General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    7 days and we have not moved a page. Let it die boys

    chicken spook,,,,

      PA garbage hero


        Ur garbage and the hero you play naturally become garbage 🌚


          Pa is strong but not first pick material. Source: my games


            When will fx surpass bws so he can start shitting on bws who quit the game after stagnating.

            chicken spook,,,,

              bws who


                Man solo q game is too stressful for me. Lets just say i surpess bws when i got to 3.8k


                  I think pa is very strong if you pick her vs physical damage team. You can just buy vanguard and vlads and you will be unkillable

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    vanguard and vlads


                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Oh yea who cares about damage if your team told you to pick tankEr plz


                        3 word
                        Bws item timing

                        ma-ku hemburger country

                          yoyoyoyo anyone here

                          ma-ku hemburger country

                            haven't been on dbuff in ages gg this thread is ded

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Bws? Who?

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                If I ever see u pick PA and buys both vg and vlad as first big items expect to see yourself in LP



                                  KDA ratio is just a number!!

                                    Why loving LOLIS is borderline pedophilia?
                                    The term "Loli" became a trend in the anime industry. A loli is basically an underage girl but in terms of anime. Most people love them because of their cute actions and faces.

                                    The one thing that frustrates me is when others tend to take "lolis" sexually.This shows to you have taken an interest to underage girls. You are currently thinking right now that it's just anime showing that it isn't real. But you are wrong, It can inspire some to become a pedophile. Pedophilia is a major issue to the society.

                                    Stop taking it too far, dragging the real world with it. It's okay to just like them but not when you are embedded with lust. Limit yourself you disgusting weeb.

                                    chicken spook,,,,


                                      so is your classic 1k tanker bm tarrasque build on str heroes


                                        Mark my words, i will reach 6k mmr

                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                          "When" is the problem


                                            With the power of friendship we will reach 6k


                                              On vacation perhaps? btw let me know when you reach 6k @abyss watcher then we could play pt mmr together.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                Ok, wish me luck


                                                  good luck bro!!

                                                  KDA ratio is just a number!!

                                                    nice taste @focus on studying, good luck @abyss watcher

                                                    KDA ratio is just a number!!

                                                      Refrain from picking meepo against teams with lots of aoe damage/disables etc


                                                        Qop is such a garbage hero BabyRage

                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          Dude you're gonna drop my account back at 2.4k at this rate


                                                            Its a meme acc

                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                              Reddit Discord is calling me a bigot because I don't believe that 5% of accounts are over 6k and 15% of accounts are over 5k. What do I do? Pls halp

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                                people need to know that because dota is a free game, the percentiles are super fukd, i am a 50 percentile rank in overwatch which is a paid game. but im top 1.5% in a free game like paladins? what gives?

                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  I'm top 0.15% in osu and I'm still a garbage at the game

                                                                  KDA ratio is just a number!!

                                                                    halp how to win pt mmr!


                                                                      Keep seeing mentions of rick and Morty on this forum . I guess it’s like some sorta teenager cartoon or what ?

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        It is.


                                                                          DoTA iN 2k17 Lul


                                                                            Hao to mek irl frens

                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              By not being NIGGY ARMAN


                                                                                Ded tred


                                                                                  Im black to afk farming bois

                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                    NeVeR LeFt


                                                                                      You know the patch is boring when i am back to afk farming.
                                                                                      Lets hope next patch will be super fun again

                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        yeah 50k is too generous i think
                                                                                        i was thinking around 20-25k tho. unless the pro playerbase is actually rly small i think 20-25k is where it rly matters. 10k is top no matter what i rly dont believe there r only 10k ppl on earth who can get rllllyyyy good at clicking circles

                                                                               i em gud at circils

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          20 days until seatard's birthday





                                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                It's gonna be a party that gets attended by only 3 people or less

