General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


    Tento komentář byl upraven
    死の恐怖 Haseo



        they got their own solid carry too. They can 4 man quite well and leave jugg free to push with decent escapes in bladefury

        mr. rabbit

          AM is really good

          they dont have any catch at all (aside from storm, but really? xD)


            pick lc or axe


              I'm fine with battle cuck stack

              mr. rabbit

                lc is prob one of the best anti-splitpush hero in the game rn, so yeah she's good

                if u pick her first u basically guarantee urself a great AM game, EVEN MORE if they picked their supports + jugg first phase

                i think riki's also rly good against those heroes tho im not rly sure

                but since we talking about capt mode here and not all pick the pick phase could change a lot depending on who you change on ur lineup

                mr. rabbit

                  i would play battle cuck 'cept i dont have tix + its saturday evening. ffs

                  FREE PALESTINE

                    We had slardar offlane, disruptor and appa (me) for supports, mid ember and carry pl

                    mr. rabbit

                      well then you lost the game

                      the draft literally doesnt do anything against them


                        who needs a good draft when you got individual skills


                          Who needs individual skills if you got memes
                          Lets go seatard 1 protect 4 strat battlecuck


                            Ffs i hate abba smh. Dont do anything but farm. I rather have lc. Aa or abba? Either way you should have picked real offlane hero like ds or lc(i think ds is gud here) also pa seems pretty good to be really aggresive at mid game and end the game


                              That one is gonna be me bois the luna and tb god




                                  You haven't seen my carry bfury abba yet

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    disraptor + appa cant roam for shit. i also think aa is a greedy support + his utility is kinda low because it's all about his ult, with these two supports theres no way ur shutting down mid if the enemy even has the slightest amount of coordination in them

                                    that means these 2 supports were stuck bot, 'cept they didnt rly do anything cuz theyre both magical chip harass and omni has repel/heal so yeah

                                    u have 2 useless supports (at least for the early laning) that are forced to make something happen at mid or babysit ur slardar

                                    why do u have a slardar when the rest of ur team is magic? ember is magic, the supports are magic, if u went aghs pl then he's magic too. not only does he not synergize with ur team his strengths r also mitigated (u cant rosh) + he's a bad laner

                                    pl vs omni is definitely omni tho. he just clears away ur army in one Q cast + he has repel. ur safelane's basically dead unless ur PL farms like a god


                                      U havent seen my pl 😏





                                            is wr flat?

                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                              flat chest is the best

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                mr. rabbit

                                                  TOLD U SHE IS


                                                    NO, her clothes just make it seem that way

                                                    FREE PALESTINE

                                                      We just drafted what we were comfortable with like an average pub game lul, we geniunely fucked up


                                                        Treat every game like the TI finals.



                                                          gg noobs

                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                            run guys ! diox is here !!!

                                                            FREE PALESTINE

                                                              OH SHIT LUL


                                                                SEAtard.diox confirmed GIGALUL


                                                                  weekend dota is seriously fucked up. another abandon. wut

                                                                  FREE PALESTINE

                                                                    Jacked getting hs games now :thinking:


                                                                      the wr flat chest thread was locked

                                                                      FREE PALESTINE

                                                                        I was gonna edit my typo then dotabuff went like "not found" so I thought for a moment I got banned GIGALUL


                                                                          Banned lul


                                                                            Fx doesnt know why i got muted for a month ULTRALUL


                                                                              im high skill playa. i thought u guys knew all along i have 3.6k party


                                                                                If spectre is braindead why does jacked have sub 60% winrate with her :thinking:


                                                                                  she's not my playstyle.
                                                                                  i almost dropped below 50% that last game. lul


                                                                                    im almost certainly feeding a few deaths in early game. but of course i rekt them late


                                                                                      I know daddy is muted coz the thirsty shit.


                                                                                        i absolutely cant stand the slow pace of early game this meta, and with weak laners who cant do anything. any tips how to be more of a pousti in early game?


                                                                                          By picking early game pousti heroes


                                                                                            Can u stop buying a fucking refresher on spec unless you're against global ratlords


                                                                                              it's my 7th item. what else would i get lul


                                                                                                i think x2 haunt duration is stupidly good too


                                                                                                  More haunt uptime is better than double haunt duration and is pretty much the reason you get refresher, its like doing double blackhole in 1 teamfight its such a fucking waste (if its not your 7th item)


                                                                                                    but im a garvage spec. mark my words it'll be sub 50% wr soon. coach me plox


                                                                                                      Hao's spectre build is still one of the most retarded pro build I've ever seen