General Discussion

General DiscussionDo u feel bad when u fail carrying your team?

Do u feel bad when u fail carrying your team? in General Discussion

    Espically when supports didn't feed.


      Of course, they trusted you after all. Feelsbadman

      casual gamer

        really bad @_@


          Depends, if i was doing well and made poor choices that ended up not allowing me to carry then yes i feel bad. If somebody is willing to come to your lane to wipe your ass they are counting on you for a win, and if you cannot do that then GG




              Not in my last spectre game

              Mary Poppins

                ^ the diffusal is in the chick I suppose ?

                clueless clown

                  Yea man i feel fucking awful. But at the same time it feels fucking amazing when u surprise ur mates with a good sweep


                    no, because fuck them


                      Almost never happens but I guess if somehow my 4k supports did work and I failed to carry I'd be more mad at myself than sad.


                        i always feel bad when i perform poorly, no matter what my role was; and i play like shit in most of my games

                        Super Speed Snail

                          Especially when they aren't flaming.

                          Those flame kinda help if you lose, giving justification, that those toxic people dont deserve the win.

                          Have using spectre a while ago. Game goes 70 minutes, two supports managed stall the game long enough with wards, deward , stacking, high ground def, and many more.

                          Though, with all of that, I cant mop the floor with enemy heroes. Then lose.

                          I suck. I know it, they know it, I know they know it.

                          I was ready for flame barrage, but they said its fine, no prob, dont think about it.

                          Man, I ashamed to the core. The least I can do just giving commendation.

                          L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                            Sometimes I feel bad if I know I itemized wrongly. But then 99% of time before I get to that stage I've been flamed 100+ times for "passive farming" as spectre or AM so if I ever feel bad I remember those times.

                            2k indog monkey

                              Yes, I feel very bad, even if the entire team was toxic as fuck
                              Unless the supports did nothing, AAed the creep wave, didn't ward, or create space, and took space instead


                                Wait a moment...
                                Carry players with feelings??
                                Were are you guys I only see carry people that complaing about the supports when they are 0/14/3


                                  This is what arteezy must feel hence "babyrage" was born


                                    I am pretty mad at myself on a regular basis for the mistakes I make, especially these couple days where I was tricked to play carry.
                                    Never again.

                                    4pos pudge/grim only

                                      its kinda twisted because when i carry the team well, the opposing team lost, and its their carry who got flamed by their own teammates tho i can see him try his best, i feel kinda sad for him. but when i failed to carry the team, it feel so bad that i will only play supports for the next few games until i recover. *sigh* *play sad music*


                                        i feel but rarely fail


                                          If u fail coz ur mistake.. Ofc its feel bad.. But if u fail coz ur teammates didnt supp u enough.. Its another story..

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            even if my support were retards, but i know that they at least inadvertently gave me space to farm (by throwing themselves 1 by 1 at the enemies, making them chase my teammates), i feel super bad

                                            angry too mostly at myself for not maximizing every resource i could get a hold of

                                            clueless clown

                                              Its unfortunate that people get so overwhelmed when losing rankedgames that they blame people despite them actually giving their very best. Funny incident today. I hovered over meepo in the pick phase and immediately someone said " f u. I report if u pick meepo. U stih" he said this because in his last game some guy fed as meepo. This even shows that ppl get so attached 2 mmr that they carry their grudge to the games 2 come. I carried him in the end. Work 2wards a better community.


                                                i feel bad even when i do well cuz i am not 4k yet sad story


                                                  Obviously yes lul... that happen when i pick sniper but got counterpicked so hard... im about to last pick but my enemies pick their hero later than me


                                                    i feel bad not for them but for myself

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      dying like a retard without buyback or making a bad decision lategame makes me wanna kms afterwards even if it doesn't lose the game by itself


                                                        How did this heart-warming thread pop up? Why is my gay thread blocked?


                                                          ^mods r drunk.

                                                          and nope, cuz i never play carry lul.


                                                            If I can't carry it's usually the teams fault

                                                            endless grinder

                                                              Get angry and cry cuz i failed my team ;_;

                                                              If the team actually decent not flaming

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                i feel so bad bcs disco pony does his best, i failed him