General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
let me say i'm the bigges...

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    Really makes you think

    Tomorrow, I'll get my clearance signed, Saturday, I'LL BE FREE

    Tento komentář byl upraven

      skullflame? picking haven in t2 LUL
      part of why shadow is so good is cuz mordecai is broken in t2 lol

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        i got shield tango salve branch at start mins also missed 5 lh in lane by mistake got pms and treads first and i got bf @13mins


          Tento komentář byl upraven

            it could go up to 150 i think


              >practicing farming in 7.03




                  Btw I just found out that you can tread swtich to int and use spirit lance and switch it back to agi and you'd get normal agi illusions hitting with efficient mana usage (thx mokondo)


                    Nigguh still on bot games lul


                      Nigguh said he's mainly practicing illu heroes

                      BSJ. LGD

                        LUL is that you abadass?
                        nice 5 wins nephthys deck btw but it lacks banes


                          Clemont doesnt look like an average pinoy
                          Take that as a compliment

                          BSJ. LGD

                            looks like a face of a player, why you wearing formal tho?


                              Clemont dota best memer support clemont dota
                              Clemont dota clemont spirit breaker best spirit breaker clemont dota
                              Clemont dota 4k loses to sub 1k clemont dota
                              Clemont dota gets grounded in 2017 clemont dota


                                Clemont dota not having PC in 2017 clemont dota


                                  So I tried some SEA dota on my main, got a 5.7k average which is fairly disappointing as that's what I usually get in Aus anyway, although it was a 5 minute queue without any sniping shenanigans. I lost pretty horridly and I can't really blame ping, enemy 6.5k voker took a giant dump on us, haven't seen someone carry that hard in ages.

                                  I'm not certain if I want to play all my ranked games on SEA because 130 ping is really annoying but I will play some more and if I manage to not lose I'll make it a regular thing. Game didn't feel that different to aus ranked tbh but the mmrs were much more even so I guess less total retard 4ks is a good thing. Haven't seen any of the infamous SEA toxicity, actually my team was pretty pleasant and when we lost the only negative comment I saw was someone saying Sniper was a shit pick (it was).

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                  LIL KASALANAN

                                    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA CLEMENT OMFG

                                    let me say i'm the bigges...

                                      That was 2 years ago, I was in my school uniform


                                        hmm. what about communication? can u communicate with them dont they all type and speak chinese and stuff?
                                        also poor me i play 210 ping every game and i feel ok about it :D least ping i got with this net was like 140 or smth


                                          what's done is done. where's nicky minaj


                                            Yo sup


                                              did u do the challenges? timings?


                                                Which one? Alch? I got 11min but i think i can make 10min


                                                  SEA the best server with a 10k GOD!!


                                                    Holy shiet i queue 4min for late night game wtf so long

                                                    let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                      It's always like that when you play at night lul


                                                        Its 9 pm here.. gonna play after everybody's asleep!!😁


                                                          Its 10 42 muthafucka and somebody dc so i need to requeue
                                                          Just wanna play injoker man

                                                          let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                            Almost 12 here, all the sea kids are asleep
                                                            Except for me
                                                            I still stalk the dotabuff forums


                                                              Hehehe lets kill them in their sleep


                                                                Nicky dota best dota

                                                                let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                                  I prefer playing against them and make them so sad they kill themselves

                                                                  Why would I dirty my hands with their blood when I can kill them the east way ;)


                                                                    8.30 and imma sleep till 4 am to play

                                                                    let me say i'm the bigges...

                                                                      Why am I being called clemont now
                                                                      Who started it


                                                                        Fuck this game no matter how good i supp i always lose


                                                                          You're probably just a trash support
                                                                          I have sick impact as solo slave on 2k
                                                                          Not that much on 3k tho, probably because of my hero choices doesn't fit the solo slave category and i run them that way


                                                                            You haven't seen my support😏😏

                                                                            mr. rabbit

                                                                              gonna play later from 10am onwards. who's up by then?


                                                                                What shud i play for when i can doto on saturday?

                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                  play dota obv xd




                                                                                      play with your daddy

                                                                                      also i win as sup almost ezly. the only way that i lose is one of our team's cores is THE ONLY way to counter enemy's core or worse, team like my last lich game it was a pa if i recall and we really needed him to w and abyssal but it was too fast for him brain i guess


                                                                                        Mk is fucking broken until 7.04. I killed mid 4 times in 5min lv 1 40% slow lv 2 2sec stun wtf is this? Too bad my tinker is fucking bad he went for 4401 build and the timing between dagger and dagon 1 is fucking 15min wtf is that


                                                                                          I prefer roaming type of supp


                                                                                            Tinker had the easiest game of dota i bet if its jdf8 he will go 50-0 on tinker


                                                                                              My dad is the worst video game player the world has ever seen and he hates dota cuz he thinks the games r too long.

                                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                ^i think so as well, your dads a smart guy


                                                                                                  daddy's dad woaw


                                                                                                    my beautiful winrate keeps going down and down i dont know any pos 1 to play tbh when i wanna pick pos 1 only jug and venge come in my mind and every single jug game i get raped


                                                                                                      How do u draft in battlecup? Go tryhard? I just love the strategy of drafting its so interesting

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!