General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Its all about efficiency in supports IMO u have to be doing something,
    If you aren't ganking go stack or ward or deward or farm
    Thanks for the page

    Tento komentář byl upraven

      I hope i que with u fuckers on this account

      Président® Salted Butter

        Safelane wards when enemy are likely to run a trilane or at least come bottom to gank your carry


          If they have a aggressive roamer then its a must like Mirana or Pudge or spirit breaker

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            xd im also gonna have to know at least the basic warding spots this patch


              Just don't do the shit u did today and u are gucchi alice


                im prob gonna perform like that in our next few games

                Président® Salted Butter

                  When supporting in the early game, ask yourself "would my carry be safe if I left him now?" If yes, go roam, if not, continue harassing the offlaner/do a stack pull/do a connect pull (it's actually really easy now). If you can roam, ask yourself "Which is their weakest lane? Do I and my partner have enough kill potential to make a gank successful?" If yes, go, if no, then stack or take the rune. Just help the other lanes when needed, always bring a tp and look at the map

                  Président® Salted Butter

                    Look for "commended and tipped", it's cookies' support guide. It doesn't really cover wardspots, but it does tell you what the fuck you should be doing early on

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      Or just look at my support plays kappa


                        rofl a while ago i was playing so shit me and zero were getting rekt so i decided to gtfo of that lane so he can at least get solo experience (there no way i can harass or guarantee his farm against ud pudge)

                        tbh i still dont know what i couldve done that game LOL

                        Président® Salted Butter

                          For the love of god, learn to harass without drawing aggro, you wouldn't want to fuck the creep equilibrium up


                            What's aggro?

                            BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                              Harass the guy with pms

                              S e e m s v e r y g o o d

                              Président® Salted Butter

                                AND OH, START WITH SENTRIES EACH GAME. And then check if the enemy mid/offlane placed an observer ward somewhere, don't worry, you'll get that 200 gold back through pulls and a deward anyway

                                Président® Salted Butter

                                  Plot twist: The support against the dude with the pms was skywrath mage ULU


                                    You don't manfight a tidehunter

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                      Unless you are skywrath mage. Skywrath mage gives no fucks about kraken shell lul


                                        That game was fun though I liked messing with the huskar

                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                          Why is it that in 1k and 2k, when people say "support" or "stunner", earthshaker is what immediately comes to their minds?

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                            That first missed ravage tho ulu


                                              Remember the Earthshakers is op thread? That's the reason.
                                              I messed the ravage cos I was afk for a sec

                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                Can I have the link?


                                                  Its a diox threaf

                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                    Oh ayyy lmao


                                                      Mortals sleep


                                                        pc crashed 3 fuckin times during search
                                                        first two times music went like dzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
                                                        i thought the porblem was the music i didnt open it up then again third time it happened during doto search
                                                        w8ing 5 min to see if it restarts again ...


                                                          maybe time to get a new parts for the pc


                                                            7 year old parts xd


                                                              time to say goodbye, they served you well
                                                              anyways, wont be playing tomorrow


                                                                ok so after 2 hours of search and getting 5 LPs and 5 min ban from search, found that windows had an update that fucked me


                                                                  WOW NOW DOTA SAYS STEAM CLIENT NOT FOUND WEEEEEOOOWWWW IM THE LUCKIEST GUY IN THE WORLD TONIGHT


                                                                    nvm just gonna install win 7 again fuck dis shit


                                                                      SHIT i couldnt wake up early enough now i cant play


                                                                        fu ckt his shit i got BSODed :((( cant play at all omfg got 5 lp and when i find 1 lp match i got abandon again idk how many lp that would make


                                                                          Still 5 I think


                                                                            Aggro used to be a clarity killer

                                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                              Top KeK


                                                                                Hi am now guiding riki


                                                                                  I haven't updated my doto to 7.01 yet


                                                                                    Some weired short of problem comes every time...


                                                                                      Steam crashed like 4/5 times..
                                                                                      And when it finished downloading all files then it said Corrupted files...Fuck this shit..


                                                                                        I forgot how ice cream can taste so good my god.

                                                                                        Sans Rival Ice Cream is better than the real Sans Rival, imho.


                                                                                          Sick shit, would want this in a game and buy it ASAP solid 5/7.


                                                                                            how was ur dota 2016 btw

                                                                                            started this year playing shittons of party queue, but when vacation came i rarely played (ironically) because i got addicted to anime and other games so i wasnt able to follow manila major and even 1 patch. only started playing again by i think july? and i was complete shit 2700 mmr guy rofl

                                                                                            then me and my friends entered a sub4k mini tourney but we never got far because of internal issues esp schedule. so im like "fuck this" if i cant play with them then i'd rather play alone. so i started playing solo queue seriously by august and thats also the time i started lurking in various forums (reddit dbuff) but i liked dbuff the most so i stuck

                                                                                            not much to say but from august to december i managed to climb from 2700/2800? to 3500 cant remember what mmr i started but im sure its mid 2700 or low 2800


                                                                                              overall i think this is my best year so far, with my worst being 2015. most fun is still 2014 tho since thats when i started playing


                                                                                                i climb from 2.7 to 3.1 for the whole year. RIP mmr gain. Well i wasnt spamming ranked games so i have complains.