General Discussion

General DiscussionYour signature counter-picks

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Your signature counter-picks in General Discussion

    So yeah not gonna be just your ideas but counters which you like to use and are usefull.

    HERE on forum i found nyx as counter for OD works really well, thank you

    Couple of mines favourite:

    Legion as counter AM and most of mobile heroes

    Distraptor as counter heroes which works as magnet in fight as pudge,axe are

    Pudge as counter squishy lineups

    Axe as slark counter

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      BB is a better slark counter.

      When someone picks nigma, omni, sk, or CM, I pick Silencer.

      Not too much of a counter to omni, but really helps in fights


        Silencer is hardest enigma counter imo. I like to use ta as a lifestealer counter.

        Mary Poppins

          Please can you explain why this hero counter the other one. So 3k trash like me can learn Something ^^ .


            You are asking worse than 3k trash


              i instapick visage against voker pickers


                I remember when I was 3k I used to LOVE instapicking spirit breaker vs anti-mage. It didn't work quite as well as I climbed, but it's still a good counter.

                Nowadays I like countering am with PA.

                Rubick gets rekt by slark

                Pudge gets rekt by slark

                Pudge gets rekt by clinkz

                Alch mid gets rekt by ursa

                Slark gets rekt by bloodseeker

                I could go on and on really


                  BB is a better slark counter.

                  Bristle is an awful hero in general, but slark counters bristle if anything.

                  Slark is a natural silver edge carrier, and with essence shift he's increasingly easy to manfight. You get more damage, armor, he loses armor and strength, and for 5 seconds his 40% damage reduction and extra quill damage is removed.. He's literally a creep to a good slark player.


                    Sven vs AM
                    Arc Warden vs Drow Strat
                    Slark vs PA
                    Riki vs Slark


                      Bane is one of my favourite Sven counters.
                      Abaddon is a really good Necro Counter (since you can save allies from scythe with heal and shield and you can manually activate ult if you get reapered)
                      Viper is pretty much the best Huskar counter in the game.
                      Clockwerk Destroys CM, Pugna, SF and Tinker


                        Ursa to everything
                        Wk to sven
                        Sven/PA to counter low hp high damage noob heroes like sniper,drow,zeus

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                        Mary Poppins

                          "You are asking worse than 3k trash "

                          Some are pretty obvious but for example why : Visage vs Invoker ?


                            zeus/sniper vs drow

                            casual gamer

                              BB is a counter to winning games and gaining mmr


                                Finally, ''teamwork'' can counter them all XD


                                  AM to counterpick Storm, you heard it here first.

                                  casual gamer

                                    meta forger

                                    Vem Comigo

                                      riki > counters all sups and jungler
                                      Bounty hunter counters riki
                                      slardar counters bounty hunter
                                      its a vicious circle, in a pub everything depends of the first pick.

                                      tier 3 items suck

                                        AA is my favourite counterpick vs many heroes like alch, oracle, morph etc


                                          Thanks boys very nice


                                            Huskar isnt countered by viper, cuz he gets too tanky with halberd for viper to kill. He is countered by wr if anything, and tinker.


                                              I wondering if that viper counter husk really hard....he said its best counter thats a strong word...

                                              I Love that post clockwerk counter cm, pugna, sf....and especially vs tinker thats sounds nice to me as hard counter....i hate tinker players , always to hatd to deal with for me, so will try for sure...thank you

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                                                Hardest huskar counter is really strong physical or pure dmg. Pa, wr, timbersaw, od to some extent.

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                                                    wk againt pl ?what do you think it works ?:))


                                                      Wk sux balls against certain heroes. Mostly illusion carries.


                                                        hmm really makes you think


                                                          ^arin, why are you spamming that shit

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                            AM vs Storm/WK/Tinker/Zeus/Leshrac/Lina
                                                            Omni vs Sven/WK/Naix
                                                            SB vs Sniper/AM
                                                            Slardar vs AM/DK
                                                            Drow vs Timber
                                                            Silencer vs Timber (and pretty much everyone)
                                                            Ogre Magi vs Axe (potential double single-targeted stun)
                                                            Oracle vs right-clickers in general
                                                            Spectre vs Furion
                                                            Abaddon vs LC
                                                            Kunkka/Eearthshaker vs PL/Naga/Broodmother/Furion

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              I haven't picked this in a while but I used to love razor against pa. Razor can drain all her dmg, razors ult damages her ignoring dodge and he can kite with his passive since it slows pa when she casts dagger. I don't think it slows on the blink cus it deals no dmg.

                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                Abaddon fucks LC
                                                                Bounty fucks LC
                                                                Wyvern is a pain in the ass for LC
                                                                Dazzle is a pain in the ass for LC
                                                                ...yes, I hate legion commander


                                                                  Silencer to fuck tinker and CM. Cuz silencer always say shut the fuck up to everyone


                                                                    my signature counter picks:

                                                                    arc counters every other hero


                                                                      Nyx against Invoker: that's muh signature baby

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
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                                                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                          BB is a better slark counter.



                                                                            Muh Tb counter tower diver and tower in general

                                                                            Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                              AA best counter to lifesteals, regen, and heals.

                                                                              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                jugg am vs timber
                                                                                pa vs drow
                                                                                am vs storm

                                                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                                                  Winter Wyvern to hard counter Meepo pickers


                                                                                    Techies to counter fun.


                                                                                      oracle on right clickers like lc and void. so funny to see them staring at me hahaha.
                                                                                      oracle is a pretty good counter to on necrophos. you know that moment when necrophos is expecting that sweet kill then you used that fates edict on your teammate. haha

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                                                                                        storm against no disable lineups lmfao


                                                                                          @straightouttadota its normal to get confused coz visage doesnt counter voker, my visage mid playstyle does. Voker doesnt have a chance against it. Its my signature counter pick

                                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                            About Viper countering Huskar:
                                                                                            Viper is tanky, has a strong early game and has superior range, which are all things that are useful when fighting Huskar.
                                                                                            His Poison attack slows attack and move speed which helps Kite Huskar if his jump is on cooldown. It also lets him harass Huskar in lane in the same way that Huskar usually harasses enemies with his burning spears.
                                                                                            His Corrosive Skin reduces the damage from burning spears (Huskars main damage source) and also slows Huskars attack and move speed while damaging him back.
                                                                                            The main reason he counters him is because of Nethertoxin. Copy-pasted from the Wiki:

                                                                                            This is how much damage Nethertoxin deals on each level against heroes (and non-heroes):
                                                                                            100%-81% health: 2.5/5/7.5/10 (1.25/2.5/3.75/5)
                                                                                            80%-61% health: 5/10/15/20 (2.5/5/7.5/10)
                                                                                            60%-41% health: 10/20/30/40 (5/10/15/20)
                                                                                            40%-21% health: 20/40/60/80 (10/20/30/40)
                                                                                            20%-1% health: 40/80/120/160 (20/40/60/80)

                                                                                            If Huskar is between 60 and 41% HP then Viper gets 40 bonus physical damage when attacking him. If Huskar is below 20% then its a massive 160 bonus damage on each attack. Huskar is almost always low on HP which is when he's at his strongest, but its also when he is most vulnerable to Physical damage. And Viper gets a ton of bonus Physical damage when he fights a Low HP Huskar.

                                                                                            TL;DR: Viper is tanky, has bonus magic resist to reduce damage with Spears, will usually win the lane against Huskar and Viper does the most damage when Huskar is normally at his strongest (IE, Low HP), taking advantage of Huskars Weaknesses. Viper may die to the burning spears but he almost always kills Huskar first.


                                                                                              Viper is good dont get me wrong. Just he falls off faster than huskar


                                                                                                Viper doesn't fall off as fast as he used to. But the point is that he deals with Huskar during the midgame, when Huskar normally is trying to snowball. Viper should keep Huskar in Check until the carry comes online.

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                                                                                                    storm against no disable lineups lmfao

                                                                                                    for some reason i lose against no disable lineups as storm because i always underestimate opponents and never expect them to burst me down just with damage/rightclicks or bashes

                                                                                                    if i play against some disables then i just pay more attention and have higher winrate


                                                                                                      wyvern vs 2k carries


                                                                                                        Thanks Maverick ill try that Viper for sure, btw im happy i learned something already, yesterday i used that wk vs legion and i won,and slardar vs dk also win thank you guys