General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips to improve my meepo?

Any tips to improve my meepo? in General Discussion
Mute All Enjoyer

    Hyeeelp :(

    Super Speed Snail

      I'm on mobile so cant see your replay.

      Have you try turn on quick cast on poof? And blink dagger too?

      I never try it by myself, not that often to use meepo too. But I read some people increased their meepo play significantly by doing it.


        if you are a good meepo player then uninstall, XD make my life easier.


          Depend on you're MMR league bruh.
          but learn to know what's the (worst versus and best versus) and learn how to stack camps.
          And 2 dragon lance is not necessary.
          one dragon lance is enough
          travel, aganims, dragon lance and dagger if you're item is like that already you don't need to buy more lance but you buy scythe(hex) and Ethereal blade, learn to communicate with you're team mates too.
          Meepo should be partner with disabler/stunner or with Silencer to make him more effective


            Here some normal skill advice:

            Mid against ranged u just sap exp until lvl 3 and stack camp near ur lane

            Against melee zone him with poof

            Aghs below 20 min for ns pleb like me then stack lance like me


              2 lance is fine. Tbh u can buy any number of lances if u don't need anything specific. Eblade for DMG, hex for disable, heart for tankiness, skadi for stats.


                buy 2 lance only if you dont need any detection item which is a rare scenario. So just buy 1 lance so you can get hex/eth etc. for your last item slot
                no need to spend another 2k gold coz u're gonna sell that immidiately for better items anyway


                  BoT aghs blink 2x dragon lance 22 min end the game


                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    well that's normal bracket bruh