General Discussion

General DiscussionBest Map awareness this world has ever fucking seen

Best Map awareness this world has ever fucking seen in General Discussion
Besn1q 3.0

    Holy shit i just realized. 100% kill participation on over 50 kills. Next level map awareness detected.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Participate in kill not equal to map awareness Meow

      Some fight when you know your team can hold enemies and while you can split push but u still join fight,it's not call map awareness,is just call Killing Dota not Winning Dota Meow.

      Go play Street Fighter (and it's fun!) if u want fighting game and not Break the Ancient game Meow


        Born to become a fighter


          What's more amazing it's that it's done on normal skill where fight happens everywhere lmao

          suck dick for pma

            *cough* booster *cough*

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Still havin fun in 1k ? :)

              Btw. Where is this "Meepo picker = ez lose" guy ?

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                I'd rather see a 5k guy playing on a 1k acc than seeing the opposite

                ARC WARDEN

                  ember counter meepo?
                  who said?

                  well played sir.

                  casual gamer

                    ^its the same shit as WW, if you are better than your counter he only sees you when he's a piggy being beaten to death


                      fuck mate !!! did i just say to spam kunkka not meepo >:o

                        Besn1q 3.0

                          It's SEA man, 1k SEA = 9k EU.