General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    The kind of ass that daddy likes

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        Just remembered that in my game w weebo yesterday we could see alch acid thru the fog in rosh pit. Lmao. So many bugs.


          I got 2 - 1'd in the first game, then I 2 - 0'd apoo in the 2nd

          I should never play dotka while thinking about grills


            Thinking about Alice all day mmmm


              Too bad raj cant comments on the ass

              Edit: feelsrajman

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                Raj deadened


                  Don't worry guys he is still theory crafting.

                  He did mentioned he played 7.00. So he must have some other account he doesn't want us to know about


                    clement 2nd apoop confirmed feelsapoopman


                      Clement never plays with apoop
                      Clement IS apoop
                      He was playing on apoop's account during the 1v1 while his main afks


                        Apoop never exists
                        It was Clement fooling us all along


                          *cues X-files song*


                            i wonder what offlaner i should use other than cent bcuz everyone is calling me a filthy cent abuser fuck

                            furion ?!


                              What if raj is Apoop. Who is also clement.


                                Alice and they are right. You are a filthy cent abuser. I think I'll play him tonight.


                                  Haffy got killed by Renshin because Renshin changed his mind, decided to give his 3.9k account to his child, but Haffy refuses
                                  So Renshin went to his home, Johann lets him in, and they both went to Johann's room, Kelly asked him nicely to return his account, but Johann still doesn't want to
                                  Renshin noticed that Johann's phone has no password, and he has Steam Authenticator on his phone, so he killed Johann by smashing his monitor on his head, grabbed his phone, and got out
                                  Both of the account were connected with the same email, and Kelly realized, if he logs in with one of the account, the police can track him
                                  Which is why he never plays right now


                                    I should've written a wall of text for maximum conspriacy exprience


                                      I exist or do I not?


                                        aPooP. The Schrodinger's Scrub


                                          Bws. So raj is haffy all along?


                                            we should get a SEA only 1v1 mid contest.

                                            for the memes

                                            sea 1k= sea 4k?


                                              I am, therefore I think


                                                ^ memer is just a number ask the godslayer apoop


                                                  Apoop the 4k slayer


                                                    And Apoop was behind it all

                                                    knowing haffy's desires of not being the asian benao, apoop persuaded renshin to give haffy the 4k account. this is where the plan begins.

                                                    the night renshin had to leave his game while playing with jacked, apoop actually got access of renshin's gf's cp and texted him "netflix and chill" kind of text so renshin rushed instantly

                                                    after that, apoop went undercover and sneaked to the convenient store renshin was going to and put holes in all the condoms, so no matter what renshin gets fucked

                                                    after knowing he will now become a dad, apoop convinced renshin to take back the acc so that he can teach his son how to be a billionaire by playing pro dota (now we know apoop is a manipulative bastard)

                                                    how do i know all this? because im apoop's boss. and no, i am not alice. i am AHMED. i stole alice's identity and acc (that is why he is now easily breezing through 3k, IT WAS ME ALL ALONG). Now im saying this because i no longer need apoop. haffy is dead, and he knew our organization's secret. now no one can stop me. i will now go to outer space and execute my plan.


                                                      oh shit i forgot to put bws jacked zero and daddy

                                                      someone make a better conspiracy


                                                        Pls no
                                                        Am no connect this conspire


                                                          1 major flaw ,I'm broke and I live in india


                                                            Thank god im not part of your conspiracy. Staying clean bruh

                                                            basement :)

                                                              That blissful moment when you get 6 successful reports in 2 days.


                                                                Lul. I think bws kidnapped haffy so he can't rise to 3k. Haffy was never playing renshins 4k account. That was just Apoop all along. Raj got muted and haffy went missing. Coincidence? Unlikely. Think how bws plays in 3k so easily. Is bws Alice all along? We know how Alice is obsessed with getting 3.5 although he really is 3k player. He hates haffy and does not want to be surpassed by him. So he hatched a plan to befriend him by pretending to be a 2k indog. Meanwhile apoop the 4k mastermind has been slowly feeding and tilting the seatards so they lose more mmr because he is an evil fuck. The only one who can stop him is renshin who can carry even his worst of 1k plays. Hence he hatched the plan to get renshins gf pregnant.

                                                                And his evil plan worked. Little does renshin know that inside his girlfriends belly is a chocolate surprise waiting to be born.




                                                                    That was significantly better


                                                                      Wake up guys. Who do you think introduced over watch to zero? Twisted his mind and vanished for days. When did Apoo join the seatards? Think guys. Wake up. Apoo only desire is that we lose games. He laid his curse on us all but zero returned and we prevailed. Why does raj only theory craft and not play? Apoo laid the curse recognizing that one day raj might be 9k. He takes great pleasure in knowing that raj remains 700mmr. And the key to that is keeping him thirsty. Why do you think he got banned suddenly? Because he was close to unlocking the secret to breaking the curse. Which was to quench his thirst. Anyone who comes in his way is swiftly removed. Even zero cannot carry
                                                                      Him. He is the lord of heaviness


                                                                        It seems I have been found out
                                                                        But it matters bot , my work is almost done muahahahhahahahahahahha


                                                                          Hmmmm, now that I think about it, I could have gotten my bluestar, if I had'nt partied with apoo when I was still a free man
                                                                          WHAT A PLAN, Apoo you monster


                                                                            Say whatever you want I have been successful ahahahhahahahaha


                                                                              you know how bws has tons of smurf accounts? WI: bws is not a person; he is a mass production caused by a "VHS Project" (while "bws" actually stands for "boy with skillz") that mass produces dota AI with the single goal of getting VHS (hence why we get how tu get vhs every week; the VHS Project has become so good and quick at producing failures that the speed they do it boggles the mind). Apparently this "bws" we know is one of those failures, although he is a bit different because he managed to develop a conscience of his own (maybe he's the first on of the bws series of AI?) and is now feeling threatened because he's about to lose the Asian Benao Race. Realizing it cant do what is was designed to do, BWS-001 is now carefully devising a plan to take over the VHS Bracket with his own army of VHS bots. He planned Raj's muting and converted him to a VHS bot and gave him a smurf, he also hacked the electric company near my place so that i'd never get 3500. He also hacked renshin's gf's phone, and devised a text message that forced renshin to impregnate his gf, so that haffy will get his 3.9k acc and stay here, clearly we can see that he intends to be the winner.

                                                                              All was according to his plan until a miscalculation happened. Apoop beat Clement. He did not expect this to happen at all and according to his AI, any miscalculation must be deleted. I know this last part kinda just forces Apoop into the conspiracy, but Apoop is vital to all conspiracies, and since me and Haffy died we need to give bws an enemy so here goes a half-assed enemy for you bws.


                                                                                OH WAIT NO I HAVE FIGURED OUT THAT APOOP IS NOT A HALF ASSED VILLAIN BUT RATHER A FULL FLEDGED ONE

                                                                                know how apoop's only desire is for us to lose games? maybe he is the product of an entirely opposite project. AN AI DESIGNED TO PUT PEOPLE FOREVER IN NORMAL SKILL. This is how he defeated clement, yet zero fails to carry him. This is how he wins almost of his games with zeus in solo ranked, but when he plays pt queue he's the biggest fucking deadweight ever

                                                                                but is apoop really the villain then...?


                                                                                  Wow u guys have a lot of free time and creativity lul


                                                                                    @cookie, Apoop would probably win the SEA 1v1 tourney,

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                                                                                      Naah it's clement


                                                                                        Good lord what the fuck is up my people??//?


                                                                                          I usually read all of the pages I miss but I'm just not feeling it today, I just want to fap.

                                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                            What am I? What are we?


                                                                                              I'm a cool guy doing cool things eating cool stuff fapping to cool girls thinking about cool ideas.

                                                                                              You're a retarded piece of shit.