General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the best way to move the camera?

What is the best way to move the camera? in General Discussion
wood enjoyer

    I have been using edge panning for a long time. The only thing that started bothering me is that it is hard to block creeps that way. I know some of my friends use WASD keys to move it, and some click and drag. Which method method of moving the camera would you recommend?


      For me I make short and fast adjustments to my point of view as I block. Iunno how else I can say this lol

      edit: I try to keep it to the edge of the opposite of the direction it's going. Ex: if I'm safelane top dire, I'd try to keep the view of the creeps closer to the right side.

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        I use edge panning too but when i creep block i hold the select hero button so that the my screen follows the movement of my hero. This helps me creep block better.


          im always using edge pan and its not that hard if ur accustomed


            idk i just move screen with mouse if im playing tinker im superfast and get headache


              i would like to have camera so i can move up with mouse little and he can slide up fluidly


                It's not hard to block with edge pan u scrub. U just need ninja hands. Or hold select your hero so camera follows u


                  Always, always use your mouse and only your mouse!

                  edit: what @nubtrain is saying

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                    I've always only used WASD to move my camera haha

                    Livin' Real Good

                      " HaHa! "

                      Salza 2016



                        pls be patient very noob ...

                          How do you play on full hotkeys AND dedicate more buttons for the camera?



                              Fuck keyboard camera edge pan ftw

                              pls be patient very noob ...

                                Numpad item hotkeys in 2016 lul


                                  F for forward l and r for left and right and B for backwards


                                    DOUBLE TAP YOUR HERO PROFILE.

                                    not arin

                                      i often drag cameraby holding mouse wheel
                                      lot of people told me that it's fucking retarded and that i should use edge pan (although this seems more logical since my mouse is in the middle of the screen where stuff happens)
                                      also i broke like 3 mice just because of clicking mouse wheel too much