General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Tento komentář byl upraven

      im going to join zero play soccer spirits

      he told me its a card game (!!!!!!!!) with more boobs


        but is it better?


          lmao tho my classmates who plays league thinks theyre good at dota

          keeps on bragging about how good they did

          while they totally ignored ignored the fact that im like 15-1 on bristleback with 5 slots 27 mins in seemsgood

          tho i guess i should give em a break since theyre new to the game


            idk imma play that shit cuz new xpac still isnt out yet and brave exvius has a fucking retarded energy system that wont let me play for 12 hours

            doc joferlyn simp

              Pee on them to show dominance.

              doc joferlyn simp

                Have y'all tried Paladins? :)

                BSJ. LGD

                  pro fukin tip: tech 1 dance 1 feena 1 goblinward in your decks if that class have weak tempo 5 drops and you win games. i replaced dragonicferver with these cards and i got an 8 win streak near 20k points. DANK


                    I think most league players who reached diamond can be 4k at dota 2


                      what2tech if i have bad turn 4



                          i have to admit tho, they have decent mechanical skills (theyre gold)

                          its just annoying when they have to ask about every damn mechanic every damn item build every damn what-to-do-this-minute while im playing as tinker

                          Tento komentář byl upraven


                            my toaster cant handle that game for sure so no


                              thats how i play take two!!!!


                                the extra gold though


                                    ? what if i only win 1 and win 25 gold

                                    can u imagine how irritating that would be?

                                    having that 5 gold that u cant use and cant turn to a zero unless u play another take two game and win only 1????


                                      what to do with FIVE gold

                                      why is twentyFIVE gold a thing

                                      they should all be zero

                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                        Oh boy

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                        i have 5 reports to use

                                          I tech ultimate carrot too, I also tried angelic barrage and frost, both are decent. I think keen and chorus are pretty good tech cards too(+2 attack and +3health). I also like 2 bell ringers in my decks and dislike unico because it doesn't do shit in this burst meta


                                            DO IT

                                            INSTALL IT

                                            PLAY IT

                                            doc joferlyn simp



                                                >grinding ranked for 0 gold and not grinding take 2

                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                  All leaders have good class specific turn 4 for tempo I think


                                                    hey at least i get to brag about my rank!!!


                                                      New cards from nicostream

                                                      Axe Fighter
                                                      2/3 3pp
                                                      Enhance 6, gain +3/+3

                                                      Elf Butler, Vist
                                                      Ward 2/5 4pp
                                                      When you play forestcraft follower who cost 6pp or more, reduce this card cost by 3.

                                                      Belphegor 4/4 4pp
                                                      Fanfare, draw 2 cards then set your leader defense to 10 if vengeance is not active for you.




                                                          i think necroassassin is the only good turn 4 drop tho, and u dont rly wanna run howl t4

                                                          and i dont rly wanna run something that kills my cards on an aggro deck

                                                          but well lyrial + conjurer is rly good as i said


                                                            A :((((

                                                            i have 5 reports to use

                                                              im contemplating whether I should go to A0 or farm winstreaks in B hmmmmmm

                                                              i have 5 reports to use

                                                                Yes double 2 drops evo is op as fuk tempo wise


                                                                  turtle are u playing ranked usually or only just for missions

                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                    dont go to a0




                                                                      u cant even rank down

                                                                      if ur A, youre A forever


                                                                        btw alice ur 2 drop priority (assuming u have all 3 on hand) on t2 is necro>lyrial>conjurer right?

                                                                        i have 5 reports to use

                                                                          I play ranked using my new meta discard dragon deck for fun sometimes, mostly for missions


                                                                            im only going to grind ranked once i have completed netdecks for all 7 craft i think



                                                                              "real time multiplayer ba- WAIT WHOS THAT"


                                                                                I cant even meme at aa0, I either play against tryhard a3's or tryhard aa0-3 who want to go masters


                                                                                  its mummy>conjurer>lyrial


                                                                                    wait is that how i do it, what i meant was if i have 3 on hand ill play lyrial

                                                                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                      A friend from another game who transitioned to dota 2, and I am helping him learn how to play xd


                                                                                        isnt conjurer more impt to play on evo turn for fanfare


                                                                                          Can you actually link your iphone sv to your laptop sv? Or do you need to make a new one? Whats a good aggro sword deck?


                                                                                            i meant to say if i have 3 on hand, i will send out the mummy first (forgot the name), since hes early game vanilla 2/2 and late game storm
                                                                                            if i dont have mummy i will send out lyrial


                                                                                              u can link them together.
                                                                                              have u rolled ur cards yet?


                                                                                                yeah exactly why i run lyrial turn 2 to save conjurer, they both deal 1 dmg but ghost is a body and sometimes a body is more efficient for trading (like if ur wanting to save lyrial effect)

                                                                                                also if u manage to have lyrial survive u can deal 5 damage with her + 1 ghost (isnt the case for conjurer t2 --> lyrial evo)

                                                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                                  I prefer lurching corpse into that green 3 drop summon lich into two 2 drops evo or urd or keen buff. Insaneeeeee tempo. I think urd is a great tech card in any deck.



                                                                                                    ohhh yeah ur right

                                                                                                    also mummy eats shadows better play that shit early or u wont be able to coco mimi howl

                                                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                      but running 1/2 and 1/1 on aggro shadow is slow

                                                                                                      and 23478 on nep decks makes it inconsistent