General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Well its not just a marathon run between a fat kid and a college athlete

    Theres lots of other activitirs and sports


      well cookie it depends what that mistake is, if it is skill-based or not. so some manner of practice would probably be required. and maybe not-sucking is rquired. lul


        Well that's the point you can't beat them at something they are good at so you force them to play your game where you have the edge


          Harmless, yes a fat kid can outperform a coollege athlete. You can beat them in chess, but they beat you in every other sport, so playingnyour game wont win you the contest.

          Even in the real world and the eqvivqlent in dota.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            how would a fat kid outperform a college athlete?

            by not competing in the same field the college athlete is competing at

            that way the fat kiddo will instantly be better than the athlete because the athlete isnt even competing there xDDDDDD


              looking at a grandmaster play chess. analyse why he won. u couldeventually see where his opponent fucked up. could u replicate it? if you could think 20 steps ahead, maybe. but that requires putting in as many hours into the game as he does.

              unless u somehow manage to figure out a "pattern". let's say u figured out that most 5k mmr players only think up to 5 steps ahead, and only consider 4 variables at any given time. then you could theoretically beat them by always thinking 6 steps ahead and 5 variables. but easier said than done

              Tento komentář byl upraven
              2k indog monkey

                A fat kid can outperform a college athlete by outsmarting his ass


                  by the first 10 mins, you can tell how good or bad your teammates or enemies at some aspects of the game
                  You can exploit them and win
                  edit: now this is turning into a real discussion

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    Uh how would a fat kid out race a college athlete with years of practice and physical endurance unless he cheating? I may be wrong but I have never actually seen it


                      That's what I am saying Bryant u can't physically outperform him. You can ofc take advantage of his defects in other fields


                        if majority of the playerbase is bad at dealing with it then that means im bad at dealing with it too

                        i like what alice says here. what makes u think knowing the mistake means u just stop becoming bad at it yourself? i know im bad at farming. i know if i got better id probably improve. but that doesnt mean ill just naturally get better at farming


                          but do you even have to race him xD

                          in short, we give up, git gud at league, get challenger tier and win $$


                            unless it is not something skill-based. come on more clues pls


                              Ur getting close harmless


                                I never said that the fat kid can't ever outperform the college athlete I said he can't outperform him in the field he specializes him without some kind of workaround or cheat

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  Maybe you could severe a tendon or spike his Gatorade.


                                    Yep, thats it.

                                    So how do you apply that to dota

                                    2k indog monkey

                                      Apoo is going to win the 4k race guys
                                      We fucking lost


                                        dis gonna be a fun discussion


                                          how can a fat kid outperform a college athlete?

                                          if the college athlete gets hit by a truck before their competition

                                          that way the fat kid wins by default xDDDDD


                                            LMAO apoo is probably the smartest kid here eh doctor?


                                              For example a sub1k carry player like me can't out last hit a 3k carry but ofc he can out splitpush him or pick better fights or maybe just play such a way that is disadvantageous to the opposing carry hero


                                                thats basically what i was trying to say and i get no credit smh

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  If the specified playerbase is good at splitpushing, go pick heroes that specialize in small skirmishes.

                                                  If they are good teamfighters, you go splitpush.

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    Reverse engineer the problem?


                                                      the thing is, one 5k may be bad at something, but another 5k may be good at that something the other 5k is bad in.

                                                      the correct analogy to use here is, how does a fat kid outperform a college athlete in football? the truth is he doesnt. u can't just play a different game.


                                                        one 5k may be really good at last hitting. another really good at team fighting. there isn't one thing u can just abuse unless they collectively do not know it.

                                                        2k indog monkey

                                                          Let's say, your secret is that "4ks dont know how to deal with splitpush"
                                                          I will learn what heroes are good at split pushing
                                                          I will force those 4ks out of their comfort zone of fighting and afk farming style by split pushing
                                                          I will learn positioning, so that I can split push safely
                                                          I will win just by being good at split pushing


                                                            Exactly as haffy said a hero
                                                            A hero like tb for example is good at both teamfights and pushing but a major flaw in hi. Is that he is dependant on meta cooldowns so want do you do? U fight when you k ow its down and you proceed to fuck him up so much that he is afraid to fifth even when meta is up


                                                              exactly, just exploit their weaknesses, If you see an enemy carry who is god tier at farming, yet you can tell he has no map awareness at all
                                                              you take advantage of that and gank that mofo till you win the game


                                                                that's akeen to saying college football players do not know some rule of the game they play, and some fat kid just wins by backdooring or something


                                                                  what no

                                                                  we get beat by sub 1ks every time because those shit are too stupid and cancerous for us

                                                                  so how does a fat kid beat a college athlete?

                                                                  make him look stupid by being cancerous before your match

                                                                  that way he may win the race but at least you get the public's sympathy xDDDD


                                                                    I may spew bulshit like a 5k but I know I m shit at executing it lmao fuck my life

                                                                    2k indog monkey

                                                                      I think it's about not being able to notice the enemies' weaknesses and punish them for having such weakness

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        We are using the wrong analogies here, it's fucking up the discussion with unneeded paradoxes.


                                                                          How does a fat kid outperform an athlete?

                                                                          Brakes his legs, runs him over, shits in his shoes, puts stuff in his drink, gives his taxi the wrong adress.

                                                                          No matter how physically/mentally the athlete is better, if he doesnt get to do what hes good at, then he becomes NOTHING


                                                                            if you could see mistakes 7k makes, u would kinda be 7k. lol how the hell do u see the mistakes they see without having the experience they have though?


                                                                              which is why you guys must first know what the weaknesses/mistakes are


                                                                                Exactly make so.e1 get out of his comfort zone and watch the sucker get fucked up

                                                                                2k indog monkey

                                                                                  Heard from some 5k guy (probably cookie himself lmao) when he played against a 7k one slight mistake he gets punished badly by the 7k, since he noticed it and abused it, hard, and that mistake cost him the game


                                                                                    banned free cookies this forum

                                                                                    thats what ive been saying this whole time but apoo gets the credit smh

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      I actually have an idea of what the secret might be, it is dumb and simple, and I have seen 5k streams where people have trouble with that. I won't share it here though.

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                        that's just akin to being better than that person. if u are better than someone u can just stop him from doing what he is good at. u jst outplay ur opponent if u know what they are up to. but thats what dota is all about, it's knowing what your opponent is up to. if you could predict 100% correctly what every 8k is up to, you could win games against them with some practice. again, easier said than done. it's not easy to just know what they are up to.


                                                                                          Lmao why is every1 coming to seatard Land today

                                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                                            "if you could see mistakes 7k makes, u would kinda be 7k. "
                                                                                            Knowing what the mistake is does not equal to being able to replicate that scenario without committing the same mistake. A lot of it is in execution. That's why people actually analyze their own matches - because every player makes a lot of mistakes despite KNOWING BETTER.
                                                                                            Knowing != doing (speaking from personal experience)

                                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                              now that cookie has answered his own question i cant make any more answers for the question oh no

                                                                                              so how does a fat kid beat a college athlete?

                                                                                              idk ask cookie

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                All of the discussion prior to this comment has been made upon the assumption that we already know the weakness.

                                                                                                We know how to abuse now, Reverse engineer the problem and focus on whatever the playerbase lacks.

                                                                                                The problem now is the time needed to analyze games and compare them will take too much time. And there is not only one problem, rather one big problem shrouded by many other small problems that contribute to it, but are not the main focus.


                                                                                                  Lmao this discussion doesn't help me in any way I need to get to1k before setting my sights on 4k kek

                                                                                                  2k indog monkey

                                                                                                    I feel stupid now