General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior
    Tento komentář byl smazán

      u guys play with each other now? im jelly >.>


        yea i duino where are all the SEA scrubs. the only other scrub left is clement who is slowly turning 2k.


          hey jdf i heard you're a good tb any tips


            add me up if you want to party but i'm focusing on solo mmr right now


              idk i just dont find myself playing this game srsly anytime soon haha

              so im going full clement mode, playing mid on my smurf tho i play much lesser than him


                hey kagami. ur party mmr is probably too low to play with the big boys. u have to play with bws and apoo.


                  and haffy luuuul


                    okami kun is so good


                      clement (and to a lesser extent me) are probably 2ks right now xD

                      we can prob add u up tomorrow

                      i can play at night tomorrow btw so if anyones willing to play with my tniker just pm me


                        ur playing forest story mode? :0

                        ive had the biggest trouble with that fucking chapter 7 and hax final boss


                          i was hoping to get into yugioh but duelingnetwork was closed

                          rip my dreams of becoming one with the heart of the cards


                            word of warning kagami. bring your A game when you play with alice.


                              I would play with nick if I'm not busy becoming a tryhard academic shithead right now xd


                                apoo ded cuz studies btw
                                haffy ded cuz parents btw
                                renshin ded cuz shadowverse he has to take responsiblities btw
                                bws ded cuz he cant grind 2k to 3k btw

                                casual gamer

                                  in the mid game focus on pushing a lane with an illusion and getting every last hit while u autoattack jungle creeps. in some games u have to avoid the enemy team and just afk split push until your gold advantage means they can't win against u. in other games u can just deathball with hotd/dragon lance


                                    why r u giving him a warning im not 3.6k for doing nothing!



                                      I would still grind if that lightbulb incident didn't happen

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        HEY JACKED WHY DON'T U TYPE WHEN WE IN PARTI


                                          Because you're probably fucking muted and it's probably well deserved too anyway



                                            one of the matches u wanna kys after bc of techies tnx for the hero OSfrog


                                              time for shadow route


                                                i cleared final boss 1st try for some reason
                                                but the 7th boss was really hard and my deck blew


                                                  How much do u join fights as tb, and what do u do against hyper cancer lanes like undying and jakiro or sk with a crappy support? Both games i won with tb is because of insane dps with just manta and dlance, just getting ultras after ultras at like 20 min.


                                                    the final boss was retarded he wont go face at all even with atomeme

                                                    i lost the first time then i put an elf child may + nature guidance combo and i won

                                                    the 7th boss was fucking retarded especially with default

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      @sikiood for zohoor

                                                      im glad someone hates techies! this alone makes my day


                                                        btw shadow's 7th (or 6th?) boss is hard as well but not rly on par with forest

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          Let me get inside...
                                                          Your ass


                                                            Just played a tinker game. 4 of my core farming in every part of out jungle and i only get to farm lane and they feed jugg a lot of kills. Feelsblackman


                                                              Onice tea. Huh??


                                                                Fx why was your comment deleted?

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  either u kill people with meta or u pull for urslef with illus or u go woods

                                                                  u cant pull if they can dive u


                                                                    Ye i shudda rotated to jungle faster. I did with talon but not that early. Thing is i was not accounting for fed ass pa 5 slotted at 30ish min, and my items came rlly slowly. I think if i farmed better and my team fed less, or even if i farmed as fast as my team (and i once pa got items) fed we cudve won.


                                                                      Wut do u even play


                                                                        runecrafting is route is so fucking hard

                                                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                          Onice tea

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            GUIDE TO HOW TO WIN GAMES:

                                                                            TELL UR TEAM TO PICK ABADDON/OMNI/VENGE/LD

                                                                            GROUP UP AT 10 MINUTES

                                                                            KILL ALL OUTER TOWERS



                                                                            ----> GAME OVER

                                                                            BAN TINKER


                                                                              Ban sniper too?

                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                you only get one ban but yeah those types of heroes are what u dont want


                                                                                  Ive been coL run bristle a lot in elimination mode, and notail ran it mid to counter ember, could he see a resurgence to at least a situational pick.

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    he is so fucked by silver edge though

                                                                                    even in that game where only tiny had silver edge (most kiteable melee hero ever) he got fucked multiple times by it


                                                                                      Ye i saw it. It was pretty bad, but imo he went too utility i wud buy an ac instead of lotus or aghs and bkb instead of pipe. Personally if they nerfed his passive a little bit and added dmg reduction to goo (only a small amt, maybe 5% initial, 2% stack) he cud be better late game. Not as crippled by silver edge. Maybe make his ulti be an activation ability like meta with a cd or a toggle with a downside somewhere so as to make him better against break.

                                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                        he really needed the aghs idk if you saw

                                                                                        it makes it way way easier to kite people around becaus eyou dont have to turn 360 degrees to goo and go back to running


                                                                                          Ye its good when running, but idk it always felt weak whenever ive had it. Thing is when chasing i heard u have to stop momentarily (from purge) to cast aghs goo so its harder to hit when chasing


                                                                                            yo jdf when do u play today i wanna play with ya :(


                                                                                              time to check if main is still banned from buff

                                                                                              *still banned SeemsGood

                                                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                Jd is SEA superstar now. Lul


                                                                                                  My commend was deleted because i am racist to my own race. And last night at indonesia the server was down and i forced to afk vs 5 pinoy and my team are all indonesian. You can imagine what happen dude