General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you remember your first abandon?

Do you remember your first abandon? in General Discussion

    I have close to 1,900 games played and I intentionally abandoned my first game yesterday. Just like my first game of DotA2 this is a game I will never forget. What was your first rage abandon and do you remember it?

    My Reasons:
    1) I usually play pos 5 support but can play offlane when needed.. Team picks a Treant and Disruptor so I get offlaner only for both support to not support at all, I have to buy starting wards and upgrade courier and all the most of the wards until I abandoned.
    2) Carry Treant says rushing Aghs... I expect this means will be first big items, no big deal... Nope it means he is literally going to buy starting item ring of regen and steal all offlane farm and save money for point booster etc.
    2.1) I farm the neutrals to try and recover some farm, only to watch the ring of regen / point booster treant run at their tri-lane die and then chat "Y U NO HELP"
    3) Carry disruptor afks for 3 mins at a times multiple times.
    4) I ask disruptor to help me support so I can finish mek at reasonable time, finishes wand, buys staff of wizardry flames for no vision
    4.1) I express frustration (non flame) Carry CK defends disruptor because they have gotten 2 kills in lane due to disruptor being able to press the W button effectively
    5) While Disruptor is afk for the 4th time, I have to TP to tier 1 in to try and save my carry CK with a ravage only to get insta-gusted / silenced by the drow and I get flamed for not ravaging and being underfarmed
    5.1) Treant solo dives tri lane again with ring of reg / point booster / staff of wizardry trying to right click a slark that has frost armor (lich) and shadow dance, surprise surprise he dies - flames that this team sucks.

    Ill never forget this game


      i have never abandoned a single match in my life for other reasons rather than connection errors and irl circumstances

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        true story i was there


          ^ same


            Abbadoned couple of times cuz of lags long time ago and I abbadon when the game is taking too long and I have to go to work.
            I never abbadon cuz im agry or something, I rather feed thoose games to see my team loose 100%, but doesn't happen too often tho like once in 50-100 games

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              Abandoned my first dota 2 match ever, played CK and saw only pictures, that's how bad the delay was, my PC was just shit. Played my next game like one year after that.

              2k indog monkey

                I played a match back in 2012 without having ANY IDEA how to play the game
                I died 30 seconds before the match starts to a tower
                Died 3x in 2 minutes
                A LS flamed me to death and I said that I never played this kind of game before
                He gets all cocky "I have played over 500 games of this kind" and keeps flaming me
                Told him to go fuck himself and get a life because I'm sure he wasn't that good either
                Then I abbandoned and never touched the game until 2-2.5 years later


                  Only have 1 abandon in this account due to pc restarting and team not pausing,
                  My other acc though, fuck I rage abandoned lots of games since i was a still a raging toxic player