General Discussion

General Discussionhow do u drill into sheet metal

how do u drill into sheet metal in General Discussion

    i assume cuz everyone who plays dota has a severe case of dunning kruger, someone must be a pro handyman.

    i wanna drill holes into my tower case to put pins in

    i did it before so like this

    but i broke like 3 drill bits and im definitely doing it wrong, so maybe someone has advice how to do it properly cuz i wanna add my TI6 ones.

    1) its really thin like 2-5mm metal

    2) the hole needs to be small or the pins will fall over. so unless u have a better idea, that means i need to use a tiny drill bit.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      You can actually drill that even with a pencil if you try hard enough. I don't understand how you are even having problems drilling a 2mm metal.


        cuz the drill bits i used are like sUIPER fucking tiny so they would snap if i put even a hair of pressure on it.

        when i was down to my last one i ended up just holding it for a long ass time just to make sure it didnt break.

        ill probably just do that again, and be careful but i was wondering if there is a proper way to do this.


          stock intel cooler


            You could use hand punches.

            bum farto

              It's all in the drill bit, there is specific drill bits used to drill metal. Go down to your nearest hardware store and describe your issue they will give you the best drill bit for the work.


                You could use hand punches.


                  That shit looks way too messy. Get rid of that ugly razer sticker at least man :facepalm:

                  Edit: wtf are u gonna drill for?

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                      I got a new psup+cooler as latest upgrade.

                      And thanks havoc.