single kill on the enemy mid which is not even for sure

    registered flex offender

      I hate when supports pull just so they can say that they know how to pull. I may be 3k but I know how to fucking keep creep equilibrium.


        that has nothing to do with the point i mentioned. pulling is good imo


          Pulling is so THEY get xp and gold and dont waste the maps resources, and unless they wave is already pushed back near your tower, it isnt that hard to maintain control till the next ones there anyway



            PMS Mantra

              The hard carry generally doesn't win the early and mid game; team fighters, mid and supports do. Hence why it is better to have a smooth laning phase for everyone who isn't hard carrying. Because they have to buy the hard carry 30 minutes of farming space after the laning phase is over.


                There is nothing supports can do about Spectre vs Timbersaw. We can't unpick your Spectre. Sorry.


                  maibe if you play more support you get the answer


                    supports sitting on the lane for more than 2 minutes straight are doing their job wrong.
                    also if as a carry u think u should be babysitted, u r bad. u r not the only player in this game. both supps and other cores need rotations. it might sacrifice a part of your farm, but it benefits the team in general.


                      If safelanes highly contested it's perfectly fine to stay there if ure the difference maker


                        yea but he was vs tikber who probably went lvl 2 or 3 armor and its rly thug life for spec offlane and midd is the one who should rotate and come help spec not all supprts roamers leave spec


                          Dude everyone knows there are way less good supports than good carries below 5k bracket


                            Best example is when there's some offlane pub stomper like huskar or necrophos where you just need to repeatedly kill the guy and they become an atm for the rest of the game, and I itemise like boots oov on am to do that and the supports think safelanes secured after 2 kills and start roaming mid)))

                            Duc D - CatOnTheMoon


                              PMS Mantra

                                Want to see the kind of support you pray you don't get? Find Waldo.


                                  If you think the support is bad why not pick support and show you are better. You are so stupid bruh you think you are the only that can carry the game?


                                    I did check his match for a good perspective. But I couldnt download it for some reason. I think what he said was right. His CM and Pudge could have easily kill the timber if they came behind or timber play too aggressive. So yeah, I am not sure what they are doing tho.


                                      Roaming supps are the best thing....they help out mid/offlane, check enemy jungle, ward/deward and most important of all -> keeps enemy in fear of being ganked. This also creates space for others as enemy will most probably TP to save their allies. And, if they dont TP, they lose that lane. So its a win-win situation.

                                      If every game supps just babysit carry, just imagine how boring Dota would have been.


                                        ? Really? Roaming sups are excellent. Even if they kill nothing, you are putting pressure on the map. There's no point babysitting if you are better off somewhere you can actually win the lane.


                                          ?? Roam if your safelanes secured or beyond hope moron


                                            I'm sure I'd rather play solo safelane half the time and have mid win from supports roaming than play with idiots who leech my xp and can't zone the offlane to save their lives. That being said my experience is on AU server where having 4k supports is pretty much guaranteed.

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              Actually just dont pick spectre, its simple.


                                                agreed with the title, i used to be this kind of support too, like i need to roam and do shit but most of the times i end up failing as the mid lane is always pushed or some shit like that, i started to play pos 5 support and my main aim is to sit in the lane but not take exp from lane creeps, i just deward the 2 camps on safelane, start pulling and get exp from ncs..and harass the shit out of the offlaner(sky, sd etc) it kinda worked well, issue with 4k carries including me is that they expect a non contested lane as its a 1v3( in their mind).. hence if u babysit him and dont take exp he kinda snowballs well if he isnt an idiot..


                                                  issue with 4k carries including me is that they expect a non contested lane

                                                  So true.


                                                    3-4k supports are the worst, they all know how to pull but they have no idea why they do it for, they all try to roam but they have no idea how to execute it properly (which usually turns into disapearing from their safe lane 3 minutes to accomplish nothing while his carry has to sit in the tower).
                                                    I dont really wanna talk about 2 v 2 lane scenario, what concerns me is when you see a 3k game with a trilane vs a solo offlaner, most of the times the supports try to kill the offlaner at lvl 1 without approaching from the sides, they always go to the offlaner through their creeps taking the aggro and resulting int he offlaner going back to tower safely while supports take insane amount of creep harass while destroying creep equilibrium, then they feel forced to pull but most of the times they do a single pull in the small camp or they try to pull the large camp to then leave the pull and go behing their carry while the offlaner farms the pull + the jungle creeps, then they stay behing the carry "denying creeps", if the carry has half brain gets mad and tells them to go gank or do something, then they disapear from the lane for about 5 minutes, feeding in 2 different lanes, and the overleveled offlaner solo kills the carry, or the carry gets ganked because they didnt ward the safe lane before leaving to roam.

                                                    I just watched a 3k game the other day and all of these things happened in the first 6 minutes of the game, they lost in 18.


                                                      In 3/4k no one really
                                                      Know how to support yet. Usually it's the last pick that got denied a core role end up playing support