General Discussion

General DiscussionAny good way to climb and improve skills?

Any good way to climb and improve skills? in General Discussion

    i want to climb 3k 2.5K pls is there a way to get better


      spam 1 role with 2-3 heroes
      ex: offlane:timber,sk,void


        spam a hero that can do everything(splitpush, teamfight, farm jungle/ancients)

        watch a pro player play that hero, try to copy everything he does


          like magnus for exemple.


            i think i gonna play some nature's prophet




                pick nature farm at cliff = autowin

                Luis Miguel joven

                  Spaming a mono lane draft won't work, you have to learn to counter pick and buy situational items, try to make a every role draft


                    thanks i agree @twice.momo


                      How are you 1K? WTF

                      Putins Price Hike

                        play core. playing support will never raise ur mmr


                          im 1k bcz i played ranked when i was bad a bit


                            learn tinker download my last game tinmer and see what i did


                              If you calibrated after playing 150-160 games then rip MMR :)

                              For 1k spam venom. Do 4min lvl 6 jungle ring of Aquila raindrop boots to.

                              Go kill enemy buahaha it works in normals kill like charm. And the best part free wards.

                              If carries are good at farming make GG one of the best item in game and with your fast farming capacity and free jungle as noone really farm jingles that much you can own the game.

                              Also if carries are dogshit make bot
                              Euls force staff etc depending on lineups. Agh bkb whatever. Hell I made desolate and manta in normal skill and stomped them.

                              Normal skill is basically 1k- 3kish sth and I see lot of 3k in my game. Even they aren't capable of handling early lvl 6 or 5.

                              Also ward enemy camps buy all ward fuck their camps so they don't make comeback.
                              By playing venom you can learn a lot about positioning.
                              But it will be tough after 2.5-3k players there will be supports and enemy can counter you.

                              PS: don't feed snakes unnecessarily to enemy


                                don't listen to people about chosing which hero you should spam

                                it maybe works for them but it probably won't work for you

                                pick your own heroes and learn by yourself


                                  ^agree with this guy :D


                                    git gud!

                                    casual enjoyer

                                      Climbing to 3k is the most painful climb ever. Just take a few months to get better, play unranked and play every single hero, watch pro games and watch the replays of your losses and find the mistakes. Then make a smurf, calibrate 3kish, play on there for a while till you git gud then get better again and climb to 4k.


                                        there are a lot of account buyers at 3k where they bought their account with 4k mmr before.


                                          Don't be toxic and encourage your team or you can motivate them don't get tilted..don't give up and stay positive it's about your character

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            @naruto : DATTEBAYO LUUL

                                            AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                              i think u must try to know your roleplay, cause everybody is different. and try to spam and know 2-3 hero you can play as well and >50% win. set your mindset too


                                                hard when you 2,8k to 3k, just try your best and good luck