General Discussion

General DiscussionSange & Yasha waste of gold?

Sange & Yasha waste of gold? in General Discussion

    is Sange and Yasha useless in late game? Also when should I get it?


      It is a good item that can give you chase, dmg and health early-mid game if the other team doesn't really have much spells that you need to dispel...late can still be good, but in the end its situational..lets say first or second item can work...but most of the time honestly Manta is better due to the dispel...that shit can save you in the most f'ed up situations


        If u feel like u dont need more important items (u have enough dps, survivability), than keep it. This item lets u run ultrafast but it definetely should be switched with something more expensive when needed

        Dire Wolf

          It's good on tons of heroes, but not the best on most anymore. The build up is a cinch which is part of what makes it so popular. You can buy a +6 stat item right off the bat, then a +10 one, then complete the recipie. Compared to saving 2100g for a manta orb that's really nice. But the ranged maim got nerfed a ton and echo sabre has replaced it as a better item for many heroes, plus manta + diffsual combo is really hot right now.

          For example, void and jug are both good carriers of s&y but manta + diffusal is much better for them. Wk, naix, sven, slark and riki echo is better now and generally they only want one mid game item. Yasha is amazing on medusa but since the maim nerf idk about upgrading to s&y fully. Only heroes I'd probably build it on for sure are sniper and dragon knight, sniper cus I just don't like manta on him and he needs move speed and hp badly and dk cus echo doesn't work on him in ranged form and he needs move speed too. I used to build it on drow and ck sometimes but manta illusions are much stronger for them.

          Tento komentář byl upraven
          casual gamer


            this game for example, i get a very fast sny and because the game is super low skill theres constant fighting and the early game ms + maim proc ends up creating an unstoppable snowball and i win the game super easy


              the items is poor compared to dragon lance, echo sabre or manta (as dire wolf already explain).. i honestly think it is a bad item..

              Dire Wolf

                No it's not bad, it's just not min maxing your hero in most situations. It's not bad in the sense that mask of madness is a bad item right now. Or desolator is a bad jug/sniper item.

                casual gamer

                  im sure something like pike deso sniper is legit against huskar


                    dude dragon lance is the new sange and yasha nowadays, nobody builds it anymore. check my profile on my most used items on meepo. i have 70% win rate no joke just check my profile


                      Sny is core on Razor and maybe Troll, and that would be it.


                        Sny is now really only built for the maim, cuz almost anyone who wants to pick it up for the stats can get lance. On Crow, sniper, eben though it was nerfed it can still help against ur trolls and Sven's and ursas who get rekt by kiting

                        anime is the best :3

                          it's a comeback item / fed right click offlaner item

                          Livin' Real Good

                            I was just thinking about this item, they need to make it 4000 gold or something, and maybe add a little damage, manta style totally over shadowed it.


                              imo, its a good item as it is


                                Its more situational now than it used to be which is fine really. Plus we have an illusion meta so naturally manta wud be superior

                                EE VASYA

                                  thank you lads!

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I forgot about troll, but even there Idk if it's core cus echo is pretty sick on troll, he needs bkb and sometimes you go silver edge which would probably replace s&y. I mean if you go phase, aquila, echo, dominator, bkb, that's like a full troll with tp scroll at ~20-25 mins, though of course you can sell aquila.

                                    Razor too it's very good. And it's pretty good on a carry abaddon.