General Discussion

General DiscussionValve needs to remove automatic punishment after being reported by a ...

Valve needs to remove automatic punishment after being reported by a players in General Discussion

    Too strong and if you have "1 report remaining" you can report anyone you want and get them punished.

    They should hire admins to ban or award players also watch the report system.


      u need to get a lot of reports within a short period of time in order to be sent to the lpq. no one gets there randomly.


        Automated system: flaws exist and need improvement or redesign over time

        Manual system (admins): amount of people needed for making the system increases with the amount of users; needs consistent judgement or values among the people involved to make sure decisions made will be correct for most of the time; deal with waste of resources in case of people misusing the system (not to mention how to punish them if needed, which makes the scenario even more complicated); manual evaluation of situations when there are millions of them (even if there aren't millions of people playing Dota, think of the amount of reports you had used since long ago); making it necessary to increase the number of reports dealt with to not give the players an impression of "my reports are getting ignored"

        Manual system (players): contradiction exists either you are awarded to verify or falsify a report (i.e.: defeating the purpose of reports); not much help in recruiting players if no incentive exists; quality, judgement values and intent of these players who watch the system remain questionable and are inconsistent; now people may be able to irrationally punish/protect someone for him being a famous player (e.g.: SingSong)


          I queued into a 4 stack two games in a row and had idea. It's like walking on egg shells in hindsight. Unranked should show parties. At least you know to shut your mouth. And they always have one pleb in their crew so you think to yourself why the fuck is this guy so much shitter cus you don't know at the time. I've had huge blowups cus of this cus they defend their mate ofc. Only realizing this now that dotabuff shows parties

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Its always been possible to see parties after games, but I agree it would be nice to see who's in a party before the game starts.


              I played with bad players during 1:00am and 5:00am which there are no bad players during that time but when I played in 1:00am there are still bad players which i don't understand now I need a friend to help me win again by creating a new one because i can't pick right or play what i want because they choose nukers over carries and support over hard carries its hard to communicate while chat is muted.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                reports from players from the same party do not stack since very long ago


                  I knew you were gonna say that, I know that. But it would help me a great deal if I knew


                    kys guy strikes again


                      and theres nothing wrong with the report system, valve always want to improve the game so it get less toxicity in it


                        Man fuck off you can get tilted as shit by parties and they tell the other team you the bad guy I could give a million scenarios but I have never fed couriers or walked down mid and I was in and out of low prio like Benao at one stage. I just muted all chat and it solved my problems but its unranked whats the big deal. It takes like 6 games min to get out of low prio I don't play this game to sit in LIMBO

                        Luis Miguel joven

                          The system knows you are a feeder


                            Does it now, can you read my horoscope as well?


                              only 2 reported me for no reason and then it increased to 4. this is false reporting abuse.


                                my last lpq games was from a consecutive abandons cuz a power failure, sometimes i get 1 or 2 random report but insufficiennt to get me muted/lpq. mb it cuz of sever prob, or mmr, or ur the toxic itself

                                Dire Wolf

                                  the problem is people report people not for being toxic but because they are toxic and tilt and go gg carry no items min 30 and report you. Or gg support no wards and report you. It's fucking stupid and if you say anything to defend yourself you get more reports.

                                  I only report people for constant whining and flaming or actually ruining games, not just bad play. A lot of people see reports as a way to punish feeders those mids who go 1-10 for example but that's not the purpose unless it's intentional feeding.


                                    The system is somewhat broken imo when you get an abandon and it gets you into the same pool / behavior score as reports for intentional feeding, comms abuse, trolling, etc.

                                    Once you get stuck with that you have to basically mute everyone for 30 games and pray they aren't reporting you just because the team lost the game and they accurately or inaccurately blame you. If you acknowledge them at all it gets downright nasty and even the most calm collected player can tilt.

                                    Also all pick should not be a mode for ranked. That shit is cancer, 9 out of 10 games people are fighting over core roles and jungle if they aren't a core regardless of the other teams picks or lanes. Some games are an uphill battle before the clock starts.


                                      1 more. a envy player reports me (the enemy team) for no reason. Is that automatic or observed by the admin?

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        all pick shouldn't be a mode for ranked? What would you like then, some random douche doing the draft?


                                          Back when ranked first came out it was random draft, captains draft, or captains mode were the popular modes because you didn't end up with completely shit picks. You avoided all pick mode like the plague because you could end up with three people arguing over mid or safe lane core. Basically what you have now unless you want a 10-20 minute queue.

                                          Imo single draft should change to where it's a random six hero pool and you get two int, two ahi, two str heroes to pick from.

                                          Or hell, make it so you can do a smart queue with preferences on rolls and lanes, language, etc. That way if you want mid you can put that in before you even queue and make it a priority and remove a whole lot of bs from this game.