General Discussion

General DiscussionItems on spectre

Items on spectre in General Discussion

    I have a few qns on items.

    1. Echo sabre - any good on him?
    2. Hotd / morbid mask - is it ok if one is having trouble with the lane (so much he may need to jungle)?
    3. Midas - saw a couple of videos whr this item was picked up and would like to know the rational behind this.


      you have 300 games on this guy

      surely you realise picking up items that scale well with his ulti is the best way to go

      echo sabre doesn't work with illusions

      why lifesteal when you can get vanguard

      why midas when you're more than halfway to relic


        1.) It really depends on the lineup, as all does. Spectre is a really farm dependent hero so I wouldn't really go for a echo sabre. I feel like echo sabre is better on some suprise buttseks heroes and the ones who need to land fast hits to get more dmg output. Hits on Spectre do more dmg if he finds someone isolated and I think the slow of the dagger should be enough to provide you enought hitting potential. 2700 gold is a lot to throw away as a spectre and I doubt that it would provide you a higher winrate then the core items.
        2.) I would never buy lifesteal on spectre, if you need the regen, buy sth like a urn for early game, it even costs less then a morbid masks and gives you minimal +400 health after each kill or aditional dmg to burst someone down.
        3.) Midas - the worst item in the game and there are maybe 3-4 heroes that could actually profit out of one.

        ?.Stock @zzo

          I think that vanguard has become the way to go for spectre if u r having problems in lane, since it even becomes upgradable late into abyssal, which could be useful in a 1v1 scenario to shut down the enemy carry. Midas is just a waste of farm, while I think echo is a fighting-early-on item on a hero that would be better farming at that stage, using its ult to get kills and helps all around.

          Super Speed Snail

            I dont know, vanguard feels too slow for me.

            I'd rather tranquill than vanguard.

            Ok, hold on, calm your tities.

            I use vanguard if i know the jungle wont be contested or need to craft abyssal latter. Which is not often.

            Everybody knows the best way to handle spectre is demolish her space and disturb her farm. Hence, I feel safer in lane than jungle when all enemy heroes gone from my vision. I can help my team a little by pushing too.

            With tranquill, i have the regen i need to keep going in the lane when jungle are swarmed with enemies.

            I dont really need the movement speed too, because spec chase using her slow from skill and diffusal. And if you need ms to run away from enemy, you doing it wrong. What you need to safely run away is a good vision. Without that, it means you are not properly supported and doomed anyway.

            Not to mention, tranquill much cheaper and letting me go rush diffusal/radi more conveniently.

            For me, its better use 2150 gold that halfway to diffusal/radi than just to a regen shield that getting useless late game.

            Every minutes is count, and spec need to use her time efficiently. Just radi and diffu already enough to make me snatching enemy support and squishing fleeing carry heroes in a clash.

            But dont get me wrong, not saying vanguard is sucks. I just said, the circumstance that makes me build one doesnt comes often.

            But, you know, what do I know, I'm just a 2k scrub spectre spammer.


              ^ lol tranquil on a hero that needs to hit things to farm / kill stuff . That's bad even for 2k logic.


                "surely you realise picking up items that scale well with his ulti is the best way to go"

                I'm thinking myself that this is errant thinking. Picking up things that scale with Dispersion gives you a much higher uptime threat level. Getting a 22% bonus to every HP item you get that turns into damage is pretty attractive.

                It's hard to call the radiance build obsolete when the hero is sitting at a grossly high winrate, but I'm just doing some theorycrafting here. I'd like to see Mek/Manta on this hero, coming online much earlier. What do you guys think?

                Super Speed Snail

                  @Filthy: yeah, i know. I had the doubt too.

                  Its kinda weird to see that it is working, here in this low 2k peasant ground.

                  I dont know, might because 2k mmr players are worse than a spectre on a tranquil.


                    Quiet contrary, u got tranquil if u want to go jungle (just like axe) and u go vanguard if u want to stay at ur lane.

                    Super Speed Snail

                      @scrublord: I know, i'm not saying it is a great item. I'm not trying to sell the idea or anything.

                      Its just works. Somehow...

                      It gives me staying power to not going back to fountain and get my radiance much quicker. Well, might because i skipped thread and vanguard and rushing stuff.

                      After that, i go jungle if I build radi, or a bit aggressive with my Reality when I build diffusal.

                      I dont get it either, I feel better farm jungle with radi than with vanguard. About clashing, manta is the one making spectre can manfight anyone. Not vanguard. Abyssal maybe, but I wont manfight anyone with just vanguard.


                        echos not great both lifesteal options are bad midas is bad


                          vanguard blademial diffu tarass ez


                            Phase wand vg Talon raindrops radiance


                              Only urn if your team isn't retarded


                                Midas is shit
                                Magic stick/wand/raindrops, whatever you think is better
                                Lifesteal is shit,talon is enough to accelerate your farm
                                Go for VG for early fights, rather than lifestal or echo,( I usually don't get any since the game usually goes late and investing on VG doesn't seems to be worth it for most of my matches)

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  Thanks for the replies guys

                                  @i pick meepo in wat circumstances is blademail good, i actually nvr bought this before


                                    If i have to put echo i will put in here:phase boots,urn,echosabre intead of aquila