General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
fear is the mind killer

    match idd


      dont post that shit here i fucking suck at invoker

      fear is the mind killer

        ^ your build gave me cancer tbh


          Seems like it'd take me a week to finish my dota update XDDDDDD


            It pains my heart to see such talent(and beauty) lose the chance to compete in WRC3 just because she lacks finances


              U haven't seen cancer until you see me play invoker😏😏


                I don't see anything wrong with right click invoker here tbh.

                let me say i'm the bigges...

                  I don't think apoo casts tornado 180 degrees from a fleeing enemy 😂


                    I don't cast tornado at all. Or icewall or deafening blast

                    LIL KASALANAN

                      My ideas are never wr0ng my boiz


                        Your very existence is wrong

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Haven't memed in a few days and I'm feeling fine.


                            I'm suffering from withdrawals


                              How's school kids ?

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Top 2 in my class biatches.

                                I want to enjoy being top 1 but there's this one Korean kid that keeps kicking my ass.

                                TheKorean27. huehue memes good shit

                                I do hope this will cut me some slack from my parents and let me play.


                                  Top 2? Why not 1st, bitch. Do I need to get my whip? Jk I'm not like apoops parents

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    They think Dota 2 is an unnecessary distraction in my pursuit of scholastic proficiency but they don't know that Dota 2 is what keeps me up and running. It's my way of offsetting the mild pressures of school so that I can feel guilty about not doing work, otherwise I would turn all sulky and whine about school.

                                    Basketball is good and shit but can't play everyday, books take way too much time and I keep forgetting where I put it, contrary to Dota 2 which is always waiting. <3


                                      btw. They aren't gonna start going easy on your ass just because you show results, trust me

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        Learned that the hard way but they were really up my case about the game this time, saying I could do so much and my "addiction" (I don't have any games on my PC cuz they don't want things uninstalled expect Microsoft Word and Google lmfao) I play on internet cafes, which the money I use is from my own allowance. I tried explaining but they are having none of it.

                                        Any advice you can give me Jacked?


                                          Well just keep your grades up. And keep doing what you're doing. Accept it as a fact of life. Your parents are always going to want the best for you. You kinda need that annoying voice of reason in your ear to quell the voice of the devil that tells you to play al day. If you didn't have them on your ass you might play too much for your own good. I think it's good if you can manage it. Unless you think your parents are too controlling, I wouldn't mind it tbh. Just Think of it as a mechanism for balance in your life.


                                            Go to net cafes and playing a bit is fine. Why do they have to know.

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              I was okay for them nagging me and throwing me disapproving looks whenever I came back from playing. But geez they are giving speeches right now how their friends' friend's dog's owner's aunt's third cousin ruined their life because of an addiction, Like what the fuck don't they think I'm smart enough to know the dangers of addiction on my own?

                                              I guess it's because of my sister being very smart and she's the eldest, I think they want a second child like that.

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                I don't know what to feel about this tbh


                                                  Welcome to my world


                                                    I haven't been stuck at 900 yet idk it isn't so hard,
                                                    The only reason I'm at 992 right now is cos I let some1 else play in my acc.
                                                    Remind me no to trust 2ks again


                                                      im 1500 mmr away from 5k, and i alr climbed 1700 mmr

                                                      so is 2k to 3500 the same as 3500 to 5k? i mean is the 1500 difference between them the same in terms of skill difference or is the 1500 between 3500 and 5k "bigger" than 2k to 3500?


                                                        I know how it feels


                                                          @alice 3.5k to 5k is easier than 2k to 3.5k because you get gud timmetes unlike me omg ternch so fcking real slark OP SJDGIABDUAJVDBDKS DIN DIOX AHAHAH


                                                            eh i actually dunno

                                                            back then i was as bad as them it's a miracle i even climbed, but rn i think im gonna lag behind everyone once my mmr becomes higher


                                                              My internet has been dogshit rwcently I can't even load DB pages under 4 seconds


                                                                I CANT EVEN FUCKIBG POST COMMENTS WITHOUT HAVING TO WAIT FOR ANOTHER 20 SECONDS HOLY FUCK


                                                                  -lock thread


                                                                    Yes you need a voice of disapproval every time you indulge. otherwise it wouldn't be strong enough to stop you from indulging fully. I mean look at the 5ks on this forum. At least 50% are probably addicts and autistic. LUL yer parents are right to be worried. Like I said, just accept that their voice of disapproval will always be there and continue to enjoy dota in small amounts while u maintain good grades. Eventually those voices will die down when you get married. Kek


                                                                      Oh wait. Then your wife will voice her disapproval


                                                                        Pay no mind to over achieving grills. They have no channel to indulge in anything

                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          I don't mind any grill except Alice. I have friends that are girls but maintaining a grill friend like you do seems like a lot of work. Having to put up with 9 retards and my own dogshit plays and repeat this for several dozen times, and just chill with irl friends playing ball seems like a better life to live imo.

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            Anyone up to memeing tomorrow? Might be able to play during the afternoon into the night.


                                                                              I meant following the example of a grill who is also a high achiever (your sister). Tbh I don't know what they would do with their free time


                                                                                ay shit im watching a video on gameleap by BSJ, and that shit is so gud

                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  I'm watching a Sing video on Yt and I'm twice as happy.


                                                                                    I dindu nuffin. Whatza za fazk mek. Look at all this small innocent child. Right in the pooper


                                                                                      hey jacked im a high achiever i aim for 5k


                                                                                        anyone wanna join me lpq meme? just 1 game left

                                                                                        fear is the mind killer

                                                                                          Alice I think its a bit harder since 1k=2k=3k i think

                                                                                          the 3k bracket is ultra ez to climb tho. The real question is how good will you perform around 4k flat

                                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                            ez games ez lyfe boys

                                                                                            fear is the mind killer

                                                                                              btw Jacked is this your first account ?


                                                                                                nope. im 5k

                                                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!