General Discussion

General DiscussionChen talk - (secret to mmr) :O

Chen talk - (secret to mmr) :O in General Discussion

    so after a long break i began to play Chen on this account again after watching VP.Lil stomp face with it
    i see the potential of the hero, I am by no means puppy.

    5 wins 1 loss today. and feeling quite confident, although i do struggle playing chen from behind, however he is incredible when playing from infront.

    There have been alot of changes to chen's overall gameplay, and what creeps you want for certain scenario. The changes to holy pursausion bringing creeps too you, and the jungle means chen is quite a mean splitpusher and you can farm at quite a rapid rate if you can keep control of your creeps.

    I'd also benifit from input on your thoughts on creep compositions.

    Generally, i'll always start on the hard camp and double stack 2 camps at min 1.

    I'll prioritise Aghs in a game where i am winning, and mek in a 'close' game, always after arcane boots and wards (bought out)

    'Ancient Thunderhide' - So i only just descovered the true potential of this creep, Not only does it give a passive 15% bonus attack speed and damage buff, but its active (frenzy) is a 75 Attack speed active that you can throw on your carry for 8 seconds, with minimal downtime.

    'Ancient Dragon' - Pretty much jakiro, i'll take this as my highest priority of Anceints. The creep can frontline, clear creep waves and in general is pretty neat.

    'Ancient golem' - 15% bonus hp is no joke, Its a brick wall that can hit a tower, however it hits like a kitten. I used to priortise this over thunderhide, however now thunderhide is my baby.

    'Mud Golem' Abuse - Mudgolems have a neat feature where you can kill your own one, and it'll spawn the shards without taking a (holy pursausion slot) Which means, Technically. out of 1 mudgolem camp. You can have 2 shards and 1 mud golem at lvl 1, If you put your mud golem into deny range. You can nuke someone with 3x 125 damage mini stuns, Deny your mud golem and throw 2x 125dmg mini stuns at lvl 1. This is enough to kill any hero in the game at lvl 1 full to nothing.
    I rarely try and throw the full 5, however i very often will setup my centuar or troll net etc with 2 golemite shards

    I find that i used to love my Troll camps (nets) however recent games i always find myself trading them out in order to get satyres or wildkins (fastest farming, and good for zoning mid/offlaners)

    Last game my Rng gave me 4 satyres, so i litterally just ran around nuking everyone and pushing towers with my aura, They give you a farming option and a killing option (requiring a setup) so they are very viable creeps.

    Wildkins - God tier, These things destroy mid's and blink initators. Often in games i'll have 3-4 of these and setting up tornados in all the 'initation positions' around a tower. I may be valuing them too high, but they are actually insane.

    Purge satyre - Situationally incredible, The creeps good just look after it as it has no hp

    Ice ogres - The frost armour on this is a killer, 8 armour from 1 pursasion, don't mind if i do. Generally as we transition to midgame i'll keep one of these handy if i can.

    Centuars - The staple creep for a chen, you can do neat tricks with blink chain centaur stomping people with 4 centuars. but the creep is overall solid, however i find it the worst lvl 1 creep to spawn, and lategame i generally favor auras as the enemy team just rofl stomp my centaurs.

    Ursa's - Clap is dope for ganking before 10mins, useless after that.

    Mana troll - I like sending these to my safelaners if i'm in the neighbour-hood and have a slot/mana to spare. It's a mini CM aura.

    Harpy - This creep i rarely play with, I love the utility and the fact it can zone a mid/offlaner or even kill them by itself. However my standard jungle rotations usually dodges the small camp. If it was trilane vs trilane and i was needed in my safelane, i think this creep is the best in the game. i wont walk past one if i have a slot, however its quite a distance from the camps i'm usually farming.

    Alpha wolf - 30% damage buff. - God tier lategame.

    My playstyle of chen changes between what Creeps i get, With wildkins i'll focus on stacking/farming and harassing mid.
    With trolls and ursas, i'll usually spend alot of time ganking mofos.
    I feel significantly more comfortable stacking camps and farming them, then popping out of the jungle at lvl 5, 3-4mins into the game. Than being lvl 1-3 and just zoning offlaners/mid heros with my creeps.

    Lategame, Thunderhide is absolute god tier, I honestly had no idea.

    Generally, in an ideal situation i'd want as many wildkins as i can, 4 tornados is a significant AOE and if someone manages to get stunned under it, they can do 45 dps ea, which add's up, the major reasoning is cancelling blink daggers though. I could be wrong with stacking wildkins, however it just feels incredibly strong.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno



        ^stay normalskill


          Sure thing 😊


            You still have an overall 46%wr on this acc with chen

            I'd like to see more justification than just a 5 winstreak


              I have annother 50 chen games on peekaboss @ 67% (My trihard smurf, that Veno jungle that i showed you in one of your streams, before it got super popular)

              however, like i said. I'm by no means i great chen player however in mid 4k to 5k players struggle to play against/with chen, so you either Rofl stomp people with him (they can't play against it) or you get stomped (your team mates can't play with it).
              I find him very difficult to play with from behind (I'd like insight) however, when you're playing from infront i think that the hero is incredible, especially because he can dominate the early game.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                Before posting such posts, reveal ur mmr. Im not gonna read what uve written unless u r 5 k or sth


                  Would have commented but you're just some kid who views others being normal skill as if they are shit. Don't post on a community thread and get bitchy about it.
                  Don't be a little hoe tbh

                  casual gamer

                    i love chen honestly, he brings so much utility to the table and crushes the early game


                      @jdf8 Yeah, his earlygame is one of the strongest imo.

                      Do you have any thoughts on playing chen from behind? or is 'playing chen from behind auto lose' Because you didn't capitalise on when you were the strongest.

                      @plyo. 4k5 however i've had smurfs at 5k before dropping back to 4.8k but generally, i play 4.5k give or take 300mmr


                        Me playing Chen is always the same. Go offlane. Rekt enemy safelane together with my offlaner, then lose cos carry forget that he needs farm.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          For me as i see him, Chen is amazing on offlane. Crucial is to have a decent offlaner that can gank like SK and not block enemy big camp.

                          Shitstorm in enemy team then begins. Rarely anyone can stand such a pressure but ... the rest usually depends on your cores anyway.

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