General Discussion

General DiscussionReport Abuse

Report Abuse in General Discussion

    I'm sure half of players in low priority don't belong there and whatever the amount of games given to the other half that did deserve is no where near enough. But then there is a small part of the dota community that are far worse than feeders, far worse than cancerous players infesting the dota world. The report abusers. People are being put in low priority simply because they were trying to teach WITHOUT BEING A DICK. The report system is extremely biased, "oh you got reported 5 times in a row so I'm gonna assume you deserve to be in low priority and not for one second assume that you are just being matched with absolute dickheads who think they know better and probably like to gang up one people."

    Being put in low priority because they do things differently than others. Being put in low priority because buying an item that a team doesn't need qualifies for "ability abuse" even though ability abuse strictly implies a hero's abilities for example wisp relocate into fountain. Ability abuse does not qualify for anything else not even abusing report abuse (I know it should).

    So instead of being a whiny little bitch why don't you man up, accept criticism and don't report them person who is trying to teach you how to play. Don't report someone to the low priority pool when they don't deserve it, save the report for someone who is actually a growing tumour of the community.

    Thanks! :)

    rice cake

      Of course I'd report keyboard warriors. They are annoying as hell.

      Mary Poppins

        "who is trying to teach you how to play" you got my report for that ;) Dota is a game and people play it for fun, they don't want someone like you trying to teach them how to play. If they want to learn they know where they need to go, it's not your role to teach someone.


          You know there is a commend called "teaching" so you hypothetically abused the report system, and when I say teaching I mean giving small tips which is completely normal in dota. This includes "you should ward here because xyz or you should get this item because of this reason and I'm sure you've done something similar. "If they want to learn they know where they need to go" actually they don't you'd be surprised how stupid some people are.

          disgusting weebs

            ppl that give advice when it's uncalled for are worse than flamers


              everyone there is a toxic shit and 70% of ppl who are not in lp should be there


                most ppl in lp think they dont deserve the lp but they are so terribly wrong


                  U can say "Timber pls max first spell on mid vs Alch, it works very well."

                  Hey man somehow i didnt get lp for saying that. So generally u have to a supper anoying piece of 4k flat crap who thinks that ate all brains. 4k flat bracket was the most toxic bracket in my dota life mostly cos of "teachers" like u. But somehow u are stuck while im almost 5k now.

                  Although games near 5k are extremely exhausting and tryhard I prefer them much more than 4k flat whiny bitcchez.

                  U even had to make a post about it.

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                  Bosnian Blade

                    if u cant accept or give advice u shpuld just quit the game .
                    team based game with millions of possibility and some ppl are so idiotic thinking they know this game
                    srry bad eng
                    its my 4th lang.

                    Showtime |

                      "Who is trying to teach you how to play"you got my report for that;)

                      not arin

                        ppl that give advice when it's uncalled for are worse than flamers

                        shoutout to my 4k teammates who try to teach me after they go 1-7 and then get mad that im not listening to anything they say


                          Once I got low priority cause I owned in few games, people couldnt stand that and got team reports. Fellsbadman.


                            The few games I've played in LP (because of internet problems or helping a friend get out - never for reports) I've found them to generally be a bunch of people with flakey Internet and no more than one or two complete idiots.

                            Maybe there is different LP for abandons and reports but I've found the games more fun than normal and with less flaming and more tryhard.


                              dont give advice to ppl unless you are asked to do it


                                Don't play like shit and expect people to suck your dick for it. I'm most certainly going to call you out for it because YOU'RE LOSING ME THE FUCKING GAME.

                                I only report ruiners btw


                                  but when you play with bad teammates you have to. when your tm picks AM in game against Axe and PA how would you feel? normaly you start to whine and tell them. then they report you for telling them the truth and you have to play in LP for no reason.


                                    ur teammates are as bad as you are, and your opinion is just an opinion and not the ultimate truth

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                                      I like Hollywood undead bro.....but yeah here on australia server report system works well, im trying to be always nice...i didnt been in lp maybe year or something....also when i report someone - very often i get msg from valve they penalty that player which i reported so im pretty happy about it...everyone get what deserve. nice and you get never lp thats simply.....and dont try to tech someone ita so annoying, one of my game as nyx worst player who did nothing all match been complaining wtf i build deso when pa already have.....he been keep talk shit till i report him


                                        Sounds like you told someone how to play they didnt like it and you argued with them and tilted them. So they gave you LP. Deserved IMO.

                                        Lobster Johnson

                                          Ok Ill be very annoying, but reading this thread I get the feeling that many people think they are somehow better than others at the same mmr bracket. So Ill say this, if I would select people to report only based on these comments, heres my selections:

                                          Messages in numbers starting from the first one:

                                          1. Probaply report if you are really arrogant and just want me to play your way. And your way only.
                                          2. What are keyboard warriors? Not report because I didn't understand at all what you meant.
                                          3. No report, but this is pretty idealistic. "people play it for fun" Of course, but sometimes it seems that they play like really dead serious. And are ready to explode in anger immediately some bad play happens.
                                          4. You are right, theres a commend reason for teaching. Very rarely it can be used though because those players are really rare. No report.
                                          5. "ppl that give advice when its uncalled for" Um, there usually are not players who ask for advice. Its very rare. If you play im sure you can take advice like "please ward the roshan pit" "buy detection please, carries too, theres 3 invis/shadow blade heroes on the enemy team". If thats worse than flaming then flaming doesn't seem to be a problem to you at all. Honestly its a report. I usually mute flamers immediately and report too if they are really badmouthed and flame only about one player.
                                          6. Report of course. Thinking that everyone or most of the players are toxic shit means you have a distorted view of most of the players.
                                          7. Not report. Its pretty normal that people think they dont deserve to be in low prio. Theres almost always a good reason.
                                          8. The 5k guy. Yeah, pretty sure I would report. "But somehow you are stuck in 4k while Im allmost 5k." Damn, thats arrogant.
                                          9. "some people are are idiotic thinking they know this game" Ok, so you are not one of them right? Didn't quite get it so no report, but that comment was really bad. Unless its your english and you wrote it somehow wrong.
                                          10. No content on the message. No report.
                                          11. Its pretty rare that someone who goes 1-7 is telling others how to play. In extreme cases it happens and then you are right. But to generalize it, I think is bad. No report.
                                          12. You got to low prio because you owned some games. How does this happen, its again a very strange and rare situation. No report though if it really was only because of owning games.
                                          13. Yeah maybe, I don't know. Its been a long time since I was in low prio and if I remember correctly it was like that. Quiet and people just wanting to get out of there. No report.
                                          14. Again people don't ask for advice very often, allmost never. So you can't give advice like allmost at all. Strange view of things. No report.
                                          15. Worst and most toxic comment in the thread. You think its your responsibility to "call people out". For what reason? That they play bad? Report and hopefully never see people like this in the game. There are some of these which get insta muted and reported. That "YOU'RE LOSING ME THE FUCKING GAME" part is so bad its funny.
                                          16. I don't know, I guess you are right. Its a frustrating game some times. No report.
                                          17. Yes you are right. No report.
                                          18. True, if you have a nice and at least ok behaviour you basically never get to LP. No report.
                                          19. No report. Maybe this was the case.

                                          4 reports out of 19. And one who stood out like it was an example of people I would report. Pretty many reports and of course this would not happen in a real game, because there are not so many reports to give.

                                          Ok you can now call me anything for acting like im some judge here. I just wanted to give my view of how I (and many of my friends I play team mmr with) think. I know how arrogant this post sounds.

                                          I don't think the report system is flawed and rarely you get punished unless you deserve it. I think it could be more strict actually. My friend had 10 reports on his code of conduct summary and didn't get anything. He is usually just joking very harshly with and at the enemy, or talking complete nonsense. But of course many times people think he is flaming them and he gets reported. Usually he is pretty quiet and says nothing unless its really important. But if you can get 10, how many do you actually need to get some penalty?

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                                            Noo... They want to play dota for fun, but some other people would like to win. Wouldn't it just be handy if this game could be divided into an "I actually feel like trying" part, and a "I don't give a fuck, I might as well be placed with other people who don't give a fuck" part. I'm curious, if someone could do something better, and they don't see it, but you do, is it really uncalled for? To try to help them, so that you have a better chance of winning, and that they actually learn something? And no, actually, even 7K friends get low prio, and I can safely say, it's just people mass-reporting and trolling them. Yes, I think, there are people who aren't reported, that should be reported, but I'm 100% sure that plenty of people in low prio, don't actually deserve it. It's really sad. Yes, some people who are emo, and go feed mid, TOTALLY deserve it. BUTTTTTTTT... I can assure you, there are some pretty pleasant people, who somehow end up in retard prio. I think, if anything, it'd be pretty great if there was (not a report button for this, but instead) a button thing where you can vote "this guy/girl doesn't care, he/she's just fucking around, probably high or drunk", so they'll get thrown into not LOW prio, but some sort of "IDGAF" prio. I don't know, this is pretty hard to fix; honestly, just atttempt to climb, once you hit 6K. I THINK people actually start to care more, and fuck around less...?

                                            Just kidding. And for the record, to date, no, I have never had to play a low prio game that was due to my own account.


                                              I only Report peoples that write in russian Letters on EUW Server. Communication abuse


                                                The problem is that the most people try to teach like thise:

                                                "WTF You little idiot why u don't max w first! And why do you bought xyz? You are a fucking noob please delete dota!"


                                                  ^ That's not teaching that's flaming and a simple mute works so much better than a report.


                                                    Strange, I frequently talk shit in-game but I haven't got into LPQ except for abandoning games. Never been muted since last few years.


                                                      Re: first post.
                                                      Flip that around. 95% of people in LP deserve to be there and so many more people in matchmaking should be in LP or perma-banned. They dont give you enough reports imo...

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        I can often be a huge asshole to others in-game, but I've never gotten into low priority through reports. But yeah, condescending assholes that tell you how to play are the worst, and are a lot more irritating than people just outright calling you an idiot or pointing out how bad you're playing. I've had people try to act all nice telling me to always level last word as silencer on level 1 or point out exactly what skill order I should level as Jakiro.