General Discussion

General Discussionis there something actually preventing you from gaining mmr?

is there something actually preventing you from gaining mmr? in General Discussion

    Q: Is there something actually preventing you from gaining mmr?
    A: Maybe a bit calmer enviorment.

    Q: in the last month, how much time did you dedicate to actually practicing/learning/thinking about/analysing the game?
    did it work out?

    A: Barely 2 hours. It kinda did, but results were too small to see. I don't try to learn/improve, because I'm lazy. And I'm. sometimes, tired.

    I've been as low as 3.1k and as high as almost 4.4k, and for the past 2 months or so, I've never been lower than 3.9.

    I'm currently 3895, and it's all my fault. I could've been 4k several times again, if I could just shut my mouth and play my own game.

    I tend to give up way too fast, I tend to tilt easily, and I get emotionaly upset when someone starts to flame me(most of the time).

    Last few weeks my peak was 4100 MMR, and I just had a break down and went all the way down to the 3850.

    They managed to pull my shit off and get to the 3970, but short after, got back to 3895(current mmr).

    Why? Because I gave up, started to whine, grief, troll, blame others and expect them to listen to me.

    Sometimes I have a complex I'm better than people in my MMR, which obviously ain't true.

    Any decent player is already 5k+, a dedicated ones are probably 6k+, so I guess who is below 5k is lost hope unless something big happens.

    I wish I can change myself and my aproach to the game, but I'm afraid it's harder than some people think.

    It's doable tho, don't get me wrong. Maybe I'll pull it off someday.

    But basically, for past 2 years, I had some milestones I wanted to reach, actually:

    ~got to the almost mid 4k
    ~calibrated 2 times smurfs respectivly on 4.3k and 4.5k
    ~Improved my laning/got a bit better at playing other heroes but SF

    It's a minor improvment, but it's not like I've been stuck in the same place. It just goes slow, because I don't give a fuck(or enough fucks).

    Maybe I've reached my peak, where I can naturally just improve out of the blue, so I guess now I have to work harder.

    Maybe I'm just not good at this game at all, who knows?

    But I'll tell you this;

    Everything I've been doing in my life has been kinda of just half. I never got fully into it. I always put myself half into something, and I step just with one foot.

    I don't know how to change this.

    Potato Marshal

      Goddamn pinoys, when they aren't disconnecting mid-game, they're diving the enemy team alone whenever we get even the slightest bit ahead. Dropped from 4.6k to being barely over 4k. Their heroes picks are awful too half the times. I miss playing on US East.

      BSJ. LGD

        nah mane its my teammates every game, i am a god


          Consecutive matches in a row with shit ton of meta abusers tilt me very much.


            Back in my days there was no age limit to be a badass!

            drops the mic. :P


              I only play to have fun now :) stopped caring about mmr when I realized I cant get mo ey out of it and focused on my job hehe


                I hope you are playin normal matches instead of ranked in that case.

                BSJ. LGD

                  Race to 6k anyone? I can commit after this week

                  La Lumière

                    Free time. I learn really fast but I need to practice those skills to actually remember them in game.

                    But it can also be the team kukli. I had a pinoy juggernaut that spoke broken english and went jungle to farm for 40 mins. Came back with a linkens only. Not even brown boots.


                      I'd race if i didnt hate the 5k bracket


                        @Cookie, why do you hate the 5k bracket, coud'nt be worse than 4k shitter bracket

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          5k is the new 4k


                            I found how shit I play today after playing mid against cookie lulz.

                            Potato Marshal

                              Goddammit, I hate my teammates so much. I just had a guy try to 4th pick a jungle void after I picked a roaming bh and our team had neither a safelane carry or support. He fucking rushes a midas, does 0 damage in a chrono, first item he rushes is bkb and ended up with a grand total of 0 damage items by the end with nothing but treads, midas, a morbid mask and bkb. He gives shitty advice the whole game like telling qop to get a veil. Worst is that the asshole starts sucking up to the enemy team at the end of the game and begging for commends.

                              I'm just going to quit playing ranked if I ever get a match away from dropping below 4k.


                                in future I'll be like: "yoshi isn't that old" just because I'm about to join the twenties club


                                  yes, my ultratilting, lack of motivation, also having difficulty to focus and stay attentive

                                  i would've been 6k for sure if i actually focused on winning every single game and improving instead of just grinding rankeds


                                    from kr's thread on gaining mmr

                                    i can guarantee you that if all you''re doing is spamming the find match button, you''ll never really get better at the game or at the very least you'll be improving at an insanely slow speed

                                    it's almost scary how much can i relate to this.

                                    Mic Check...

                                      I wanna get higher mmr but I'm lazy as fuck. I started playing my first moba game June 2015. I went full tryhard around November 15 to January 15. Tryhard meaning I was only playing to get better and learn new heroes. I was more watching replays than playing. But right now, I just do random stuff coz I'm in the 3k bracket and not bothered to do the work needed to get out of it. I calibrated horribly at 3.5k because I'm jus bad at calibration.

                                      I got lazy but I don't make threads or comments anywhere complaining. However when i do my best to win my teammates most of the time let me down.

                                      Basically what I'm saying is, I let myself down coz I don' try hard enough and I know that. But when I do, things happen that makes me want to stop tryharding.

                                      Dr. Banana

                                        I got lazy but I don't make threads or comments anywhere complaining.

                                        Basically me right now. I used to spam x hero is op posts but I don't do that anymore.

                                        Mic Check...

                                          I think a lot of people that spammed were more frustrated in the balanced patch of TI because their op heroes werent that op anymore.


                                            Miracle is Zohan, he have the biggest!


                                              I self conciously check my playstyle every time I play, objectively
                                              Helps me to polish myself without anyone coaching


                                                Sven still op


                                                  I calibrated at 900 mmr so dont worry


                                                    Truthfully. Don't know what's holding me back. I'm mainly a support player, but in solo game is just so hard. I don't play ranked often because it tends to make angry beginning of this month I went from 2.4k-2.6k in 2 days then every week I play one ranked match at a time and lose. My rule is if I lose a ranked I don't play anymore ranked that day. I went 1k-1.5k spamming warlock and 1.5k-2.5k spamming captains mode because I win 4 out of 5 times when I'm captain. But at this mmr can no longer find captains matches. I don't ever express if I do get angry and always choose the hero that best suits my team lineup. To exemplify my game play as a support I stack camps pull lanes and leave my carry alone so he can get solo experience.