General Discussion

General DiscussionFrom VHS to HS.

From VHS to HS. in General Discussion

    How can i get back to VHS?
    Is playing Party effects the calibration of hidden mmr?


      play better

      party has no effect on solo, not in unranked nor in ranked.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        thank you. i hope not to fall again in 3k. do you think i can calibrate to 4k?


          if you can play like a 4k, you'll calibrate 4k.

          if you play like a 3k, you'll calibrate 3k

          if you play like a 2k, you'll calibrate 2k

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            thank you. i think i play like a 4k player. good luck to me.
            How valve based the mmr calibration?



              that's how

              if you underperform, your stats will be terrible and you drop

              if you stomp, your stats will be great and you'll go up.


                thanks. i thought is gmp and xmp counts


                  Is opendota good in predicting mmr?


                    it has a confidence interval


                      Thank you very much cookie. hope to play with you sometimes.


                        Yes it will affect your vhs, because I have a same scenario on my smurf account wherein I always win in VHS bracket but when I play with my friends in NS bracket we always lose because all my friends are noob. And I dropped back to HS bracket when I play solo mm, sad :(


                          "but when I play with my friends in NS bracket we always lose because all my friends are noob. And I dropped back to HS bracket when I play solo mm, sad :("
                          Party and solo games has different hidden MMR
                          Any true VHS player will wreck NS scrubs any time, unless you're playing for teh lulz too much


                            But why i dropped back to hs? I stomped my last game on vhs, wtf happened


                              dude, according to your profile, you've never played a very high game.

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                dude, look at my 2nd page i win a lot in VHS. I just mess some games