General Discussion

General Discussionbye bye

Dota 2 API je momentálně nedostupné. Výsledky tvých zápasů se zobrazí hned jak se vrátí.
bye bye in General Discussion
queen's speech

    I've pretty much quit dota
    bye bros


      See u in a week?


        see you in 48 hours.

        doc joferlyn simp

          you will be back


            See you in 168 hours.


              nice smurf

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                He quit on his smurf, but you will see him on his main

                queen's speech



                    give me this smurf its nice

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      mmm yes this smurf quality is quite high

                      ill give you 2 bzz's for it


                        bye bee

                        queen's speech

                          yo alice fuck you manchild

                          casual gamer

                            can we know what he calibrated at???? the suspense is killing me


                              i checked hes played constant with 6k -6.5k players constant

                              queen's speech

                                its no big deal


                                  yea no big deal now give me acc or ill blow your head


                                    Lmao giv me account


                                      Yeah I'm also taking a pretty big long break from Dota, to the points I've temporarily stopped my plus subscription to save on the $6 per month (picking up a mortgage so need money). Probably not going to play again until next year, certainly not until next patch is released. Just get too depressed over losses you know what I mean? In the meantime I'm focusing on doing well at my job, keeping going with the Mahou Shoujo of the Ends translations, been able to play some other games (looking forward to Pokemon Sun in a few weeks, getting lean (down to 12.9% bodyfat at my most recent check a month ago, I reckon I've probably lost at least another 1-1.5% based on ab visibility), been maintaining weight around 73kg for four months now while losing fat so it goes to show those fat activists who all claim "people who diet and lose weight always gain it bacl"are full of shit but we knew that anyway.


                                        we will not miss you


                                          we wont miss you you smurfing shithead



                                            gj see you're in ozland so seasons are reversed but the cold conserves and promotes long term thinking


                                              I've posted this so many times, you can't quit

                                              queen's speech

                                                Jesus fuckin christ