General Discussion

General DiscussionSPAN ZEUS IN TBD??

SPAN ZEUS IN TBD?? in General Discussion

    Is it true? spamming zeus will give you a really high mmr?

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      yes, go for it


        it will give you 9k calibration, go for it


          yes XD i tried it some days ago i got 5.6k mmr haha on a smurf! and my main is 3k


            no depends whats high mmr for u ..i calibrated 4400 and was playing suport offlanes and maybe 1 midd
            i even had 1 19 with SD during calibration and didnt lose mmr ( funny i was even put at 4700 avg soon after that game)

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Span zed and last u get high mmr
              Once use other hero noob is on vhs lol

              Riguma Borusu

                yeah use ult every time it is of CD and you'll get at least 4.7k that's how I got that MMR on my smurf

                but now it is -1.7k because I am bad


                  Tat why useless dude better learn something git gud

                  Luis Miguel joven

                    I dont know if all of u are trolling or what


                      What is the span of one Zeus? Are we talking length? Width? Territory? Too many variables to know if the span is different in calibration and regular mmr too.


                        They reworked mmr cali so it doesnt depend on hero dmg. It was bs anyway. Doesnt work anymore (supposedly).


                          If you can get something like a 70% winrate on Zeus then yeah I would say go for it also.


                            This guy posted it 2 years ago with internet explorer. Dotabuff just received the info :p


                              ^was that when u were 5k?




                                  ^Burn! Aww so hoott


                                    finding the span of irregular polygons like zeus is very tricky. considering that we were given points T, B, and D, we can therefore conclude that zeus has 3 points that can serve as the basis of solving this problem. first thing that you need to remember is that when solving irregular polygons, you need to divide into parts such that they would farm a regular shape. now then, given that we have 3 points, (T, B, and D) then it is obvious that we should divide zeus into 3 parts. Now then, this 3 parts would be his head, his torso, and his leg, with his nose, lower chest, and knee being the midpoint axis for each of the parts. now for the actualy solution:

                                    first, we'll find the length (or span) of zeus' head. since we already set the midpoint in his head (T) to his nose, then all we have to do is search up the average head diameter in google and voila we dont even have to solve for anything, and we already know it's 18cm.

                                    second we'll find the span of zeus's torso (B), this is somewhat tricky; we must divide his torso into two parts; a trapezoid and a semi circle. oh shit, wait, why am i making it harderfor myself, i can just solve the trapezoid and include his crotch in the leg part! ok so once again we can just search it up in google so that we'd get the answer of (5.9 - 2.7 which is the average leg length, but we all know zeus isnt 5"9 he's probably 4"5 or something so by ratio and proportion 2.7/5.9 = x/4.5 = 2"1 is zeus' leg length. now we can find his torso length by converting all this to cm using his assumed height (4'5) and deduct the leg length and head radius (137.16 - 64 - 18 = 55.16cm)

                                    now i know, we found the answer already a long time ago (4.5 LUL) but i just wanted to show you zeus' proportions in TBD. now if we had exact measurements we would have done this more accurately but at least you get the idea of how to solve it. gl in your homework.