General Discussion

General DiscussionGirlfriend + Dota?

Girlfriend + Dota? in General Discussion

    What are your experiences?

    I started to play Dota before I got my current girlfriend. THis january we moved together in one apartment and since then I reckon to have atleast abandoned a match 10 times. Just because of all the arguing and to avoid further discussions..


      Error 404 : Girlfriend not found


      System rebooting. . . . . .

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        What is this "girlfriend" you speak of?


          Error 404 : Girlfriend not found
          *BLUE SCREEN*
          System rebooting. . . . . .


            Well if she's worth staying with you can try to better predict when she's going to argue with you and not play during that time or you can see if she wants to do a talking session first then when y'all done say you would like I enjoyed talking to you but would like to play some dotes now .


              Sounds like too much arguing bro. Figure shit out or you're going to be single again pretty soon


                I'm a teen and my girlfriend absolutely hates it when im playing dota usually cause i start ignoring her all the time so i turn off my phone when I'm playing and tell her my battery ran out.

                inst:  MissMissclick

                  something about girls and dota they don't understand.


                    Spread your games trough the day if you can. If you have a break or something just play dota if you have need. But dont play dota every moment of your free time.. Women like atention. If i undrestand corectly she is not a gamer type and thats ok, dont play more then 2 games in a row if she is in the room, maybe she wants to do something together. But if she is menaging your time and she have problem with you playing a game or two, then thats selfish and dude you have to set some ground rules if its not too late. Just say to her that you want to play one game and then you can take a walk or watch a movie together.etc... Everyone needs some alone time to get their minds straight...If she cant undrstand that, then you got a big problem mate.
                    Most crutial part of every relationship is comunication. Good luck!


                      My girl hates dota, says it's a nerd game which I can't really argue with her. She will get pissed if I'm playing and she wants to go out or something, so if you do get a gf then dota will have to be cut because I doubt your girl will enjoy you taking 40 minutes out of your time to pay attention to a game rather than her


                        This just like me, whenever she call me when im in game all i can say is yes no matter what she said i said yes. Because my mind is concentrating on the game. When that happen i need to travel far away to her house and apologize. She will get pissed and told me choose her or dota. Complicated bro hard choice. Damn it


                          Mine absolutely hates it. I tend to just play when she isn't around. I can't be bothered to think too deeply about it. best ot avoid the subject :)


                            I set a time with mine where I get to play at least one game a day. Sometimes I play more some days I don't play at all. So when you don't play on a day it's like you're giving her extra attention and you feel better. Its literally how I decompress from a day at work

                            Dire Wolf

                              hmm I was going to say you play way too much, but looks like you only do a match or two a day, aside from some 10 match days here and there (weekends?). So you need to tell her what's up that you aren't going to play this game constantly but when you do you won't be able to talk to her. Just say hey I'm going to play for an hour is that cool? And make sure you don't pick retarded times like when she is just coming home from work or school and will want to discuss her day or like during dinner time when you should be helping with dinner/cleanup, shit like that. You should both be able to work out some personal time for you and she shouldn't need to be attached to you constantly.

                              And no it's not like you rankiro, you don't play every day but your sessions are usually over 4 or 5 games, easily 4-6 hours at a time. That's a long time to ignore a significant other.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                Girlfriend and DotA are both ULM (unique life modifiers) so they do not stack. Hopefully a patch will come out to fix this, but one of the two might be nerfed so that the combination is not completely overpowered.

                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                  I had a relationship, and we used to live in the same house after a few years of being togheter. It turned really complicated to play any game. Because she was very demanding. I don't want to generalize but, Most of girls has low self esteem, and needs too much attention.
                                  Also I'm not that kind of guy who plays a lot, just in my free time. anyways I broke up with her because she was so jealous too. as that guy said above "girlfriend an DotA are both unique life modifiers".


                                    hehe..thank you for the replies.

                                    I think I made it sound worse than it actually is. The games I had to abandon are mostly my fault. Usually it happend when she asked me to do something else and I didn't do it well enough for example. THen she asks me to leave the game and do the shit first.

                                    At the moment I don't have more than two matches a day, which is fine. Sometimes I wish I had more time but I am getting more and more responsibilities to do which have a higher priority than Doto 2 MMR climbing. lel

                                      Tento komentář byl smazán
                                      THE FUCK?!

                                        PC = a real gf


                                          "Leave the game and do the shit first?"

                                          Grow a pair you sub scrub!


                                            My waifu doesn't get mad when I play dota xd

                                            bum farto

                                              Well then your GF isn't going to last long. Relationships are all about understanding each others passions, and short-comings, and catering to them. My fiance understands that I play long hours and probably always will, this actually makes me very focused on her whenever we do things together.

                                              You have to find time for them as well as time for you, and as long as neither takes importance over the other you will have a happy relationship. My fiance watches series while I play, then we eat dinner together and watch some show we watch with each other, or play mario party or smash bros or wtv.

                                              When we're out I give her 100% of my attention because I want to, this returns itself in the way that she'll let me do my own thing knowing that if she needs me she knows I am there 100% so has never asked me to quit a game or smth but will let me finish my game then remind me she would like me to do something.

                                              Dunno, I count myself extremely lucky to have found her as I have dumped/been dumped by a ton of girls where our lifestyles didn't match. Both of us are very independent people so don't rely on each other for company that much.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                all I have to say havoc is wait until you have kids and then all that good shit will blow up in your face. Not to say kids suck but they are time suckers

                                                Vic Romano

                                                  Setup some times where you both have your own time. I haven't moved in with my gf but even when were just together she sometimes wants to watch a show, so I play a game because we've been over that that's ok, and if she changes her mind or thinks she will she tells me and everything is perfect. Gotta communicate, if you don't you'll be single and living alone again pretty soon because you guys won't be on the same page, or even the same book if you guys let it get bad enough. Talking about it will do a lot to help you both


                                                    I have a friend whos working from home He has 2 Kids and a wife He manages his whole live while playing dota 24\7 somehow.



                                                      Man, the amount of games I've had to abandon because I thought I could sneak one in whilst the baby was asleep. Report me....


                                                        @hartzfear do i know you because that sounds like me


                                                          choose 1 gf or dota.


                                                            When I got together with my bf he was really into dota and playing a lot of games every day. I was into Diablo 3 at that point but I decided to pick up dota so that we could play together. Maybe try asking if she would like to learn and play some bot games with her?


                                                              I've been where u at bro. I told my wife, "Yo, from 8PM-10PM its DO NOT DISTRURB TIME " I do what I want this time, whether Dota, GoT, yoga Etc... Its like you 2 hours inside a Chronosphere, you need that time bruh. Its better giving her a specific time to do something rather than randomly playing anytime u feel like. Stay with her the whole day, do the laundry, take out the garbage, get groceries. But when its Dota time, ITS DOTA TIME!!! Tell her to watch your games, I do that sometimes trust me she gets bored quickly and then does something else, works every time! LOL


                                                                The reason I read all these complains about your girls/ex girls is pretty simple... Your and most girls are just boring, they dont have passions, hobbies, sometimes even interests. When they have "Free time" they are bored, want to talk with someone, go shopping or some other shit. Finding a girl that has a real hobby, is intrested in something is quite hard actually.

                                                                I wouldnt even advise "get a gamer girl" because thats bullshit, but it would be more like "find a girl that has an actuall hobby" and it would most probably solve all the problems

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  Awesome advice up there, Terror Machine. I said I won't date anybody unless they have a hobby and I stand by that. Because at a time I wanted to go for enjoying my hobbies, she's just going to nag and try to spend more time with me because she is bored. While I have nothing against spending some great time with beautiful women, it is also problematic is I MYSELF am her hobby.

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Um socializing, talking, shopping those are hobbies. They're just different hobbies than video games. Females naturally want more companionship than males, this isn't anything new.

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      Socializing and talking aren't fucking hobbies, nor occupations by any means, they are a necessary part of every human being. A real hobby can be something as simple as consuming media (listening to music, reading books), doing something athletic (sports, workouts), or creating something (composing music, creating videos, painting, etc). Shopping is actually a hobby I strive to avoid if I am looking for a girlfriend, because in 100% of cases in my experience, those girls are dumb fucks who see randomly spending money as a hobby and I prefer actually sensible, reliable and pragmatic girls to begin with.

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        No socializing and talking are not a necessary part of being human. Do you really think the scrubs on here who play 12 games a day get out and socialize? Being a social person, having a lot of friends to hang out with is a hobby. You just happen to think it's a dumb one. A lot of people think playing video games is dumb.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          I think it is dumb to look at it as a hobby, it's kinda... a default thing for me I guess? I study for uni, socialize with my relatively small circle of friends, sometimes I also work and I don't consider those things as hobbies. They're just an inherent part of my life. Or is talking to this girl I met a month ago also a hobby? I see it all just as a natural social interaction. I also socialize and talk DURING dota games, with friends, and outside of them. It's just kinda so natural and necessary that I do not think you should see it a as a hobby.

                                                                          This being said since I also suffer from depression, I did use to lock myself up and play something stupid like 18 games of dota a day when I was at my worst and I would give up on friends, gf and uni and work in general. But it wasn't me giving up on my hobby called "interacting with actual people", it was just a clinical condition messing me up.

                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                            lmao normies

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              Mine plays dota more then me.......


                                                                                Women are people too, teach them to play


                                                                                  if only all dindus played dota we wouldn't have dindus anymore. PogChamp


                                                                                    Lol. 10/10 thread. I though a hobby is something u do that u can sort of get better at. A hobby is a skill of some sort. Otherwise it would just be consumption. Watching tv isn't a hobby. Going to the movies isn't a hobby. Shopping isn't a hobby. Playing a game isn't. Playing a game to get better at it is, playing a sport is, playing an instrument is. As long as it requires some kind of learning and requires skill u can call it a hobby :). For some reason girls don't really have those. Maybe cooking and music and sometimes sports. But you'll find many who just don't have hobbies.


                                                                                      One has to understand that relationship shouldnt be spending 24/7 time with the loved one, really. Everyone should have some times for themselves, for their hobbies, interest, instead being tied with an invisible rope to each other and when you move toward your stuff you drag them with you. The best thing is when you do something you like when your loved does that in the same time as well, you both are busy and then you spend the time together after you are done and thats it. I cant imagine if someone were bitching at me everytime i would play or draw (but i guess they wouldnt bitch about me drawing, at least not that much, because they only think games are "a waste of time")

                                                                                      Sometimes Im glad Im single and dont have a girl like that


                                                                                        i dont get it cant u just not play dota


                                                                                          well if u have gf your quality time of dota decreased. its dota or gf. i think if i have girlfriend i will quit doto


                                                                                            I am a girl and I just play most of the time when my husband isn't around. When he's at home I make sure that he is busy with his own games on ps4 before I play. I have many friends who have their girlfriends complaining that they play too much dota such that they stop altogether. In my opinion, your girlfriend shouldn't stop you from doing what you want. Establish your stance in the relationship, if you give in to her with regards to dota, you raise her expectations and in the future you may feel pressured to give up something even more important. You can strike a deal with her like every day play x number of matches and that when you play she is not to complain.


                                                                                              Ok guys now Listen and learn.
                                                                                              Take your girl to gym every Day and make her go hard. She gona be tired after and gona get to bed. Enjoy free time.

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                                                                                                I have a pen
                                                                                                I have a apple


                                                                                                  Can all grill dota players add me for party?


                                                                                                    ^ trust me you dont wanna play with 4 Grills. If been playing with 3 in Stack, oh my Lord what a stressfull expirience


                                                                                                      i would give you advice but i have no girlfriend.

                                                                                                      rice cake

                                                                                                        dont let grill takes over dotka. dotka is more important.