General Discussion

General DiscussionClimbing MMR is easy to say than done!

Climbing MMR is easy to say than done! in General Discussion

    Hey Guys! Dota2 is my first online games and I played it for almost a year. IMO climbing my desired SOLO MMR is a hell. I mean, sometimes I won 3 games in a row then suddenly lose 5 consecutive games. It came to a point that I rarely played solo ranked for a reason that it gave me less fun, I'm little bit afraid that I'm going to 1kmmr so I decided to played rarely solo Que and just played party as much as possible because it gives me a lot of fun. So, any out there who experienced they same thing I did and how did you pull yourself from that situation until you reached your desired MMR or get out from that bracket? ****Sorry for my poor english****

    casual gamer

      i pretended ranked = unranked. worrying can only make me play worse


        how did i pull myself out of the un-desired situation?

        i stopped bitching and i ''git gud''

        so now, if i were to be given an account for your bracket i could literally win 99% of the games

        even those you think are un-winnable

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          I started my solo as 2.5K, now I'm at 3.3K. My own personal way is first to keep your game "exclusive". Play around 2 - 3 games a day and spend the rest playing unranked or bots. Second way is to be the nice guy because no one else will. Being the nice guy will hurt you of course. You will need to play not what you want but what your team needs (most likely support). You will need to keep chatting to ask your team what do you want to do now? do they still want to farm? do they want to do rosh now? do they wanna smoke gank and push?. You are not allowed to be salty to your team, fight their toxicity with your kind heart. They will end up not talking trash about anyone and "might" want to coordinate with you. Anytime you want to suggest something to your team, be as polite as possible (E.g. "Guys, do you think it's a good idea to push now?", "Maybe we need a stunner?", "ganking spectre might be good for us guys. here, I bought smoke for us"). Yes, it will kill you inside a bit. but you gotta bear with it. And, yes, I am still struggling to reach 4K too. I hope it helps, and good luck.


            Stop when you lost 1-2 ranked games. continue another day for a new start and a focused mindset


              2k games in a year holy mama what a gr8 life


                Got improved from 2.8k to 4.5k in 4-5 months. As already said was tryin to be nice guy. That's all. It works. And just remember as solo-player you cant win in the every match

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                  Thanks guys I'll try my best to apply your experienced / suggestions and maybe I'll post the result.

                  Yeah 2k games in a year maybe a lot. I just get addicted of it and I can't stop myself playing. I don't even care if I had a 10 games losing streak at that time. I played Dota just for fun. IDK this time I wanted to get high mmr or at least get out from my bracket.


                    Wut 2.8k to 4k in 4-5 months? How many matches did u play man?

                    Shikanoko Noko

                      for me, playing solo in 2k mmr or low bracket is like hell. you need to team with kunkka that cant even land one ship, shadow fiend fail mid, carry cant even do anything right. yeah is really hard to deal with.


                        I dont know exactly but mb 1k+- LMAO xD


                          ROFL how can u be so resilient? I got reduced to a potato after 3 matches in a row.


                            no one has it the easy way, it's either you stay and whine or you get good and actually climb. some people on this forum are quite fortunate to be able to get advice from all the decent players here i remembered when i started a year and a half ago i dint even knew dotabuff existed therefore i find ways out of the trench myself since i told myself i really can't stand morons like these.


                              fk all u guys who get 5k in 1.5 years. That shit ain't normal. Xd


                                Scrublord, definetely I had a problems too. Especially when I got some losestreaks. But If you just face it, that problem is not only in your team but in you as well. I did already admit, that if we are losing then the problem is in your teamplay ( I mean how you communicate with your team and how you gives info to your team etc.) Believe me I was reducing not only once to a potato. My motto is "just don't flame others it does not help anyone". Then you can get some winstreaks without anyboosting. (Sry for my english) gl hf Peace.




                                    @Madoka : you have 43% win rate in normal skill bracket (wtf 27% wr ranked?)
                                    you are the reason why your team lose

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                                      So what carmilla? Didn't you know that it's his team's job to win the game for him? Madoka Sir should not have to play well himself to win a game, he is special and unique and deserves to win them all because the universe was made for him and it revolves around him didn't you know!


                                        @Jacked sipping them salty tears lol


                                          Rofl zero I bathe in ur tears of cringe as well noob


                                            obviously saying the word ''git gud'' is easier than actually gitting gud

                                            but what should i know, i can get 500 mmr a month while the majority of the player base of this game can't get even get 200 mmr a year

                                            expecting to get to 9k without putting any effort in it is every scrub's dream, why else would they make the: How tu git vhs/ calib help plez/ predikt me memer threads

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                                              Have a winning mentality, whenever I solo que, I tryhard till the ancient falls. Most games are winnable if you apply yourself and dont give up.

                                              THE ONE WHO KNOCKS

                                                play 3 games then stop for a while, if you lose 2 in a row, stop playing and take a rest.

                                                dont flame

                                                play support

                                                dont let your carry die

                                                build aura items like meka, arc and if you can, go greaves.

                                                just dont flame your mates and enjoy the game. im 45% winrate but my rank mmr is 56% winrate


                                                also learn how to counterpick

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                                                Shikanoko Noko

                                                  w8 im the reason my team lose. pfffffffff


                                                    Thanks for all the comments guys much appreciated. I'll try my best to be a positive player as much as possible. No more shit talking or anything unnecessary. Arigato Gozaimas!

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                                                    CApo del dota...

                                                      i am 3.2k mmr i was 3k is the same i won 11 games in a row playing Pa mid or carry is very ez to play and u can win the game in 25-30 minutes

                                                      PD: I buy my wards, my centrys and always fight in the team fights

                                                      Don Piva

                                                        play hc, stomp other team
                                                        play offlaner, stomp other team safe lane
                                                        play mid, win lane, gank to win other lanes
                                                        thats how to get solo mmr
                                                        stomping ppl, not being carried


                                                          i just climbed from 650 mmr to 2k just play skill based heroes in the mid and jungle, learn to gank lanes, play push oriented heroes, keep a positive attitude with your teammates, and dont build anything too stupid. after a while experience will catch up with you and you climb.


                                                            I agree so much with the stop ranked doto if u lose. I tilt pretty hard when someone throws, abandons, or we lose a winnable game to dumb rng, bad decisions, or a misplay u realize right after. I tilt hard and just go ham and tilt even without the given situations i mentioned next game.


                                                              Just play and dont mind if its rank. Try to practice one hero and apply all of your learnings.