General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion



      playing a 4k flat average game with sk


        waow ez game?

          Tento komentář byl smazán

            but nobody knows


              the new meme. Support leshrac killing the mid tower with no one noticing.


                The seatard have seen my meepo


                  i havent seen ur meepo. do u even know how to paly meepo apop


                    feeding non-stop on a hero does not count as having played it.


                      Feeding is also a form of playing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                        Good morning

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          Who wakes up at 5 AM in the morning during the summer lmao

                          mr. rabbit


                            because i have classes



                              Because i have exams

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                5 AM really? Rush hour that bad?

                                mr. rabbit

                                  my classes start 730am

                                  travel time is 1 hour, so i have to be in the bus by 630

                                  and i have to prepare before that. yknow, cooking breakfast, eating it, taking a bath, dressing up and bunch of other shit


                                    ^the sims irl


                                      Memes in back at 3.4 memes memes memes


                                        I wake up at 645

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          i dont feel like playing dota lately


                                            Lets quit together
                                            ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                            mr. rabbit

                                              lmao wtf is happening i was winning back mmr i lost then suddenly i dont want to play dota


                                                Hao to analyz replais properli?


                                                  Cuki halp plz

                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                    for a hero like AM i think its more beneficial to predict EVERYONE and how they interact with each other

                                                    its an extremely tedious way to analyze but i did it the last time i was on a losing streak with sb and figured out a lot of things

                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                      u do it that way since AM is largely a map awareness/game sense hero and by predicting literally everything and everyone you get to know ur flaws in those aspects

                                                      but it takes a lot of replays to actually work since you need to test if u can consistently predict everything

                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                        renshin ur steam profile is so fucking disgusting


                                                          That blink crush gank bait tho

                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                            if ur watching replays with the intent of analyzing them and all u remember is a highlight youre really doing it wrong


                                                              I wasn't rofl
                                                              I try to keep up with his mindset of why he do specific things, why was he there, etc
                                                              I learned some new stuff but I don't think it's enough for me to get back to 3.6 or it's just me getting unlucky getting paired with meme pickers every game which shouldn't keep me down in the long run (at least, and hopefully, only for now)


                                                                I have no map awareness or game sense. I just split push till I die on am


                                                                  I'll watch some cutnpaste replays later to compare different playstyles and find out the differences in their way of thinking

                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                    split pushing until you die is definitely viable

                                                                    as a support

                                                                    it's free info compared to buying wards, u can just count how many ppl ganked you and it frees up lanes

                                                                    sure you lose gold but u can use them up before you die and its not like you really "lose them" since u gained cash from pushing anyway

                                                                    only thing is you lose time, but its much better than what the typical support does which is afking follow their carry


                                                                      >split pushes
                                                                      >team tilts cuz I wasnt there to fight although theres a minus 100% chance of us winning that highground defense teamfight (or did they actually tilt because I first pick pos 1 to practice and they're such a whiny pro cucksucking retards where carries must be picked last cuz of how high their shitty minds' expectations are which is why they pick trash junglers and buy midas CUZ MIDAZ IS META AM NO WAN SUPPORT CUZ CARRY CANT FASF FARM)
                                                                      >4 dies without buyback

                                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                      mr. rabbit

                                                                        god damn man i feel you

                                                                        theres always these retard "support" players who makes the game an insufferable 1v3 or even 1v4 because he fucking pushes the wave all the time while building a quelling on es and steals my cs

                                                                        then he complains "am slow farm"

                                                                        ok that might be an exaggeration but u get the point

                                                                        thats why i gave up on pos 1, im not great in the role to begin with and its so frustrating to play with no space

                                                                        basically you have to make your own space as a non-space maker hero, hell no im doing that id rahter play offlane or roam and make space the proper way

                                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                          I probably should stop first picking heroes that should be last picked but I'd rather sacrifice some mmr to git gud than blindly picking meta heroes and doesn't grow at any aspect


                                                                            you see most of my hero pool seems braindead, well they actually are haHAA


                                                                              Just first pick spec. But not am


                                                                                I'm getting less cs on AM these days but I can make my own space and win teamfights WAY better now
                                                                                I guess it's better

                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                  i found that the best and earliest way to make space as AM is to just get proper creep equilibrium so as that u can get safe denies against the enemy offlaner all the time

                                                                                  getting lots of lh imo is not that worth it if their axe gains a lot of of xp from the lane alone. this means u get a 14 min fury treads pms raindrop or some shit but at the same time their axe is lv 10 11 mins in and youre basically screwing yourself over

                                                                                  you know this things kind of has a snowball effect. speaking as an offlane player i dont really care if ur an AM with 100 cs 11 mins in, if youre pushing the lane because u cant control the wave youre going to give me an 11 min blink dagger 99% of the time and im going to take all of your gold

                                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                                    this has always been my problem as AM; how come im still losing even though i get a 14-16 mins bfury? this is supposed to make me farm faster but how come im getting pressured by the laner axe even tho he barely did anything in lane? he didnt even kill me!

                                                                                    seems theres more to laning than that


                                                                                      i realise i consistently deny way more than anyone in my matches


                                                                                        i dont like just not dying in lane and farming well. usually i try to outplay the offlaner and force them out, or get kills. otherwise i dont feel like i've won at all


                                                                                          When i am playing safelane creep equilibrium comes by itself. Wo thinking i deny the creep pull the creep toward my own hero and things like that because i did cookie challange for some times. With that time i can use my brain to think what is mu win condition what should i do now. If creep equilibrium comes by itself you are a decent safelaner


                                                                                            Not exactly nicky
                                                                                            I'm the living proof of it


                                                                                              I think i will spam sf now


                                                                                                I'll spam spectre
                                                                                                Inb4 still gets cucked with -50 mmr profit everyday as usual

                                                                                                mr. rabbit

                                                                                                  i cant fucking get a proper lane eqilibirum, ever

                                                                                                  probably because im more used to messing it up than making it perfect


                                                                                                    I sooooo wanna try my mid aghs CK tonight. Who wanna be my illusion bitch tonight?

