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General Discussion2k mmr players who say "mmr doesnt matter"

2k mmr players who say "mmr doesnt matter" in General Discussion

    2k mmr players who say "mmr doesnt matter"

    casual gamer

      many 4ks tell me im trash garbage player when i play on 4.2 :D


        I agree with them. Mmr means nothing!!!¡¡¡

        Any 2k wanna go make pro team, let's win a million dollars

        Contact me at puppey@10%.lul

        doc joferlyn simp

          im a 2k mmr player and i say mmr doesnt matter

          casual gamer

            ^ make sure u only get the good 2ks held back by their teams

            theyre usually support players

            yung griphook

              dota doesnt matter

              Riguma Borusu

                MMR always matters, but so does winrate. Somebody who has 55%+ winrate is just not "stuck" anywhere most of the time, while the people who say MMR does not matter usually have some shit like 47% winrate and blame their teammates.

                Dr. Banana

                  the people who say MMR does not matter usually have some shit like 47% winrate and blame their teammates

                  I have a 47% winrate, I say MMR doesn't matter, but I never blame my teammates. I used to, but it was a long time ago.

                  casual gamer

                    how do you abandon 6.6% of ur games rofl

                    Riguma Borusu

                      I have no idea what "MMR does not matter" actually means. Do people say that because they think it does not represent skill level, or because they are casual players who DO NOT CARE about it?

                      Because if you do not care about MMR, that doesn't mean it does not matter, just that you, in particular, do not care about it, which is perfectly acceptable.

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        im getting carried by my teammates, i wanna be like all those cool dudes being dragged down by their teammates' horrible skill thereby limiting their potential for growth. how do i lose more


                          To casual players it doesn't.
                          Just enjoy dota like you do with football or cricket. Why do people have to obsess over MMR. And vhs as long as you enjoy.
                          But that doesn't mean you ruin games of your team mates by being retard either


                            To non-casual players it does.

                            Just enjoy your casual dota, like you would with football or cricket. Why do people have to humblebrag about how they're so casual and don't care about MMR.


                              Believe it or not some people play casually for fun
                              I disagree with that mindset however
                              "Ya lets play an hour of a very competitive game fur teh lulz" and they keep telling themselves that again and again until their MMR is lower than their play hour
                              Go play minecraft or some shit, if I play a game, or do pretty much everything in life, I make sure I will improve myself at the max efficiency, time is precious man
                              I think it's fucking stupid to spend so much time in a game, while still being shit at it, and the fucking excuse is "mmr doesnt matter what matters is that u had fun"
                              Ya keep telling yourself that for the next 500 hours you spend

                              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                It's BAD to be 2k!
                                Post this on the wall of a HUGE FUCKING DOGSHIT PLAYER and tell them how DISGUSTING they are


                                  when 1k players say they can;t farm because of x reason. no u cant farm because u suck.

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    ^^can i write on your wall

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      1v1 me first


                                        "when 1k players say they can;t farm because of x reason."
                                        I always lul when I hear these excuses when dem plebs fail as a carry
                                        "STOP KSING ME IM THE CARRY"
                                        "No space"
                                        "Shit draft"
                                        "Noob support"
                                        "Mid no gank" LMAO
                                        It's like they expect to get a babysitter every game to do every fucking shit for him while staying next to em 24/7 and still get high GPM and XPM while getting NOTHING in return

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          1v1 me in club penguin you little cnt


                                            f4ggot dik fite me in real life


                                              "Two busty Asian boys swordfighting until climax"

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                u wot

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  actually all those excuses are quite legit

                                                  ppl dont have the right to ks you bcs you are the carry or pos 1

                                                  if getting pressured by enemy mid on safelane but offlane stays lane instead of farming and similar situations where the team coudlve done something to cre8 space for the carry to farm, there really is no space. thats not the carrys job, its the other players

                                                  internet is not perfect, lag can happen and you have no control over it

                                                  shit draft. thats up to the team, not the individual himself. so saying he is fails as a carry is not entirely his fault

                                                  there are many noobs support in lower brackets. auotattacking creeps, idiotic item progressions, feeding in the name of cre8ing space, bullying carry to fight earlier, stacking meks, ineffective ward spots. basically the support makes as much mistakes as the carry, but since the support role is more demanding, the person doing it have more opportunities to fail. they may have the same skill but different things are required of them, we cant compare that

                                                  many midders are passive laners and the only place they wanna be is mid. even if the mid does attempt a gank it is shitty af like goes in at daylight, no smoke, tryna kill a weaver or a riki with no detection just running at them. although ganks arent compulsory to be done by the midder, it should be done to cr8 as much space as possible

                                                  and since they play carries, babysitters are expected every game. its just that they themselves are closeminded and do not like being the ward bitch, so they continue laying carries

                                                  im not saying 1ks are perfect its just that the reasons they say are quite plausible, but better players dont see and realize that because they are miles ahead in terms of overall skill and couldve done something about their situation, and write off these things as petty excuses


                                                    idk, i just feel like a 2k player would like never take my advice for anything in a game, even tho i got double their mmr. if i play with som1 mby just 500 mmr more than me their words are orders to me lmao


                                                      But, most of the time the problems that held them from being a fat carry are usually not that hard to solve (its not like you're going to face decent players alot in NS)
                                                      People just make up excuses because they can't just accept the fact that they're not good enough to win the match

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        @nadi well simply telling just wont do. if you teach them HOW but not WHY, they will never be able to think on their feet when left to their own solo grinding, and instead do brainless shit. for example you tell a guy to not autoattack creeps and deny as much as he can. okay he does that to the best of his abilities, but when pushing hg he does the exact same thing. why? bcs a guy 4x his mmr told him so, so why should he deviate from his mentor's words? you need to help him understand the concept of creep equlibrium and stacking waves by not attacking your own creeps to push towers so that he can apply what he learned on the fly

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          "im not saying 1ks are perfect its just that the reasons they say are quite plausible, but better players dont see and realize that because they are miles ahead in terms of overall skill and couldve done something about their situation, and write off these things as petty excuse"

                                                          Well, in a way... When a 1k player says "I could not farm" that does not mean "nobody could have farmed in that situation" but rather "With my current skill level, I was unable to find the necessary farm on the map". I see a shitton of 1ks going alone into a lane just to die because they do not understand it is not safe, so they feed. It is not that they COULD NOT FARM because it is impossible, but rather because they are shit.

                                                          So it boils down to them being unable to do anything about the situation because they are really bad, which is true.

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            @bws i like roasting people as much as the next guy but i dont think stereotypical flame is needed and is to be used when telling players to get better. ive tried offering advice without derogatory words and all sugar coated for the allied currently dogshit carry, the only time that a dude didnt follow was when our mid was clearly dogshit like 1000 mmr below us dogshit and he lost the will to play on

                                                            have to be more open to them i guess


                                                              It means that u can have a low mmr but your real skill lvl is better because u watched replays, guides or get a coaching.
                                                              On the other side u can have a high mmr and your real skill lvl is worse.
                                                              Maybe u don't play dota for a while or u had luck in your calibration.
                                                              In this case it means that your real skill lvl is important and your mmr is only a hint.


                                                                Gotta agree with haf
                                                                "Hey can you please not AAing the creepwave? If the lane is near their tower it would be harder for me to farm"
                                                                "Fuck u"
                                                                "Dude don't buy aghanim on jugger it's too easy to counter and not worth the gold"
                                                                "? WATCH ME CARRY THE GAME TRUST ME"
                                                                He didn't

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  i dont know what is up with me but i dont like players flamed bcs of skill. maybe its just that idk why that should affect how others treat you

                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    not everyone can be reasoned with, especially if their skill is considerably lower than their ego

                                                                    there are good eggs lying here and there, if they want to improve why not help them by offering reasonable advice

                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      im like an sjw wtf ns rights activist


                                                                        I know PMA and suggesting things paired with the logic behind it works alot of times, but sometimes you can't tell something to some delusional guy
                                                                        Maybe it just happens more in 1k I guess

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          Tbh it's been awhile since I actually flamed someone
                                                                          I either try to colaborate with people or mute people because they're too narrow minded and delusional about themselves

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            1am man wtf are you doing

                                                                            ima sleep fuck this shit hahaha

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              When I started boosting this account from 1.1k to 3.0k I would get fucking retards that were much worse than I am, because I was in VHS unranked at the time, and my solo ranked MMR was still 1.1k. They absolutely never listened to anything I said, but I solo won most of those games anyway. I either played mid or jungle, and never safelane or offlane, because I would never get solo safelane or offlane because people always went 2 1 2 lanes, and if I get a 1k support in my lane I know I will be tilted as fuck, those people literally believe they are helping you by attacking creeps so you find it easier to last hit (?). Also there are people who believe ranged creep is the support creep, aka to be farmed by supports.

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                RANGE CREEP PARA SUPORT PTM

                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                  I only say it in response to taunting teams who say haha u lost mmr, or to trolls on your team who say haha enjoy the mmr loss as they feed. Cus really, who cares? It is just a stupid number.

                                                                                  Oh and cannot stand when some guy feeds mid then says they're really 5k and leveling accounts. Sure buddy. I only ever ran into one guy who I actually believe was leveling accounts cus he went like 32-5-20 on arc warden.


                                                                                    it's called support tax


                                                                                      MMR does matter in game difficulty but it doesn't matter in term of attitude. Sometime there is a toxic player in high mmr bracker although there are not so many than in low mmr bracket. That's what dendi means about mmr is just a number... there are even likes to pick support in below 1k bracket in my TBD matches...


                                                                                        I occasionally play on my friend's 2k acc and I am sure I could win nearly every game no matter what heroes stand against or with me on lane. Skywrath is way better at winning advantage but he can't push for shit and relies on your team hitting towers, which doesn't happen until minute 40 even if you are 50 0 in kills. Jungle legion is also great (not blink rush but get normal items like phase into armlet first and shit).
                                                                                        And about players. Yes they actually are bad. They don't listen to you unless you prove you are good(by being godlike at minute 10), even then it's hard. Though I found getting lanes you want quite easy, they take loads of time to put their icons on map and even then if you ask them to let you they won't care most of the time. Also it takes 50 pings to make them realize you are going for a kill and they are too hesitant to use their spells (the biggest problem imo).


                                                                                          "MMR always matters, but so does winrate. Somebody who has 55%+ winrate is just not "stuck" anywhere most of the time, while the people who say MMR does not matter usually have some shit like 47% winrate and blame their teammates."

                                                                                          Winrate means shit. You can play party, unranked and solo ranked mixed and winrate could be as high as fuck, or as low as it can get, obviously.

                                                                                          It just says how many games you win in general, it doesn't filter is it a solo game or a party stack game, or unranked, or...

                                                                                          You get me, I guess.

                                                                                          On the other hand, MMR does matter, but only when you play more than 150-200 games on bracket you're in.

                                                                                          Saying you're 5k after reaching the 5k and never playing it again is bullshit, for exmaple.


                                                                                            "Stop auto attacking creeps you are unnecessarily pushing the wave."
                                                                                            "What do you mean auto attack I'm just regular attacking?"
                                                                                            "You are making it hard for your jugg to farm by pushing the wave"
                                                                                            "Isn't pushing the point of the game you dumb fuck?"


                                                                                              ^ literally every crystal maiden ever


                                                                                                How come every 1-2k player on dotabuff seems to know about auto attacking and creep equilibrium, but I've never met a teammate who doesn't just aa the creepwave down every single time?


                                                                                                  Troll ratlord can auto attack while last hitting. He is an excellent fighting pusher.

                                                                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                                    To be fair, when you lane safelane you would want the creeps pushed ahead so you have enough space to pull hard camp at x:53


                                                                                                      i didnt think 2k players knew what dotabuff was.


                                                                                                        @jacked because not every 2k people hangs out in dotabuff
                                                                                                        And people in dotabuff are like all VHS
                                                                                                        So we learn shits here and apply them to our games
                                                                                                        Plus below 1500 everyone just AAs everything, I've seen enough gameplay of my friends